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  1. frenchyrules

    Barbell Help with my deadlift and squat form

    I am 22 years old and weight 69 kg. I recently started squatting and deadlifting and upon filming myself and watching the footage I'm pretty sure I have a lot of room to improve. I tried asking some of the coaches at my gym and they say that my form is fine. The squat is a regular high bar back...
  2. nick_j

    Barbell Faleev 80/20 Program

    Hey guys, first time posting. I have some questions about the program Pavel outlined in this article... Pavel: 80/20 Powerlifting and How to Add 110+ Pounds to Your Lifts Have any of you tried it? If so... 1. Did you have any shoulder issues from the lack of upper body pulling movements? 2...
  3. Kettlebell The Best Kettlebell Squat Variation

    Just out of interest Id like to know peoples favourite / thoughts on what the best kettlebell squat variation is for strong legs and strong core. Variations I hear a lot of are the goblet squat, pistol squat, single/double front squat, uneven-load front squat and Cossack squat. Personally I...
  4. Other/Mixed A simple program I thought some of you might enjoy

    Hello everyone! I wanted to share a simple program I created to help me get back in shape and fight the winter blues. It's fairly minimal and can be done quickly, but it works through 5 major movement patterns and can be pretty challenging! For this workout you'll need a mace and one or two...
  5. PeterLuffman

    Barbell Narrow squat stance

    I've been barbell back squatting for 20 years. I always squatted with a narrow stance and worked up to 150kg for one rep at a body weight of 100kg. Nothing majorly impressive, but then at 6ft 4 inches and naturally skinny, I don't feel like I'm built for heavy weights anyway. Plus I always...
  6. Carl in Dover

    Barbell 2018 USA Powerlifting Veterans Day Championships

    Any one going? I'm entered in RM3-105 so probably be scheduled for afternoon. USA Powerlifting Veterans Day Championships - 11.10.2018 Open to all lifters / Military get 50% off | Home Carl in Dover
  7. Carl in Dover

    Barbell 2018 USAPL Mid Atlantic Regionals

    Anyone else going to be there? We're arriving Friday 8/3 evening. I'm scheduled to lift Sunday morn 8/5 2018 USA Powerlifting Mid-Atlantic Regionals | Home
  8. Carl in Dover

    Barbell Squat Standups

    Training again today and thought that I'd pass this along.... I've noticed when squatting and progressing towards heavier weights (95%+), it's a real shocker to the system to stand up in the rack with near max loads. In an effort to "re-arrange the mindset" I worked on just standing up with...
  9. Barbell Form check - deadlift and back squat

    Hey guys, I would like to ask you to check my form on deadlift and back squat. J just moved to low-bar squat. It's much more comfortable then high-bar in terms on hips movement and body position. As you see I struggle to get into position at both exercises. While getting everything prepered...
  10. Barbell I need help with choosing a barbell...

    Hi, I'm new to this site and I was wondering if anyone knows about what barbell to purchase. I feel as if I should pick Rogue because that's all I know. I'm 6'4, 280 and will be leaning out to 220 within the next few months but I am continuing my strength training. I'm powerlifting now with the...
  11. Abdul-Rasheed

    Barbell Shoulder stress while squatting

    The question is in the context of back squat. I am able to perform it high bar. However the shoulder is really strained before, during and especially after the a rep or two. Because of this I have not even attempted the low bar version. I am assuming this is shoulder mobility ? Any suggestion on...
  12. Barbell Deadlift program

    Hi everybody, I would like to ask you for specific deadlift strength training. I am 23 male, 173 cm, about 77 kg. I participated in martial arts for 4-5 years, then turned to bodywheight training. My core training is gymnastics, but I incorporate barbell and kettlebells as well. In recent years...
  13. Kettlebell Strength Standards

    Beyond things like "Simple", "Solid", "Sinister", "Beast Tamer", "Iron Maiden", and the SFG I & II technique standards, are there any more formalized strength standards for kettlebell exercises? What comes to mind for me is something like these: Weightlifting Performance Standards for the...
  14. Other/Mixed Osgood-Schlatter, WTH Effect, Kettlebells, Weightlifting

    Hello Comrades, I need your advice. I was recently diagnosed with Osgood-Schlatter. The doctor told me I should avoid stuff like squats and do mostly upper body work. This is devastating because I love weightlifting and it means I can't do Snatches and Clean and Jerks, let alone squats. I...
  15. Barbell Confused with Low Bar Back Squat Form?

    Hello. I hope someone can assist because I really do not know where to go next? I have been following a full body routine for 4 months now & I have had really bad issue with my form for the Low Bar Back squat. When I first started I was very weak & could only manage the bar & now I am still at...
  16. kyle

    Bodyweight Pistol Squats

    ive never done them before , and wanted to start to learn how, im 5'11, 240, not the flexible but is there any tips or baby steps i can take on trying to learn this movements than k you
  17. Other/Mixed Squat (atg vs. parallel), article, knee pain

    Hi, I'd like to know your opinions on this article: a#@-to-Grass v. Parallel Squats, I’ve been doing bw squats variations for a few years now and I’m experiencing a mild and chronic knee pain. I used to do them “atg”, my mobility and flexibilty were always great for squats, but the aches became...
  18. Michael D

    Barbell Squat and Leg Press

    I started squatting in the middle of December with 95lb and got to 135lb by mid-January. It seems like the weight progression was a bit too fast, so I strained my adductors, and had to take time off squatting. I resumed squatting last week and worked up to 115lb with no pain. The weight doesn't...
  19. Michael D

    Barbell Adductor strain from squatting?

    I've been having issues with muscles in my groin area, inner thighs (both sides), and front of the hip (mostly right side). It started after some heavy squatting about 3 weeks ago, and it does not seem to go away even though there is an occasional relief here and there. It manifests the most...
  20. Bodyweight Don't have access to weights... Can Pistol squats replace weighted squats??

    As a South Korean, I have to join the army for 2 years soon, and surprisingly, there won't be enough weights in most of the troops in Korea (American soldiers will never expect this situation but weight training is not really prevalent in Korea unlike in America. Many people do lift weights for...
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