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Kettlebell Total disrespect

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Nice lift!

It reminds me of a piece of weightlifting folklore from the Cold War.

An East German weightlifter bombs out by missing all his cleans.

After the meet, the East German weightlifting team reviews the meet footage and argues about technique, bar path, force production, etc. None of the the coaches can agree on what the issue is.

They ask Soviet lifter and advisor David Rigert to break the tie and tell them which of their competing theories is correct.

Rigert replies:

"I think bar was too heavy."
Nice lift!

It reminds me of a piece of weightlifting folklore from the Cold War.

An East German weightlifter bombs out by missing all his cleans.

After the meet, the East German weightlifting team reviews the meet footage and argues about technique, bar path, force production, etc. None of the the coaches can agree on what the issue is.

They ask Soviet lifter and advisor David Rigert to break the tie and tell them which of their competing theories is correct.

Rigert replies:

"I think bar was too heavy."
well to be fair to the right arm, I did do 10 singles with the 40kg bell. My wrist and bicep seemed to be the issue for me. Not sure what was up with it. I have had issues since I tore my long head from the shoulder. My stability is not like it used to be. The strength is there, it just had a roadblock it seems!
well to be fair to the right arm, I did do 10 singles with the 40kg bell. My wrist and bicep seemed to be the issue for me. Not sure what was up with it. I have had issues since I tore my long head from the shoulder. My stability is not like it used to be. The strength is there, it just had a roadblock it seems!

I have the same issue in my left shoulder due to an injury over a decade ago.

About 1 in 10 training days, my body just goes "nope" and goes into guard mode.

But then like a day or two later it will be fine.
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One of the times I had a failure to launch with the 40 kg was when I didn't realize how much push-ups took it out of me.

I had included some grease the groove push-ups to work on for my APFT. and I didn't realize that greasing the groove took away from my max overhead pressing strength so much, and when I went back to the 40 kg bell I totally missed on both sides. I was used to being able to press one or two reps on either side, And use my 32 kg for sets of 5. And my shoulders told me for both weights that day. Because of some push-ups.
A 40 kg one arm press uses a lot more muscles than just the arm and shoulder! Your whole body was under max tension for 20 seconds doing the set with the left arm. My point being it might not be fair to blame the right arm for running out of steam... might have been the body overall.
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