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Old Forum Two questions for Pavel

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Andrew Palmer

Level 5 Valued Member
I know you have mentioned it briefly amongst your works, but I was wondering if you have considered writing a book purely on isometric training only?

Also, do you have any recommendations into how isometrics can be worked into a kettlebell only program?

I know that's a broad question, but any advice is greatly appreciated.
Yes ISO work can be used along side kb training. Specifically, what are you trying to achieve with them and kb. This might help Pavel guide you in a template to practice.
Andrew, as for isos for kettlebell exercises, here is one option.

Hang a bell you are nowhere close to pressing at your rack level.  Perform 5 contractions, 6 sec each, with a couple of minutes of F&L rest between them.  Tense your whole body, and only then press against the bell.  Build up the pressure gradually.

Repeat the sequence with the handle at your eye level.

Finish with 3x3 dynamic reps at the lockout (an inch or so).  This time use the bell you are getting close to pressing.  Still have the bell hang on a rope.

The next day do volume work for muscle building: 10x5 or so.

Rest on wednesday; repeat the iso workout on Thursday and the volume one on Friday.

Report in 6 weeks.
Right, I've been working 80+ hours a week and sleeping couple hours in the mornings so I'm not recovering, so 2 weeks into it I had to stop. However, I did gain a couple of insights from this program.

First, I need to strengthen my core. When I performed the dynamic reps at the lockout, my hips moved, rather than the kettlebell and the working arm moving from a solid platform, which explains why the Get-Up can be so beneficial in helping to press the next size up kettlebell, as it strengthens the core and the shoulder fixators.

Second, introducing presses to various portions of the Get-Up has been covered before, but I would recommend performing dynamic reps at the lockout with a kettlebell one can't clean and press yet. I'd like to experiment with this as I'm planning on doing a cycle of S&S, so hopefully a stronger press might come out of it. Other useful additions may be Saxon Side Bends or just plain side bends I would imagine.
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