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Kettlebell What program to get lean?

There’s nothing I can’t do with a kettlebell or two. Not limited and know the moves. I am working through a should injury right now so maybe simple and sinister or something with more swings would make sense? I don’t want to lose the hard earned muscle and strength I have gained though.
Definitely not Simple and Sinister.

But get your shoulder fixed and/or find a way to work around it.
Will eat only coffee and a protein shake (100 calories, 20 gm protein) for breakfast and limit snacks at night. I’m going to stay in deficit with 1850 calories a day by estimating. Not weighing food.
That should work if protein is kept high (150 or more grams per day---more is better).

At least I know I shouldn’t lose strength on overhead press on the giant. Not sure about my bench or ability to squat but I think this might be maintained by the volume of heavy double C&P.
You may lose some but not much.
I think the other thing is that I only have three days a week at 5am (Monday, Wednesday and Fridays) to strength train. So PPL or upper/lower routines are maybe not ideal (only training muscles 1 or 1.5x per week) vs the Giant of 3x per week. Plus maybe autoregulation manages over training with the C&P? If That’s even an issue at all.
Full-body sessions should be your priority.

Personally, I would want a program that includes more than 2-3 exercises.
11/27/23 Update: 5am wake up and decided to go with S&S with an 18 kg bell.

Weight 163.4 lbs (could be worse post Thanksgiving). My goal is to get to my high school wrestling weight of 152 losing 1 lb per week. Helps me to stay accountable if posting here.

18 kg
100 swings (maybe only 90 lol I might have lost track!) 5:07

5 TGU each side - 6:05

I then added chin-ups 3 sets of 3 reps. Tried single clean and press with 18 kg x 2 reps. Could still feel the shoulder. Not super painful like 1/10 but could feel it in my right vs my left. It’s definitely improving with PT. I could also do pushups (only a few) and this felt okay which is an improvement from last week. During the TGU, I noticed the hardest part was stabilizing my body with my right arm and hand planted to the floor. Not terrible but was aware of it. So the tendon is healing but not fully back after 1 month.

Not wanting to have a setback, will do S&S plus 3-5 sets of other stuff (chinups, C&P to test it) until my shoulder is back.
Two handed swings are fine. TGU no issues. Cleans also okay.

I think this is good advice. I need to play around and see what seems to irritate it.

I can play around tonight with it before tomorrow.

Normally I might suggest a progam like the Giant or Dry Fighting Weight. But if you have a shoulder issue you need to address that first.

I might set a timer for 20-30 min and do 2 exercises 1) Cleans 2) Front Squats alternating them. Depending you could do them EMOM or autoregulate. If you are using a 10RM I might go for 4 reps to start and add a rep every week or two till you hit 7 or 8.

On off days, do some swings and get ups for mobility and stability. 20 swings +1GU rt + 1GU lt = 1 round. Don't push it too hard on the off days. Just go till your hips and shoulders feel nice. 2-5 rounds.
11/27/23 Update: 5am wake up and decided to go with S&S with an 18 kg bell.

Weight 163.4 lbs (could be worse post Thanksgiving). My goal is to get to my high school wrestling weight of 152 losing 1 lb per week. Helps me to stay accountable if posting here.

18 kg
100 swings (maybe only 90 lol I might have lost track!) 5:07

5 TGU each side - 6:05

I then added chin-ups 3 sets of 3 reps. Tried single clean and press with 18 kg x 2 reps. Could still feel the shoulder. Not super painful like 1/10 but could feel it in my right vs my left. It’s definitely improving with PT. I could also do pushups (only a few) and this felt okay which is an improvement from last week. During the TGU, I noticed the hardest part was stabilizing my body with my right arm and hand planted to the floor. Not terrible but was aware of it. So the tendon is healing but not fully back after 1 month.

