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Training for Surfing

Brian Urrutia

Level 4 Valued Member
Hey Y'all,
I'm beginning to get into surfing and I was wondering if there was anyone out here who was a surfer and has used StrongFirst principles and protocols to improve their surfing fitness.
I've completed Strong Endurance protocols, and so I imagine a comprehensive program would involve some single-leg strength work with rows, pulls, and pushups, fair bit of yoga or some bodyweight muscular endurance exercise equivalents, and LISS in a pool, to complement A+A or Q&D sessions.
Just curious how y'all would think of cooking a training program for surfing...

Nothing builds paddle fitness other than paddling.

I’m a weekend warrior so take that into account, but if I haven’t been in the water for a while, I can feel it no matter what training I’ve been doing.

Curious to hear more experienced surfers ideas though.

Nick Carrol has a surf specific swimming program online for exactly that ( I’m sure it’s free just google it ).
I would suggest: counter the peddling, your doing plenty on the board. So some swings & Get Ups? Balance out the single sided stance and standing up and leave plenty of energy for surfing?
If anything, a little more focus on isometric strength would be my initial guess.
In two months I'll be in Portugal for a surf day or two! I've done it once before, absolutely loved it. Makes living in interior Canada a bit sad though haha
Hey Y'all,
I'm beginning to get into surfing and I was wondering if there was anyone out here who was a surfer and has used StrongFirst principles and protocols to improve their surfing fitness.
I've completed Strong Endurance protocols, and so I imagine a comprehensive program would involve some single-leg strength work with rows, pulls, and pushups, fair bit of yoga or some bodyweight muscular endurance exercise equivalents, and LISS in a pool, to complement A+A or Q&D sessions.
Just curious how y'all would think of cooking a training program for surfing...

Been surfing for 30 years and swinging bells going on 10 years. Live in San Diego and surf 1-3x/week depending on conditions.

A few thoughts on surfing fitness:
  • S&S or A+A snatching, plus push-ups (for general strength)
  • Surf or swim (for specific strength)
  • Low HR jogging, rucking or walking (for endurance)
  • Healthy BMI (paddling and pop-ups are easier when not carrying extra weight on your frame)

Since this appears to be your accountability function, do you want the honors of starting such a thread?
Should we just use this one? The title will be easy to search ?

Just at the end of summer here, didnt surf once. But autumn is around the corner, which is for us very good quality surf. I need to get in the water.

One thing I need to do is drop the focus on strength, and focus more on conditioning, it’s always a downfall for me.
Should we just use this one? The title will be easy to search ?

Just at the end of summer here, didnt surf once. But autumn is around the corner, which is for us very good quality surf. I need to get in the water.

One thing I need to do is drop the focus on strength, and focus more on conditioning, it’s always a downfall for me.
Yeah for sure. We’ll use this as the thread for surfing and such.
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