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Kettlebell Too High RM for Phase 2 of Geoff Neupert's 12 Week Muscle Building Master Plan?


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I recently got into kettlebells and have been doing this program: The 12-Week Muscle-Building Kettlebell Master-Plan |

I had a single 16kg kettlebell at home already, so I bought a second and started the program. I knew the weight was lighter than my 4-6 rep range, but I wanted to make sure I had good form etc. Fast forward 4 weeks and I do my RM test: 16 presses with perfect form, 20 with 4 extra reps of not so good form.

So, I ordered some adjustable kettlebells and started phase 1 again with 2x 20kg. I chose this weight because the drop from the rack position felt really heavy at this weight and I didn't want to push it. I worked on form, drop feels great now, and I completed all 4 weeks of phase 1 with 2x 20kg. Did my RM test last week: 14 presses with perfect form, 14 front squat, and 25 swings. Admittedly, I probably could have done more front squats and swings, but was pretty gassed and didn't want to push it (same numbers for squats and presses makes things easier too).
This puts my 2x 20kg phase 2 reps at:

Press & FSQ
60%: 8
70%: 9
80%: 11

60%: 15
70%: 17
80%: 20

Is this too much volume for a program that is designed to start with 4-6 press RM?

I've done the first two workouts of phase 2, so one 60% press + FSQ and one 60% swings. It feels like a ton of volume! I had to extend my rests near the end of the press + FSQ 30 min session, and had to set the bells down halfway through my last 2 sets b/c my form was starting to break. I also had to extend my rest periods a bit for the last two sets of swings.

Do I continue on with the current weight or is it too light / too much volume at these rep ranges for phases 2 & 3?

With my 2x 20kg RM at 14, should I do another bump in weight to 24kg and start phase 1 again? Or maybe figure out what weight is my press 5RM and start phase 1 again with that?

I'm loving the program, and whenever I have time I usually add in a few pushups, dips, pullups, or some light core work after finishing a workout. Beyond that, I'm following it completely as designed and am eating in a caloric surplus targeting 150+ grams of protein. If it matters, I'm 38yo 6'2 180lbs (have added about 7lbs in past 8 weeks, started at 173lbs).
I recently got into kettlebells and have been doing this program: The 12-Week Muscle-Building Kettlebell Master-Plan |

I had a single 16kg kettlebell at home already, so I bought a second and started the program. I knew the weight was lighter than my 4-6 rep range, but I wanted to make sure I had good form etc. Fast forward 4 weeks and I do my RM test: 16 presses with perfect form, 20 with 4 extra reps of not so good form.

So, I ordered some adjustable kettlebells and started phase 1 again with 2x 20kg. I chose this weight because the drop from the rack position felt really heavy at this weight and I didn't want to push it. I worked on form, drop feels great now, and I completed all 4 weeks of phase 1 with 2x 20kg. Did my RM test last week: 14 presses with perfect form, 14 front squat, and 25 swings. Admittedly, I probably could have done more front squats and swings, but was pretty gassed and didn't want to push it (same numbers for squats and presses makes things easier too).
This puts my 2x 20kg phase 2 reps at:

Press & FSQ
60%: 8
70%: 9
80%: 11

60%: 15
70%: 17
80%: 20

Is this too much volume for a program that is designed to start with 4-6 press RM?

I've done the first two workouts of phase 2, so one 60% press + FSQ and one 60% swings. It feels like a ton of volume! I had to extend my rests near the end of the press + FSQ 30 min session, and had to set the bells down halfway through my last 2 sets b/c my form was starting to break. I also had to extend my rest periods a bit for the last two sets of swings.

Do I continue on with the current weight or is it too light / too much volume at these rep ranges for phases 2 & 3?

With my 2x 20kg RM at 14, should I do another bump in weight to 24kg and start phase 1 again? Or maybe figure out what weight is my press 5RM and start phase 1 again with that?

I'm loving the program, and whenever I have time I usually add in a few pushups, dips, pullups, or some light core work after finishing a workout. Beyond that, I'm following it completely as designed and am eating in a caloric surplus targeting 150+ grams of protein. If it matters, I'm 38yo 6'2 180lbs (have added about 7lbs in past 8 weeks, started at 173lbs).
Great work!

I would suggest switching plans. Easy Muscle might be a good pick. It is mostly based around 10RM lifts, but you could just multiply your actual RM with .4, .5, and .6, for example.

But @Geoff Neupert himself might give you the best advice :)
I would suggest switching plans. Easy Muscle might be a good pick. It is mostly based around 10RM lifts, but you could just multiply your actual RM with .4, .5, and .6, for example.
Thanks. I decided to continue on at current weight and see how it goes. I did have to take longer rests than the program calls for, but I was able to finish 5x rounds of press and front squat at 70% RM (9 reps) with 2x 20kg. I guess I'm no longer doing the program as written since I'm taking longer rests, but I plan to continue and see how it goes. If I feel like it's too much volume at higher rep ranges, I'll cut down volume or add weight and re-test my RM.

I'll check out Easy Muscle, it looks like a great program. I googled it quick and saw in a review that it includes one of my favorite lifts: barbell power clean. Unfortunately, I got into kettlebells because I don't have the space for a barbell and bumper plates, and too crazy of a schedule to hit the gym. A few of Geoff Neupert's other programs looked interesting as well.
Congratulations, everyone has their own preferences but I don’t think you will have any regrets for the time being.
Yeah, to be honest I prefer the feel of the cast iron 16kg KBs that I have. Though, the adjustable comp bells feel better to clean and sit more naturally in the rack position (larger size, maybe?). The ones I grabbed are Kettlebell Kings 12kg - 32kg. It was a little unnerving at first when I would occasionally hear the plates rattle, but nothing actually ever loosened up so I've gotten comfortable with them.

I will say it's pretty unrealistic to adjust weight mid-workout. At least it would be way too annoying for me to bother with it. They're more of an adjust weight up / down and leave it that way type deal.
The ones I grabbed are Kettlebell Kings 12kg - 32kg.
NICE! The more you use them the more you will get use to them don’t stop.

Wish I could offer help on programming but I’ll leave that up to the more competent people. Some of the guys here have over 15 years of kettlebell experience.
I'll check out Easy Muscle, it looks like a great program. I googled it quick and saw in a review that it includes one of my favorite lifts: barbell power clean.
I don’t remember seeing barbell power cleans as an exercise. I mean the “clean and press” is equipment agnostic, so maybe you’re thinking that?
I don’t remember seeing barbell power cleans as an exercise. I mean the “clean and press” is equipment agnostic, so maybe you’re thinking that?
Ah yeah, you're totally right. I went back and re-read the review and I guess the program breaks down options for using different types of equipment, with a barbell being one of the options. The guy mentioned the power clean as the barbell clean and press variant for an example of how movements work with different equipment. Easy Muscle definitely sounds pretty interesting... added it to my list of programs to check out in the future.
Ah yeah, you're totally right. I went back and re-read the review and I guess the program breaks down options for using different types of equipment, with a barbell being one of the options. The guy mentioned the power clean as the barbell clean and press variant for an example of how movements work with different equipment. Easy Muscle definitely sounds pretty interesting... added it to my list of programs to check out in the future.
I think it is a great program, I've enjoyed when I've run it, I just didn't want you to buy it thinking one thing and then getting another. (y)
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