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Old Forum Too many fitness goals/to little time

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Level 1 Valued Member
Ok, this is my first post here. My question is  between being heavily involved in church, spending time with my wife, taking care of 4 kids under 5, and running a business, I just don't have time to be consistent with a program, or to fit everything in I want to achieve.

My goals in order of priority are Long term health and function, physical endurance and functional strength. I love super joints and do all the exercises recommended by Pavel in the first half of the book and a few from the second half everyday and it has really helped me in the way I feel so I don't want to stop them. I was doing ETK PM  but I have trouble staying consistent as the only time I have to do it is in the mornings when no one is up to disturb me (try swinging a 55lb piece of iron in the air with 3 toddlers and a baby running around). Plus at night I either like to stretch or use a foam role as I have a physical job and am pretty wore out at the end of the day. I really don't want to have a workout hanging over my head for me when I get home from a long hard physical day.  With my business I often have to leave early in the morning, so I don't always have time to do a workout and the joint complex before I have to get out the door.

I started walking in the morning before the joint complex so I could combine that with my prayer time. This way I am at least getting some exercise in consistently. I love this because I would already be spending that time in prayer anyway and this way I can exercise without devoting any extra time to it. I thought about adding in NW during the day but I want to do a major pull, plus I want to be improving on my cardio health and I love using the KB. I love the GTG idea because it is a similar concept of not having to really focus much extra time on it and I can bend it around my schedule.

My question in short is instead of NW can I GTG with the Kettle bell and maybe on Saturday, when I don't have to go to work, get in a full KB workout. Or maybe so the NW during the week and a full KB workout on Sat. My thinking is that a GTG program would continue to add strength during the week and I could at least get in a good cardio set one day a week. I would continue to walk everyday and do the joint complex for long term health.

Please keep in mind I am not trying to be lazy or wanting something for nothing. It's just that I really need to focus on my business right now and church and my family come first before the gym. However I need to be healthy and I enjoy the feeling from strength training. Thanks.
Pavel has mention in ETK that you GTC the Clean and Press pat from the ROP if you want, also can you do pull-ups or have a pull-up bar Available, to add in to you c&p. now in a 8 hour day doing 3-5 reps every hour would come out to 24-40 reps a day just go heavy or look into ways  to cook your press (or pull) to make it harder. As far as swings/snatches, I really don't have answer for you other then that one day you have off or before people wake up in your household.

I hope this helped.

Thanks for the reply. I have not looked in ETK to see if there were some solutions. I just thought I might get a more tailored answer on the forum. I will definitely take a look in there. Funny because was actually thinking that a clean and press would be the perfect GTG lift with the KB, as it pretty much utilizes both a major pull and the press all in one lift. It would be the perfect time saver for me! I just want to make sure I am getting a complete program. I want to increase my cardio max and strength. I thought I remember reading in one of his books that a cardio expert said you only needed cardio once a week. As far as weight control and lack of cardio I can control my weight with my diet so I am not worried about that so much. I just want the lung capacity. Thanks for your thoughts.
In the NW, GTC was suggested to be used only with two Exercises, any more and your doing two much. So what I would suggest is look in to a nether on e to do along with the clean & press, like a goblet sq, or single leg DL, I found some universities that have done some studies on strength training for endurance athletes. Finding were that  it wouldn't help you  with cardio as far a the lungs part, but it would help with the cardio sessions by making it possible to go faster and longer. Plus practicing tension and trying to eliminated Momentum  with you c&p will help build a stronger core witch in turn helps with cardio.

Keep it simple. A push and a pull.

The clean and press, in whatever way you'll stick with satisfies the push.

Add a deadlift PTTP or Easy Strength style, staying within your limits so that it is rejuvenating and adding energy to your day instead of draining and you're all set.

Then once you're consistent you can add swings for two short sessions per week.

Since you have kids why not "train" all together?  You could read and follow Original Strength by Time Anderson and Geoff Neupert and meet all your strength goals while interacting with your kids.  PLUS, even more important, your children won't suffer from the movement dysfunctions and relating future issues plaguing most in our culture since they will have a solid foundation of movement. Win-win for everyone.
The PM is a total of 34 minutes a week, and the two "long days" are 12 minutes each. You have the time to do that. Your daily walk and superjoints is more than enough warmup, if those are taking a lot of time, then do less of those, and then your two days of 5 minutes, and your two days of 12.
Zach, thanks for the input. Plenty of great ideas. Jason, thanks for the reply. To be clear I already spend 1 hour every morning in prayer which takes priority over my work out, so the walking while praying was just a way to get some form of regular exercise without adding more time to my schedule. The problem for me is the consistency. There are mornings I have to leave the house at 4 or 5:00 and occasionally even 3:00. IT all depends on what Jobs I have on the schedule. At times I have to leave early for a few weeks straight and other times I don't have to leave until 7:00. I already spend 1.5-2 hrs to pray and get ready to get out the door. At times even adding in the joint complex is a huge sacrifice as I am already getting little sleep and that takes 20-30 minutes. I like consistancy in my workouts or I have a tendancy not to do them. So I was just trying to figure out a way to sqeeze something in.

However after doing some research online the bennefits of a short burst high intensity exercise followed by a short active recovery period between sets is too much to pass up. I have decided The benefits are what I am missing. So I have to make time. The ETK is the perfect program! So I willl be getting back on that.

