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easy strength

  1. Bodyweight "The Hotel Workout" by Steve Baccari from "Easy Strength"

    Wow, has anyone tried this workout from "Easy Strength"? It is basically a Stationary Wall Handstand (for a max of a slow 10 count), 3 to five reps of a Box Pistol from a chair (each leg), and then Wall Walk down a wall. Do a trip through the circuit, rest for 3 to five minutes (longer if you...
  2. Mike Whitenton

    Kettlebell Pistol or Double Kettlebell Front Squat for Easy Strength?

    I'm going to be starting my first Easy Strength cycle tomorrow and am not sure on which squat to include: pistol or double kb front squat. My pistols are a bit rusty (bodyweight only at this point) and my starting weight for the double kb front squat would be a pair of 53#s, which are...
  3. Barbell Relative strength while building an aerobic base?

    Hi all I am training for my country's military and have about a year. I am a bit out of shape at the moment due to a back injury, so have some weight to lose also. I'm currently 6'2, 230lbs, (ideal would be 190lbs). Here is my plan: Phase 1 - GENERAL PREP Goals: 10 mile run in under 80...
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