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Old Forum train for crossfit with only kettlebells

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Level 5 Valued Member
Any thoughts or ideas to train for crossfit with just kettlebells if trying to make it to the games in the masters division.
knowing very little about crossfit, I think training kettlebells is a good idea but I think you would want to train some of the other exercises you will be doing: musclesups, burpies, box jumps, rope climbs...

heavy kettlebell training can help with the strength portion but it won't help with the form you need to perform a muscleup for example.
You theoretically could. But it would be really, really hard. Olympic lifts are highly specific, and very common in Xfit programming. Muscle ups are going to be difficult if you do not train for them. Same for double unders and rowing.

Could get a good strength and endurance base, but would need some supplementary work. Especially considering the only real exercise Xfit does with kettlebells is an overhead swing.
Yea, I agree, I thought maybe a significant amount of carryover might occur with the kettlebell training- as Dan John says-the WTH effect.
I concur with Travis and Andy.  I think you could build up the fitness level, but the movements are really things you'd want to practice not only to have confidence in your ability to do them, but also for the mental piece of strategizing how you'll attach the workout---something only experience can really give you.
To paraphrase Pavel, to get really good at Crossfit, you need to do alot of Crossfit. The days are long passed when you could make it to the Games by just being really strong or fit.
You can chase that idea, or better look at the games and train accordingly. As big as crossfit is and all the info out there I can't assume this is a real question. So no is the answer, if you could the role of high level coaches within that community would not be needed, those are great athletes. It's an insult to assume you could shortcut the process with just a kb. Unless you formerly Olympic lifted, how can you think a kb snatch would ever transfer to a heavy barbell snatch, it's not even close to the same no matter what you've heard. All that said, it's a great goal and to even think you can make it shows your a bad a#@, I'm sure with the right coach or direction you could do it. Of your an audio person check out barbell shrugged podcast, great info all crossfit and legit advice, s***, send the same questions. Best of luck.
Eric, intent was not to insult anyone.  All I have right now is Kettlebells, I'm building an outdoor pull-up bar this weekend, so then I will have that.  Once I can afford it I will by a barbell with weights.  I will check-out the website.

Brian, I thought your question was fine. It didn't seem careless or insulting -- just a bit curious.  It seemed like an honest question to me.

KB only training won't even get you into the games, much less be competitive there.  That said, it can and will certainly forge a solid foundation for you to build on.
Didn't mean insuring to us here, rather to the athletes that compete by way of mastering to a degree many skills, none of them being kb lifts. As I said, I commend the goal and I wish you the best in that pursuit.
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