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Old Forum StrongFirst and Crossfit , again,

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Level 3 Valued Member
A long a passionate thread on Crossfit...with most of the posts against CF, ok.
I looked at the SFG course, in Australia and find one in Brisbane in August, what a luck, workshops back in down under. Jumped on register and...the venue is a Crossfit Gym, with no one SFG certified ? What are the requirements to host a SFG workshop or certification ? There is are few good SFG certified in Brisbane asking to host workshops and certifications, and wonder why a CrossFit gym ?
Not the course in Perth, in Brisbane in August.
There is 3 SFG in Queensland and with Pavel since 2010, certified in USA with the Taugth certification, double bells. I never met Tim, I just know he pass his HKC last year in Melbourne and the RKC last year in Melbourne also. I don't find any SF certified in this gym in Melbourne, and Tim I have an e- mail from Tim explaining clearly that Crossfit is not good, this why I am surprised ?
An SFG course or cert would require a suitable facility stocked with enough kettlebells and with enough space to train however many people. Very unlikely to find anywhere else in Australia outside of Melbourne like that other than crossfit gyms.
I think the question you are trying to ask, Christine, is whether StrongFirst and CrossFit are compatible.  I say yes they are.  Having said that, I may now be run off the forum for heresy, but perhaps not.  A good approach would be to start with a strength workout.  Pick an exercise for the day and do your favorite strength protocol with it whether that is Pavel's PTP, Wendler's 5/3/1, or something else.  Then do a WOD after.  Interestingly, in his second edition of 5/3/1, Wendler discusses how to incorporate CF into 5/3/1. He suggested doing a CF WOD in place of assistance work or doing it on another day in place of conditioning work.

There are intelligent ways to implement CF. Unfortunately, these ways are not coming from Glassman and his "HQ" team.
There are intelligent ways to implement CF. Unfortunately, these ways are not coming from Glassman and his “HQ” team.
Crossfit is not a universal idea, it is the invention and intellectual property of Glassman's company. Crossfit can be stripped away and the elements which it borrowed from other athletic pursuits can be again purified to be focused, rather than haphazardly copied.
I think the question you are trying to ask, Christine, is whether StrongFirst and CrossFit are compatible.
The decentralized nature of it, means that anybody can basically do anything under the Crossfit Inc name.

Crossfit is entirely compatible with SFG is programmed properly.  There's plenty of great coaches out there who have a knowledge that is not limited to the basic Crossfit level 1 certification and use Crossfit as a way to get people into the door.  As Robb Wolf puts it in his critique of Crossfit (video posted in the other recent Crossfit forum), the best Crossfit gyms are the ones that do the least Crossfit.

If the gym just buys a bunch of kettlebells and bumper plates and plyo boxes and posts the daily WOD on the whiteboard, that's a problem gym.  There's plenty of coaches/trainers that will work focus on your basic abilities, tailor-make workouts to your skill level and use smart programming that don't promote bad form or dangerous practices.

As I said, if you find one of these gyms, it's likely that they just use the Crossfit name to get people into the door and treat WODs as one of their many tools in the toolbox.  Brand recognition is very important these days, and the Crossfit brand is very noticeable, but also offers a lot of freedom to its affiliates.  It is also likely that they will pay very little attention to the Crossfit Games, as any sane person should.

I imagine that if a Crossfit gym is hosting a SFG cert course, they'll be one of the smart ones.
I think the point here is that its sad to see highly experienced SFG's who have been begging for courses to be run in their city, being ignored in favor of a crossfit/GS gym with people not even affiliated with SF. For that reason, I am finished. I worked like hell to build community here in Oz, but it appears to me the Egos of a few are far more important than building on the strength of the already existing community. A great many of us feel very betrayed. Good luck to you all. I had thought much more highly of this organization... until now. Its all just very disappointing. I'm sure this thread, or at least my response will disappear very shortly.
Upon closer investigation (I googled “Box 33 Perth), it looks like Box 33 isn’t a Crossfit gym at all. In fact, the only thing that appears “Crossfit” about the entire establishment is the name. They even say in their “WHY US” section “We are not a Crossfit gym”.

And they do seem to be affiliated with StrongFirst by virtue of them both being SFG certified instructors. I don’t know what the problem is with that.

The Brisbaine location is not Crossfit, they do cross training. That's a very important distinction.
I'll spell it out. There are SFG's in and around Brisbane and other locales, as well as many preparing for cert, who are being intentionally ignored in favor of un-affiliated people of other disciplines.

If a group of you worked hard to get courses, asked for them, built up numbers, and then someone from another city came to town and ran courses with people completely unaffiliated, you wouldn't have a problem?
@ Aussieluke, there is a lot of gym today in Australia with kettlebells.@ Mike, my question is Not, wether SF and CF are compatible, I already agree with you on the post on Crossfit.@ I just would like to know the requirements to host a SFG workshop or certification. 3 SFGI in Queensland are training for the SFGII and asked to host a workshop to this goal, as no workshop for this level in Australia for ages. I was also ready to attend this workshop as my goal is also the SGII, but I live in WA. Last Sunday, in Perth, the one day course, nothing for the next level, next August, same thing, and in a gym where is no one SFG certified, so, wonder how we can have a workshop as SFG certified. The Crossfit gym is a " hazard ", don't mind the gym, mind the instructors.
@ James, I am SGI certified and train in a Crossfit gym, and agree with you, did you read the thread on Crossfit ?Not a lot of SF in Australia, I understand that the one day course is the best to increase thenumber of SF in Australia, but the 5  already certified, following Pavel since 2010 are completely ignore. I am the lucky one, I can travel without any problem, but as part this so small community but a real one, I just would like to know how we can go forward in your training.Mark Toomey wrote in a post " an agreement was signed in Australia " further informations later. I could have missed something, but never read anything on this agreement.Ask the same question  by e- mail , and same as the east coast, we are still waiting to know what to do to host a SF workshop.
@christine -- I believe both workshops in Australia (Brisbane, Perth) are being led by  instructors that are SFG certified - Shaun Cairns (Master SFG) and Tim Almond (SFG).   Tim is an instructor at the Perth SFG workshop location.
@ James, the point is not really Crossfit gym, at all, the point is why SG certified are " begging " to host a SF workshop or certification, thru StrongFirst, since the beginning in Australia in 2010 and not recently certified in Melbourne last year, this is the thru question.What are the requirements  to host a  workshop or certification ? It sounds logical for me to give the priority to the first who went in USA to be certified instead or waiting the easy way, to have a certification at home! With DD, when Pavel was already away from DD.That's mean for me, all the RKC from Melbourne were after a piece of paper to work, with Pavel or not... easy to swap after, too easy to be on DD instructors and SF either, I am not.
As StrongFirst student I would argue that the best thing that happened to strength training was CF :)

...but as usually, Rip hit the nail on the head:
I've read this thread a few times, and I am still unsure of the gripe.  I understand that Christine's first lanuage is not English, and I think that is where the confusion lies... however, Bill seems to be describing a separate issue: SF is refusing to conduct a certification in Australia, for years now.  Is this correct?

Is SF refusing a cert or is it logistically difficult?  I dont know.  However, that other unauthorized persons are planning to conduct training... how is this an SF issue?  Or, are they conducting training under the SF name, advertised on the SF webpage?  Or, has SF authorized instructors to lead the SFG that are atypcial?

Can someone at least explain the gripe with less emotion, and provide a little history of the situation?  At the very least, this forum post seems like the wrong way to go about this, unless of course, there is a back story...

- Concerned Community Member
I'm assuming its a non-issue anymore as prior to Matt posting that Hitler video, the previous post was over a  year ago.
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