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simple & sinister

  1. Kettlebell Yet another S&S addition thread....

    First off , can't emphasize enough how awesome this forum is and how helpful everyone is. Thanks so much — you all are the best. Second, I've been going through S&S for the past month and really enjoying it. I'm nearly hitting the time standards for 24kg (I've got it for TGU, but not swings...
  2. Simply Simple

    Have finally decided to log my training. Which I should have done ages ago. Current program is S&S. Today’s session: Swings: 10*10 Emom for 10mins. TGU: 6 each side within 10 mins. Had yesterday off so felt fresh so pushed the TGUs. Swings feeling crisper than ever. Have decreased the...
  3. Kettlebell Tendonitis in right arm (probably golfer's elbow) from kettlebells swings. Forced to back off to heal. Can anybody suggest any alternatives?

    Hi Everyone. Like I said in the title, I think that I've given myself some tendonitis in my right elbow/forearm from doing one-handed kettlebell swings as in "Simple and Sinister". It looks like I'm going to have to back off the swings at least with my right arm in order to heal. I'd rather...
  4. Kettlebell Turkish Get up Technique Detail

    Hi everyone, I hope you are all managing to stay well and safe currently! This is my first post here and I have checked through lots of threads to see whether the question I am about to ask has been asked previously but could not see it. If it has please accept my apologies in advance, if you...
  5. Patrick Jackson

    2020 will be Simple (maybe a little Sinister?)

    Starting the journey to Simple & hopefully beyond in 2020. I'm 40 y/o 170 lbs and moderately athletic. In a previous career I was a firefighter and practiced strength training (mostly 5x5 barbell workouts). Currently a software engineer and out of the strength practice for quite some time...
  6. Eric Wilson

    Kettlebell S & S for teenagers

    So I've been enjoying using kettlebells. I'm gaining strength, and I'm understanding my body better. I'm a father of five, boys age 16, 14, 11, 8, and a 13 year-old girl. As a homeschooling family, I'm responsible for every part of my children's education, including Phys. Ed. I'm thinking that...
  7. nish1013

    Kettlebell S & S heavy light medium

    Hi Guys , Do we have a concept of heavy light medium days in S & S ? I’m in extremely beginner level , only do two hand swings using either 32kg or 20kg and half getups using 8kg. I do practice everyday. if I feel some what fatigue then I switch to 20kg . Some days switch between 32kg and...
  8. Bauer

    Kettlebell Jolts for S&S 2.0

    "Once or twice a month, take on any physical challenge that will test your spirit without breaking your body." This was already part of S&S 1.0 but it is more prominent in 2.0 as it is the equivalent of timed/glycolotic sessions before achieving Timeless Simple. What are your ideas for jolts...
  9. Bauer

    Kettlebell S&S 2.0 out now on kindle

    Hey everyone, S&S 2.0 has just been published on kindle: I have had a quick read. First of all: Congrats @Anna C and @Pavel Macek , you deserve it :) A couple of notes on the changes--while trying not to give away too...
  10. Bauer

    Kettlebell Overspeed Eccentrics: 4x10 or 10x10? (S&S)

    I am currently reading Easy Strength and stumbled upon this passage: Similar to the recommendations here: How to Boost Your Athletic Power with Kettlebells...and a PUSH Band | StrongFirst Odden , too, does not recommend more than 40 reps total. However in S&S they are used on Light Days and...
  11. Kettlebell Substitute for Hip Thrusts in S&S

    Reciently been doing way more of S&S and my knee has reminded me that it really hates hip bridges. I have a 3 year old meniscus injury that’s only bothered now by a#@ to grass squats (past parallel is fine) and hip bridges. Can I substitute SL or staggered stance deadlifts? As I understood it...
  12. J Cox

    Kettlebell A case for the get up

    A truly interesting thing happened today. I have been working S&S for a month now. Today I opted to just do some ladder pushups before Easter brunch. I haven't done pushups in weeks. I've also grown proficient in my get-ups, really feeling the weight under my control overhead, especially in...
  13. Bauer

    Other/Mixed QL Straddle Stretch

    I am currently following S+S and try to keep it Pavel. I do find that when I DON'T do the stretches that my glutes, QL or hamstrings tend to bother me the next day. So I dig the stretches as restorative tools. However, the QL straddle stretch tends to give me a tense neck and headaches. I...
  14. Kettlebell Bent press instead of TGU

    Hello friends, I it okay if I substitute the bent press for the TGU? I want to incorporate S&S into my clean and pressing routine, but I do not have enough flooor space to do getups. will it be a good substitute? Thankyou very much!
  15. Reventio007

    Kettlebell S&S: Soccer GPP Adaptation??

    Hey guys, I'm new, and glad to be here! After stumbling upon this forum and searching for a while, I decided to see if I can join the forum, and here I am. After researching about the best option to get back in shape, I searched online, having previously been fat, and later known about...
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