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Kettlebell Using a 20kg kettlebell for a a and a type workout

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Level 4 Valued Member
If I’m using a 20kg kettlebell for a a and a type workout what size should I get next I find it very easy to use for swings and get ups I find easy and squatting is easy what size would my fellow comrades suggest ? A 24 a 28 a 32 I’m on a budget so have to think about long term
@Jamesjones, a good kettlebell is an investment for a lifetime. Without seeing you, it's impossible to recommend a next size. Please post a video of your swings and getups. A+A usually means a lot of volume. Not knowing anything else about you or your situation, I'd go for a 24 kg. 24 kg is the standard issue military size of kettlebell and will have many uses for you in the years to come.

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