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  1. Kettlebell Stuck with ETK and transitioning to 32kg

    Hi, After initially starting out doing S&S for the first couple of years of kettlebell training and relatively easily achieving "Simple", I decided to take a step back and give myself a better foundation with ETK, since my pressing was not particularly impressive. So since the beginning of...
  2. michael.aubuchon

    Other/Mixed Marathon Training

    Good Evening, My name is Michael and I'm currently serving in the United States Marine Corps. The Marine Corps Embassy Security Group (MCESG) is sponsoring a marathon on October 24th, and I feel deeply compelled to attend and participate. I have completed more 5K's than I would care to count...
  3. Iversen

    Log of Sen

    What up? I'm starting my first log on here and it's going to be a good one. I do a bit of everything with my lifting as I'm basically the walking equivalent of lifting ADD. Before this whole pandemic situation my mainstay was a variation of this push/pull/legs program. I was hitting legs once a...
  4. Other/Mixed Sprint workouts (200m+)

    Hiya- I'm hopefully going to attend university in September, and I wish to take up athletics again. When I was younger, I used to sprint 200M/400M to a pretty decent standard - over time however, I stopped running and started competing in team sports. It's been a while since I've set foot on a...
  5. Bodyweight

    Hi! I have several of Pavels books and never tried the workouts until now. I am at homeas everyone is right now and want to take my training to the next level. I want to discuss structure of my home plan. I only havebody weight available. I have looked at naked warrior and understand the...
  6. Kettlebell Sinister or Beast Tamer, which first?

    I'm aware that the title of this post may appear arrogant, believe me, it honestly isn't meant to be so. I have ambitions to achieve both Sinister and tame the Beast within my lifetime. I have to admit that I am not close to either at the moment, so before I patiently start out on what could...
  7. Tahnee Qualls

    Becoming a Better Man than Most Men

    I am a 25 year old environmental engineer. My job requires me to frequently work outside carrying heavy loads and hiking through a variety of harsh terrain. I work long hours as a field lead in all variations of terrible weather and conditions (McCarteny Rose is not my bff). It is critical...
  8. Kettlebell What next sized kettlebell should I go to?

    I can do a good 100 straight reps of two handed kettlebell swings with a 55lb. I'm thinking of moving up. I like the swing, and sticking to that for now. Which size is the best to move to now? The 70lb? Possibly the 80lb?
  9. Ilya

    Kettlebell Cant swing all of a sudden!!!

    Hi Guys, For the last 3 months I've been using the 32kg for my 100 single arm swings and get ups. I've been making alot of great progress and my technique has really gotten quite good . And then all of a sudden I come in one day two weeks ago and I realise I cant swing anymore , can barley get...
  10. Other/Mixed Progression to swings

    On the 12/27/2018 StrongFirst podcast, Dr. McGill explains (41:45-42:06) that not everyone can do swings. He said some people need to "build [a] stiffened foundation first." Have any of you worked with students who you realized had to do other training before starting swings? If so, what...
  11. Bodyweight Training shedule alongside judo?

    Hey, this is my first post to this forum, so Im sorry if I make some mistakes Now, why I wrote this thread: I want to increase my training shedule so I can get in better shape. Right now im practising judo 2 times per week, and it is not enough for me to get stronger. I want to do strengh...
  12. Marius_Lefter

    Kettlebell To wave the load or not? A contrary point of view from Brooks Kubik

    Hi all. I am reading a book by Brooks Kubik, lawyer by trade and a very accomplished lifter by vocation. Look after his credentials to know more about him. The book I am reffering to is called Dinosaur Training. A lot of his ideas resemble the Strong First system and principles. But in one...
  13. Couch to SFG via S&S

    Backgrounder: 51 y/o Former military IT professional Diabetes (under diet control (Keto and IF) Was 320 lbs Dec 2017 Now 255 as of this AM Bad shoulder (surgery suggested), neck (same), knees, ankles Other issues I'd rather not say Program chosen: Simple and sinister + steel Mace + later...
  14. Carl in Dover

    Barbell Squat Standups

    Training again today and thought that I'd pass this along.... I've noticed when squatting and progressing towards heavier weights (95%+), it's a real shocker to the system to stand up in the rack with near max loads. In an effort to "re-arrange the mindset" I worked on just standing up with...
  15. Maine-ah KB

    Kettlebell Triple Progression

    I thought I'd share my experience with the last 5 weeks of @Rif explanation of the triple progression The Triple Progression System Explained | StrongFirst Reason for doing it I volunteered to be a guinea pig for a snatch protocol and still wanted to progress with 1arm kb pressing, the one day...
  16. Off-Topic Education/ investment

    Hi guys, Long time lurker, first time poster so go easy on me if this has been posted elsewhere! Possibly a vague question, but I'll give it a go. In terms of investment for furthering my own career, which would you guys consider better: hiring a coach or putting the money to seminars and...
  17. Carl in Dover

    Off-Topic GOALS....your opinions welcome!

    @Steve W. and I were just beginning to have a great discussion regarding whether to set goals or master the process of training. I didn't want to derail @Jak Nieuwenhuis thread regarding posture, but I do think it is an excellent subject for discussion. So, what's your thoughts? Right now...
  18. Mateusz Calisthenics

    Other/Mixed Passive or Active Rest in strength training ?

    What do you prefer to do between sets? Passive or Active Rest ? Passive : Do nothing, seat etc Active : Walking, Stretching etc During passive rest I lose my energy to training faster than in active. What is the best option in your opinion ? Can you explain why ? What is your experience ?
  19. Mateusz Calisthenics

    Other/Mixed Pro Tips to stay Fresh for longer during Strength Training

    Hello Community :) I want to share with you my three simple ways to stay fresh for longer during Strength Training :) 1. Rolling/Massage Muscles between sets 2. Drink Water between sets 3. Ensure fresh air in the place where you practice What you think about it ? Write below :)
  20. Mateusz Calisthenics

    Bodyweight What is the time range of hold isometric position for best gains in strength ?

    Hello do you know What is the time range of hold isometric position for best gains in strength ? What I mean ? For example the best range of reps for: Strength 1-5 reps Muscle Growth (hypertrophy stimulus) 8-12 reps But how it works on static position ? I read that isometric exercises are good...
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