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Other/Mixed Curls: A Big Waste of Time?

Other strength modalities (e.g., Clubs), mixed strength modalities (e.g., combined kettlebell and barbell), other goals (flexibility)
Regarding your series, it looks like this:
-Overcoming isometric 20 seconds
-a string of rapid
-dynamic tension
-And bag curls to failure?
I swap out the dynamic tension for sandbag, so
- 20 sec static 100%
- 15 sec pulses
- 30 sec isotonic reps or to tech failure

In practice I’m not seeing a big difference in response between sandbag and dynamic tension.
This arrived today:


The 40" version was $155, then add another $40 for shipping and tax and just this bar was about 4x of the cheapy pulley from Amazon.

I'll try cable curling with it tonight, but....

At this point in my lifting career, I have a decent sense of what drives better hypertrophy for me, and aside from sheer volume, I get more response from heavier stretch-mediated resistance training than I do from metabolite and pump work.

As a result, my biceps seem to grow more when I do more pull ups / rows / pulls / ring work than I ever get from bicep curls, whether barbells, dumbbells, or whatever.

And while stretch-focused curls (incline, preacher) are a little better, they still seem to be less effective as the compounds as they're just not as heavy.

For the time it takes me to do 4-5 sets of bicep curls, and the impact on systemic fatigue, I could do 1 more set of a compound pulling exercise. Maybe 2.

Other than a little minimal curl work for elbow health in snatches, I have no functional need for bigger biceps. It's purely beach work.

Is it time to just chuck the curls in the waste basket?
I feel Like cleans give me a bicep work out. Everyone I roll with in Jiu Jitsu say my push / pull strength is retarded even though all I do is cleans and presses or snatches. And Although this is on a completely different plane than a kettlebell clean, i still feel depending on your goals curls can be useful.
I have done pull uos / chin ups for over 35 years, most of that time they would be classed as one of my main exercises and prioritized. The first maybe 20 years I preferred pull ups, my grip was a little wider than shoukder width and I would go from full extension to at least chin over the top of the bar.

I could knock out 8 reps with 30kg extra, a single with 52kg and 23 reps with ni extra weight. Nothing special in the big scheme of things but not bad either.
I switched to chin ups, can't remember why, but I matched or even exceeded a little some of the above weight/rep combinations, and I still prefer chin ups today.

To be honest, I don't feel my biceps are that involved - they certainly don't support the widespread idea that chins are the best biceps exercise and all you really need. I don't know if it is just because I have got so used to making my back do all the work that I have totally minimised (as much as is possible) biceps involvement, but if I don't do some sort of biceps exercise, curls etc, my biceps suffer.
I think its the cool thing to crap on curls now by the minimalist gangs. Chinups nor pullups never done squat for my biceps. Neither did overhead pressing do much for my delts and I've been no pushover on Military Pressing in my day. I have to do laterals/upright rows and curls for my arms and shoulders to look like I even remotely lift. Here is two comparison photos. I've been really lazy about my isolation work for my delts and arms over the past several months. I guess its been back in October since I've did them serious.313822731_5544641352324252_1282234202095555729_n.png

I think its the cool thing to crap on curls now by the minimalist gangs. Chinups nor pullups never done squat for my biceps. Neither did overhead pressing do much for my delts and I've been no pushover on Military Pressing in my day. I have to do laterals/upright rows and curls for my arms and shoulders to look like I even remotely lift. Here is two comparison photos. I've been really lazy about my isolation work for my delts and arms over the past several months. I guess its been back in October since I've did them serious.View attachment 20644

View attachment 20645

Which is before and after the arm isolation work?

They look really similar to me.
Bro-science observation:

My biceps seem to be governed by "sarcoplasmic hypertrophy" more than any other muscle I have.

This may be just observational bias as I can see and feel them more easily.

But I seem to go through inflation / depletion cycles more with my biceps than other muscles.

And, conversely, I seem to have less bicep 'myofibrillar hypertrophy'.

Unlike my forearms and triceps, which stay denser and harder.
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