I will start the first day on a Sunday which is not a work day that way with the PM I only have 3 other days I have to do it during the week which I may just try to squeeze it in in the evenings. My wife will just have to keep the kids occupied. They are to young to participate and it just ends up being distracting and unproductive. That's ok it's only 3 nights a week and maybe 2 if I don't have to leave until 7:00. Thanks for the input guys. I am pumped to start reaping the benefits.
Hi Travis,

We all have the same 24 hours in a day.  Choose - it's that simple.


Thanks for the input. However it is not always that simple. Yes you are right, we all have 24 hours in a day, but we do not all have the same amount of responsibility to manage and fit into those 24 hours. I used to think that way until I got married and started having kids. Having 4 kids so young is a never ending responsibility and you literally have no time. Couple that with running a business and being heavily involved in church and  it becomes a choice at times between getting the sleep I need or getting in a work out.

Yes you are right again life is a choice and I have chosen. Sports were always the main focus in my life up until God entered the picture and then it was second place. Once I got married it became 3rd place, with kids and a business to run it is now 5th place in my life and has trouble making it into the schedule. I have made my choice, and my choice is to put first things first in my life which are God, family and finances to provide for both. My finances require me to spend a lot of time and energy focused on my business right now which leaves little time for myself after other responsibilities.

I used to live to workout but my priorities have changed. I still love sports but I live for God and my family now so sports are important to me only as a responsibility to be healthy to fulfill my other responsibilities. I am not one to not take care of responsibilities or to give up easy at all which is why I am on here trying to figure out a way to fit something into my already packed schedule that I know I need. I am not trying to figure out a way to minimize the efforts involved in working out because I am lazy. It is the opposite.

Thanks for everyone's input. As I posted in my last comment I have decided that ETK is what I need so I will have to make time for it in my schedule somehow. I am looking forward to getting on track with a program and reaping the benefits.

That's your story.  Drop it.  It doesn't serve you, God, your family or anyone else in your life.  It's not reality.

Look at the 'time' and energy you invested in this thread.  I don't know about you but I could have created a great workout in that time.  Choose.  And choose again.  If you'd like further help and support with this don't hesitate to reach out - just don't add the H to my name or you may not find me.

May this serve you well.



Thanks for the advice I will keep that in mind and use it where I can. Oh and thanks for the warm greeting on my first post here. I hope to get to know you better. ;)
get a pullupbar at home and dó chinups / frontlevers and hspu gtg.. Some pistols and your done..
If you hope to get to know me, call me.   I'll create the time for you.  My aim is for you to rise up in the moment... every moment, and stop thinking of 'time' in a linear fashion.

For now, try this.  Create a "NOT To-Do" list, and stick to it.  Learn to say NO to things that don't serve you or yours. I can guarantee if you really take a close look at your daily activities you will never "find" time but you can always create it... especially in your business activities.  Are you people pleasing or are you serving for something bigger than yourself?

Just to add another possibility: strap on a heavy back pack during your morning walk/prayer or try a heavyhands approach. Heavyhands might be distracting depending on your focus. Just another way to sneak in some extra work.
Substituting OS crawling for walking in the morning would produce freakish resilience, strength and fitness for the time investment...

By the way congrats on the baby. I'm sure by now you know it changes your life forever. I had my first 5 years ago and have had one every year. Now I have no time for myself. We have finally gone one year officially without having one!

That being the case I am finally adjusted to the drastic changes to my lifestyle and I want to get back in shape. I originally thought about GTG clean and press. My thinking was to do singles sets throughout the day starting with clean and presses for 5-6 reps each hand and then top off the set with swings. Then at night I do GTG pull ups while I am taking care of things around the house and spending time with my family.

My thinking was its a full body workout that I can do any day as energy permits without worrying about keeping track of the work out and what I did the day before. I could skip days as needed and still pick up where I left off without thinking about it. The point for me is that working out is not a major priority and neither is having 6 pack abs so as long as I am healthy and feel comfortable in my clothes I am satisfied. I expend most of my energy on what I am most passionate about which is church and family and my business, so I tend to have little left over most the time for working out.  I guess that seems to not mesh with some guys mindsets. That's fine, to each his own. I'm not against 6 packs abs they just are not a priority for me like they were 20 years ago.
Matt thanks for the input. Yes 100 in 3 minutes might be  true if you can do continuous get ups for 3 min. I'm pretty out of shape right now but I'm sure I will get there. I really have not tested myself so not sure. When I posted this question I was just trying to think outside the box a little. I started practicing the lifts and drills in a regular program and hit a deadline with my business and it took everything in me to meet it so I ended up dropping the program.

I was a little irritated because I have deadlines like that a lot and I was just trying to think of a way to keep up with training even under deadlines. It's both time and energy. I feel more tired when I am doing full workouts rather then breaking it up throughout the day.

I'ts also easier to fit everything in when it's broken up throughout the day. when I add everything I want to do in the morning before I leave (not just workouts) it It take me 2.5-3 hours to get out the door. I want to be able to just get up and go or as close to it as possible. The workout is not the only thing I am trying to eliminate in the morning or break up throughout the day. I've started getting my food ready and loading the truck the night before because I can still do it while spending time with my family and that cuts time in the morning etc.. Every little bit combined with other minor adjustments adds up quick.

I do have days where I have time to do extra things but it is never consistent so it makes it hard to stick to a regular program. GTG seemed like a great fit. Not sure why some think I am just trying to get out of working out. It's the opposite I am trying to fit it into my schedule in a way that is consistent. That's it.
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