Not wanting to have a setback, will do S&S plus 3-5 sets of other stuff (chinups, C&P to test it) until my shoulder is back.
I have a repaired shoulder (read screws holding it together from 9-3 o’clock). My other one wobbles sometimes (labrum). Kettlebell presses heal the shoulder, TGU’s are a blessing. Hang often and do your trx rows. Deadlifts, swings and snatches have really helped the most because it fixes the posture and gets your rear delts, scaps etc really strong to help with shoulder issues.

I hurt myself in my youth boxing and wrestling. Ran off of testosterone and gunpowder those days.

Try Steve Baccari’s easy strength workout for the road

Handstand 10-30 seconds
Box pistols 3-5 reps
Wall walk
3-5 rounds (vary your days so go hard then easy, then medium)

Walking burns a lot of fat but doesn’t make people hungry. Go for a long walk. Work outside if you can, help someone move or saw up trees. It’s fun and melts the fat.

Check out Josh Hillis for diet. It’s a psychological approach to eating. I’ll summarize what I got from him.

1) eat a meal, no snacks
2) a meal is a protein, carb. A good meal is a protein, carb and veggies. The ideal meal is a lot of veggies, a protein and a carb.
3) don’t eat anything for 4-6 hrs, then eat again.
4) stop when your full and don’t eat if your not hungry.
5). Don’t deny yourself. Go to the birthday party and eat a hotdog and chips and cake, then don’t eat for 4-6hrs.
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Normally I might suggest a progam like the Giant or Dry Fighting Weight. But if you have a shoulder issue you need to address that first.

I might set a timer for 20-30 min and do 2 exercises 1) Cleans 2) Front Squats alternating them. Depending you could do them EMOM or autoregulate. If you are using a 10RM I might go for 4 reps to start and add a rep every week or two till you hit 7 or 8.

On off days, do some swings and get ups for mobility and stability. 20 swings +1GU rt + 1GU lt = 1 round. Don't push it too hard on the off days. Just go till your hips and shoulders feel nice. 2-5 rounds.
Thanks for posting this!
I have a repaired shoulder (read screws holding it together from 9-3 o’clock). My other one wobbles sometimes (labrum). Kettlebell presses heal the shoulder, TGU’s are a blessing. Hang often and do your trx rows. Deadlifts, swings and snatches have really helped the most because it fixes the posture and gets your rear delts, scaps etc really strong to help with shoulder issues.

I hurt myself in my youth boxing and wrestling. Ran off of testosterone and gunpowder those days.

Try Steve Baccari’s easy strength workout for the road

Handstand 10-30 seconds
Box pistols 3-5 reps
Wall walk
3-5 rounds (vary your days so go hard then easy, then medium)

Walking burns a lot of fat but doesn’t make people hungry. Go for a long walk. Work outside if you can, help someone move or saw up trees. It’s fun and melts the fat.

Check out Josh Hillis for diet. It’s a psychological approach to eating. I’ll summarize what I got from him.

1) eat a meal, no snacks
2) a meal is a protein, carb. A good meal is a protein, carb and veggies. The ideal meal is a lot of veggies, a protein and a carb.
3) don’t eat anything for 4-6 hrs, then eat again.
4) stop when your full and don’t eat if your not hungry.
5). Don’t deny yourself. Go to the birthday party and eat a hotdog and chips and cake, then don’t eat for 4-6hrs.
Wow good to hear there is life after shoulder injuries. I came back 6 years ago from two herniated discs. Shoulder is feeling okay after this mornings workout. A little sore but not bad. I think TGUs are great. I also think I could double press as long as I don’t go too wide on the way up. Go more straight up with the bell.
Will eat only coffee and a protein shake (100 calories, 20 gm protein) for breakfast and limit snacks at night. I’m going to stay in deficit with 1850 calories a day by estimating. Not weighing food.
There’s something to be said for eating enough protein/leucine to stimulate muscle protein synthesis at all meals and front loading protein in the morning if you’re going to eat a meal (read: not IF or underfeeding/overfeeding). Also high protein diets and higher protein in the AM helps with satiety. This would be more than 20 grams.

Whatever you do, diet and training, make sure you can stay consistent and depending on your personality, ease into it. Small changes over time produce sustainability. That’s what you’re after.

