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Old Forum Swings ahead of get ups

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Level 7 Valued Member
There was a thread recently asking about the get up goal being ahead of the swing goal. In S&S Pavel states this may happen and that it is fine, just continue on and catch up, no rush. I replied, as I'm the other way around - nearly at the 5 min mark with the 24, miles away on the get up. Not an issue at all. We'll all get there, everyone is different.

On a thread elsewhere Pavel mentions a dead lift test which can suggest if the lifter is more fast twitch or slow twitch dominant, or equal. I don't do dead lifts or barbells at all but wondered if that ties in with the ability to reach each goal  in S&S simultaneously or at different times? My swings are crisp, powerful and feel good and controlled. My get ups on the other hand are the opposite, wobbly and inelegant. Yet smooth and easy with a 16. This would suggest that I'm more FT dominant maybe? obviously the opposite would apply to those whose get ups arrive before the swings, being ST dominant. Without an actual test, would this unscientific observation be a reasonable tool?
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