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Barbell Why so many sets??

Oddly this video about HIT training came up in my feed.
should clear up a ton of confusion on why and when to use HIT.
I am not sure the exact lay out of the deadlift program but I know in doing 531 you would often do a lot of deadlift accessories on the squat day and visa versa. The logic behind this is that you are thus training that movement or area 2x per week instead of just 1. So like squat day might be squat 531 and an accessory like RDL and Deadlift Day may be deadlift 531 with something like quad related like lunges. Also there is the boring but big program where you would do 531 squats and 5x10 deadlifts. I am not sure of the science behind it only the logic.
I am not sure the exact lay out of the deadlift program but I know in doing 531 you would often do a lot of deadlift accessories on the squat day and visa versa. The logic behind this is that you are thus training that movement or area 2x per week instead of just 1. So like squat day might be squat 531 and an accessory like RDL and Deadlift Day may be deadlift 531 with something like quad related like lunges. Also there is the boring but big program where you would do 531 squats and 5x10 deadlifts. I am not sure of the science behind it only the logic.
Guessing wildly here: Old thought that more volume equals more muscle.
Same as is repeated here in every book and blogpost that short rest periods equals more hypertrophy and longer rests are for strength without hypertrophy.

Some things get repeated for so long that the somehow gets told as a truth.

Exercise physiology in 1minute (so leaving out a few details):
In general (unless you are "new" to lifting) if you lift 5 reps with a 5repetition max (5RM) weight you will build muscle on all reps (all 5 will be stimulating reps). If you lift a 8 RM weight 5 times you will build muscle on 2 reps (2stimulating reps)
If you have a 12RM weight and lift it for 5 reps you get 0 stimulating reps.

The scientific litterature tells us that it is the last reps (about the last 5 reps) to failure (cause thats how the studies are done) that drives hypertrophy. You can save 1-2 repetitions in reserve( RIR) in the tank byt you will need more exercises or sets that session to maximize hypertrophy. The body can make use of about 25 stimulating reps.
Guessing wildly here: Old thought that more volume equals more muscle.
Same as is repeated here in every book and blogpost that short rest periods equals more hypertrophy and longer rests are for strength without hypertrophy.

Some things get repeated for so long that the somehow gets told as a truth.

Exercise physiology in 1minute (so leaving out a few details):
In general (unless you are "new" to lifting) if you lift 5 reps with a 5repetition max (5RM) weight you will build muscle on all reps (all 5 will be stimulating reps). If you lift a 8 RM weight 5 times you will build muscle on 2 reps (2stimulating reps)
If you have a 12RM weight and lift it for 5 reps you get 0 stimulating reps.

The scientific litterature tells us that it is the last reps (about the last 5 reps) to failure (cause thats how the studies are done) that drives hypertrophy. You can save 1-2 repetitions in reserve( RIR) in the tank byt you will need more exercises or sets that session to maximize hypertrophy. The body can make use of about 25 stimulating reps.
IMHO Hypertrophy is like collecting “pain points” how many “pain points you collect in a week matters. You can go in one go, and collect as much pain points as you can (go to failure like HIT), or you can work everyday and collect a bit of pain points everyday ( keeping 2 or 3 RIR)
IMHO Hypertrophy is like collecting “pain points” how many “pain points you collect in a week matters. You can go in one go, and collect as much pain points as you can (go to failure like HIT), or you can work everyday and collect a bit of pain points everyday ( keeping 2 or 3 RIR)
Yeah, weekly volume and adequate rests between (and by keeping fatigue and muscle damage low you don't have to rest as long)
I'm dying from confusion. It may seem I'm overcomplicating it but i just dont want to do more sets.

Someone may say that the authors are more educated than me and i should just shut up and listen but it just doesn't make sense on any universe to do more sets. Muscular damage is muscular damage. It can be done in one set but more sets just prolongs it.
Don't take this the wrong way, but maybe you're not ready for this program then.

It's been a while since I've read Deadlift Dynamite, but I'm guessing that you aren't supposed to destroy yourself w. the main lifts and then destroy yourself again w. the accessories. The point is NOT to damage yourself - the point is to get stronger and more competent with the lifts. Yes, muscular "damage" and recovery is part of the process, but if that's all your looking at, then you are missing the point.
Dorian Yates’ “warmup sets” would severely challenge or outright crush most serious trainees.
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