Do fix injuries and train in a way not to aggravate them.

If you don’t already, live an active life, in addition to training. Walking, getting out of a chair regularly is all good.

Provided that your nourishing your body well and paying attention, Understand that it some point, your body is likely to want to auto regulate to a certain body fat percentage. You can artificially drive it lower, but you’ll likely have work to maintain that artificially lowered body fat percentage once you get there.

Be patient. Nothing wrong with saying, “I want to accomplish X BF% in 12-16 weeks,” but how freeing would it be to say, “I want to accomplish X BF%” I bet stress toward getting there would be reduced and make the journey better.

I’m not telling you anything I’m not currently learning or previously learned.

My $0.02, YMMV
I agree on walking. Sometimes I even jog to 10,000 steps a day. Walking without AirPods or looking at my phone also clears my head.
Also I tend to eat a mid morning breakfast hours after my 20 gram protein shake of a yogurt and granola. Then normal lunch and dinner. Simply eating less at lunch and dinner and not snacking at all at night. I should drop body fat. I’m not a disaster at around 15-16% but pants getting tight so time to reign things in.
So still trying to figure out what workout program. Today did a bunch of PT. I’ve also started jogging again not far. Got 10,000+ steps. Tomorrow is a strength day so will be something KB that doesn’t aggravate the shoulder. Today I tried double C&P with 18 kg (my 10 RM) and stopped due to fear. So went down and did 2 reps with 2x16s. That was okay. My shoulder feels like it improving and don’t think I had a set back but not ready for a C&P program.
Months ago I injured my shoulder (proximal biceps tendonitis) doing Giant C&P and Snatch in the same session. After several months of stretching and refraining from doing exercises that caused pain, even with some pain I began doing C&P. The improvement results have surprised me.
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Weight 162.2 lbs - its working!

18 kg
100 swings - I did do 90 last time, 2 days ago
4:54 - yay!

5 TGU each side
6:08 - ugh why so slow???

Then did 2 sets of shoulder taps 15 reps each. Then tested 2 sets of single C&P with 18 kg. No issues with this either shoulder!

TGUs in 5 minutes was too fast for me with 18 kg but I know I will get there. I’m sweating lol. Swings were hard had to rush at the end and did 20 straight at the end in order to make it.

Not eating snacks last two days after 9pm has helped. Also eating less at lunch/dinner and super healthy thanks. Pushing protein.
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So still trying to figure out what workout program. Today did a bunch of PT. I’ve also started jogging again not far. Got 10,000+ steps. Tomorrow is a strength day so will be something KB that doesn’t aggravate the shoulder. Today I tried double C&P with 18 kg (my 10 RM) and stopped due to fear. So went down and did 2 reps with 2x16s. That was okay. My shoulder feels like it improving and don’t think I had a set back but not ready for a C&P program.
Sometimes it is better to go slow. It is a lot quicker than getting reinjured and having a 2-3 month set back.
Consider starting a log and dropping a link here for people to follow!
5 TGU each side
6:08 - ugh why so slow???
10 getups in 6 minutes is NOT slow. Haha if I did 10 getups right now I'd expect 10-20 minutes. ROFL
Sometimes it is better to go slow. It is a lot quicker than getting reinjured and having a 2-3 month set back.

Consider starting a log and dropping a link here for people to follow!

10 getups in 6 minutes is NOT slow. Haha if I did 10 getups right now I'd expect 10-20 minutes. ROFL
Hahaha isn’t the goal to do 10 getups in 5 minutes??? Thanks that is reassuring. The log is a good idea. I feel like going public helps me stay accountable!
Hahaha isn’t the goal to do 10 getups in 5 minutes??? Thanks that is reassuring. The log is a good idea. I feel like going public helps me stay accountable!
No. If you’re talking S&S the TEST is 10 swings every 30 seconds for 10 sets, 1 minute rest, then 1 getup every minute for 10 minutes. And I want to emphasize that is the test.
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