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Off-Topic Training program to moon walk underwater?

@Boris Bachmann who does she flip upside down so fast? or is this an editing trick?

It looks like she pushes down with her arms, an sort of does a crunch?

Is she pushing off the bottom of the pool?
Could be partly editing (speed wise, reversed maybe), but flipping underwater isn't hard. Arms and tuck are the keys - I'm sure she has pretty good body control overall, mobility, whippet thin... all that helps of course!
Apparently exhaling most of the air from your lungs is critical.
I was a lifeguard then taught the YMCA lifeguard course, taught swimming to kids, substitute taught water aerobics classes, and all that.

It's all about your bodyfat and the air in your lungs together. Most in-shape people will sink once they exhale most of their air, but people with a lot of fat won't.

I subbed for a water aerobic class once where everyone was wearing some sort of flotation device, and when one fat woman had her floatie thing come off unexpectedly, she still floated just fine. We all had a good laugh about this as everyone seemed to know why.

It's all about your bodyfat and the air in your lungs together. Most in-shape people will sink once they exhale most of their air, but people with a lot of fat won't.
I missed this point. Yeah, you have to exhale enough to sink and if you're fat it won't matter (you'll still float).

Related point - there's a practice to being relaxed while submerged. The natural response to the face getting wet is to hold your breath - next time you're in the shower take note of how when you stick your face in the shower you hold your breath and the chest will tighten up. That instinct never goes away but it can be trained.
I forgot to mention that wearing a nose clip makes the breath control a lot easier underwater. I don't know if many backstrokers use nose clips or not these days (most did not back in the day, but a few did especially when you could basically kick almost the full length of the pool).
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