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Nutrition Supplements?

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Creatine seems to be very beneficial in terms of improving strength and explosiveness (basically what Strong First folks are after the most). I will give it a try myself.
Personaly I decided to be quantitative about it. Last october I decided to spend money with wellness fx to help me make an educated decision on suppliments. I learned I was low in vitamin d even though I just spent an entire fire season outside. Most likely due to my protective clothing, sunscreen, and filth from the fire line. Also low in magnesium , which wasn't to surprising. I do feel like I have had a better winter over all in the general heath, mental health, and energy levels.
Yes, I've been told that by my doctor and confirmed to my satisfaction with a little research -- most of us are deficient in Vitamin D, and magnesium. I take both regularly. I've read that the "15 min of sun" really only works at noon, in the summer, or at the equator, with most of the skin exposed.... which is far different than the conditions most of us get in sun exposure. Therefore we need to supplement with Vit D. Good news is you don't have to take it every day. Once a week works fine, but take with dinner (fat soluble). I'm not a medical person, this is just my current understanding.
Yes, I've been told that by my doctor and confirmed to my satisfaction with a little research -- most of us are deficient in Vitamin D, and magnesium. I take both regularly. I've read that the "15 min of sun" really only works at noon, in the summer, or at the equator, with most of the skin exposed.... which is far different than the conditions most of us get in sun exposure. Therefore we need to supplement with Vit D. Good news is you don't have to take it every day. Once a week works fine, but take with dinner (fat soluble). I'm not a medical person, this is just my current understanding.
That´s why we all should swing daily on swimming gear outdoors LOL
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