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Old Forum Weighted Pistol Squat Template Help

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Jesus Candal

Level 1 Valued Member
Hey guys,

I'm a bit new to the forum and was hoping someone could lend me a hand picking a good Pistol Squat Workout Routine. I did a quick linear progression to work up to 50 lbs, then I began doing the ETK template (H,E,M). I just reached 2x(1,2,3,4) ; 3x(1,2,3) on my Hard day. However, I felt like I was a bit out of focus because of the volume of reps, and it took around 45 minutes just squatting (I find myself out of breath quickly).

I feel like the ladders definitely boosted my strength. However, I wanted to look for a template that uses a bit less volume than this (my lower back feels smoked, I'm guessing from the high reps combined with the spinal flexion at the bottom). Such a template would probably go up in weight, which I am ok with. I feel confident moving up to a heavier weight.

Do you guys know some kind of Weighted Pistol template I could use? GTG is difficult since the weights are at the gym. Maybe I should just restart to 3 ladders of 3 rungs with a heavier weight? Or some kind of 3x5 three times a week? The RKC Book of Strength had a 3-times-a-week routine of weighted Pistols and Dynamic-Iso Pistols. Anything else that you guys would recommend? I've had a lot of difficulty finding ways to program weighted Pistols on the web.


Thank you so much for any help! I would just prefer a set-up that uses less volume so I can focus well on max tension.

Jesus, a few thoughts for you:

You shouldn't need to flex your lower back in a weighted pistol.  The weight acts as a counterbalance.  Please post a video of your pistol w/ 50 lbs. and also with a lighter weight.

The pistol is tiring on your CNS.  I would immediately cut back on the volume.  Consider an Easy Strength or GTG approach instead, staying far from your limits and trying to spread out whatever volume you do as much as possible.

Hi! Thank you for your response!

Well, I just rack my dumbbell pretty much by my shoulder (so it looks like a dumbbell front squat pretty much). So it stays right over my supporting foot, and does not quite provide a counterweight. I figure this is easiest on upper body, so my chances of comfortably increasing weight would be pretty good. So since day 1, I've racked it and tried to stay upright throughout the Pistol.

Is this incorrect to do? When I see people do very heavy Pistols, they always seem to have the KBs racked, so I assumed it applies to DBs as well.

I'll post a video tomorrow when I take the 70 lb DB out for a test drive. I'll also video myself with 20 lbs.

Thank you for your help Steve! Unfortunately, GTGing will be pretty tough, and I was hoping for a 3-days-a-week sort of thing since that's how often I go to the gym. At some point, I guess I'll have to shell some money for some weights though. Maybe I can do the Easy Strength thing 3 days a week, and do un-weighted work on the other days!

Have you read "The Beast Tamer"? It is all about adding weight to the pistol and a couple of other exercises - it's full of programs.

When it comes to the position of the bell, "The Naked Worrior" points out that the rack position is the hardest. Might be a good idea to grip the bell with two hands in front of you as default and use the rack position as a step to the next bell size.

Best regards, Henke in Sweden
I agree w Henric.  Hold the bell the the horns.  Please report back on how that goes for you.

Ok, so I stayed with the 50 lb Dumbbell for today's Medium session. Here's a sample set of 3 from the side and front:

I forgot to try with a lower weight, but it would've looked pretty similar I think.

I haven't read "Beast Tamer" actually, but it sounds like exactly the kind of place where I could some useful programming for weighted Pistols. Do you think it would be just as useful if I only have access to DBs, or is it pretty much designed for KBs (big weight steps)? Because I think DBs have the added usefulness of having 5 lb increments, so programming could be a bit different.

Also, I don't quite understand why it's recommended to hold the DB (I don't have very heavy bells!) in front of me a certain distance away. Isn't that just unnecessarily harder on my upper body, especially as the weight/reps pile on? Is it just so my back stays more neutral?

Thank you so much for the help so far, I'm just a little confused why I should step down the difficulty of the exercise.
Hi again!

Concerning your back, I couldn't see any hurtful elements in your technique. We'll see what Steve and other readers have to say.

When it comes to programs designed for kettlebells, they can definately be used when taking smaller weight steps as well as steps of 4-8kg. The e-book can be found on Amazon.

Finaly, if the dumbell is your tool of choice and you prefere small weight steps, I think you can stick to the rack position, since you probably won't need other means of progression than the small weight increments.

Best regards, Henke in Sweden.
Steve Freides nailed it, dial back the volume!


I did the 40 day program with pistols and from my experience, you need to manage daily volume, load and weekly volume.


Try training the pistol 3 days a week but keep the total daily reps at 10 and weekly reps at 30.

Here are some examples on rep schemes:





5-7 sets of 1 **heavier days



3,3,2,1 **my favorite


Use the Easy Strength approach, never miss reps and make sure the technique is quality!!

Jesus, those are good looking 50 lb. pistols.  Follow's Mike Perry's advice and cut back the volume.  If you want more volume, stick to bodyweight only.

Try holding the weight with two hands in front of you; might also make them easier.

I understand. Thank you very much guys! I like the idea of using Easy Strength here, since I can change the weights relatively well based on the rep ranges I want to target on a specific day. I think I'll give it a shot.

I'll also try out holding the weight in front of me and see how that feels. Thank you so much guys, it's really appreciated!
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