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Getting Strong First for Jiu Jitsu

Lower body still super sore. Upper back and especially abs sore now too. Back down to 176lbs.

W8D1 Aerobic Capacity:
5 min easy warmup/cooldown at 40rpms
5 sets of 4mins Z3 at 62rpms, 3mins recovery at 40rpms. 11.4 miles in 45 minutes.
185bpm max HR, 139 average bpm.

2x20 easy banded rows/horozontal presses.
P3 Supine Series
5x6x10lbs chinups. Fairly easy.
4,3,3,3,3 Double 50lbs KB presses. Not too hard, working on breathing/tension.
W8D2 Aerobic Capacity Run:
4 sets of 4 mins Z3, 4min recovery.
3.93 miles in about 44 minutes. Hr average greater than 152. Max HR 186. Left my apps running past when I finished, so my average is lower than reality and I’m unsure of the time.
This was my first time bringing water with me on a run, with some sugar/salt.
Also was more intentional about slowing down and recovering in my rest intervals.

Did my workout today so I can do some max testing tomorrow.
Up to 50lbs double press for 8 and 35lbs chinups for 6. I overate yesterday night and this morning so I ended up weighing 182 for this. When I get back down towards 170 it should even the reps out a bit. I’m starting 2,3,5 ROP next week, pretty excited for it.
I weigh 181. I broke on Friday night, and weekends are always bad for my weight. Worse, I have morning shift instead of evening shift for three days, and It’s making it hard to eat well.
3x(2,3) 50lbs double press and 35lbs chinups. Presses were pretty easy. Chinups were heavy, but not hard.
3x8x155lbs front squats. Fairly hard.
3x8x135lbs RDLs. Went pretty fast, weight felt light. But we’ll see how sore I am tomorrow.
P3 Supine series
Short 45 minute workout. I like how this training is looking.
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This was a day where I sat around for 20 minutes trying to figure out what I want to do. I kept bouncing between bike cardio variations, AXE, and plyos, and a lot more options. I think it makes most sense to do AXE+Zone 2, and do plyos as part of my lift days.

10x4x70lbs OA kb swing. Hr was nice and spikey. Not very high though. This weight is very heavy for me, and my left hand has a blister.
30 minute zone 2 bike at 52rpms. HR hovered around 140, but my quads burned. I wanted to stop because of the quad burn, but I kept going because my hr kept going down until the last 5 minutes.
5x1 50lbs double Kb press, 5x1x35lbs weighted chinups. My blister hand made it uncomfortable.
Skipped olympic lifts/pulls because of my hand.
Back squat sets of 5: 155,185,195,205,215lbs.
Hitched a bit last set. Not a big deal, most Olympic lifters hitch a bit, but I was conflicted about it at the time. I’ll probably start videoing my squats and O-lifts soon. I also forgot to do plyos. I’m also vacationing in two weeks, so I’ll have to change plans while I’m away for 2 weeks, which will be annoying.

Edit: went back for 3,3,2,1,1, HLR. I’ve been doing a “convex/extended/stretched/open hang” between reps for a complete stretch at the bottom. Makes it a ton harder I think.
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8 sets of 4 70lbs OA swings. Hands again.
30 minutes Z2 bike at 52 rpms. HR actually dropped the whole time (forgot to have it on for swings) had a peak of 165bpm at the start, averaged 153bpm, ended close to 142bpm.

It’s weird that HR drops with duration.

10,8,8 15lbs side lying dumbell external rotations. Randomly remembered that I should probably be doing these and did them.
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3x2 50lbs double KB press and 35lbs chinups.
The low volume is annoying.
BB Snatch high pulls: up to 3x3x185lbs. I don’t feel very explosive, but I was still working with a bad hand.
215lbs back squat: 3,4,4,4,3. Probably gonna work to 6’s and advance again.
10,8,8 kneeling ab wheel with light blue band resistance at about half extension.
8,8,6 15lbs delt raises with a KB.
8,7,7x65lba BB curls. 23,18,15 banded overhead triceps with short black band. I want a heavier version but overhead BB has irritated my elbows in the past.
Upper back and abs were sore, so I skipped the rows/HLRs for today. Next week is my last week before vacation. Next week will hopefully have a better schedule.

Bench press: 155lbs for 6,6,6,5,5
Wide grip bench: 3x10x85lbs. Decided to go light for now.

I found my right shoulder hurting again, so I’m gonna cut the side delt raises.
Went back down and sid P3 Side Lying and Prone.
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4x(2,3) 50lbs double Kb presses and 35lbs chinups. A little funky in the shoulders/elbows.
Up to 3x(3,2)x185lbs snatch pulls. Grip was my limiting factor, and I ripped a callous on my hand, forcing me to skip RDLs.
5x10x155lbs high bar back squat. Huge quad pump, last two sets were close.
2x12 band assisted ab rollouts, same resistance as last time.
17,12 45lbs skull crushers from behind the head. Huge tricep pump. Taking this from YouTube was a great idea. Technically sloppy though, next session will be more honest.
9,7 65lbs Bb curls.
Was sore in upper back, also hams/glutes a bit.

Sets of 4 70lbs OA swings OTM for 20 minutes. Started to get crisp around minute 13. It’s weird that I never used to be able to swing 35lbs with one arm. HR tended to spike from 115 to 135 for each set.

30 minutes of suffering on airbike: 53rpms average, HR about 150bpm average, 159 peak HR. 7.9 miles. That 1 rpm and .1 mile difference seemed to take a lot of effort. Maybe it was the swings.
4x1 50lbs double press and 35lbs chinup
4x5 2L hops, 4x4 rotating drill with banded bar
3x gwiz jump to 1L stair jump (3 steps),
3x rotating OA medball throws
3x front roll to 4-step 2L stair jump
3x4 banded hip throw drill
3x4 right hop left hop into hip lock sorta drill
3x10 foot sweep drill

Prone/supine P3 since I tweaked my back with the hip throw drill.
Sets of 4 70lbs OA swings OTM for 16 minutes.
Not tiring, but my grip was slipping a bit, had to use chalk, and my back was a little iffy.
HR troughs were about 105ish, peaks about 120-125ish.

30 minute bike at 53rpms, 8 miles. Z1 HR: About 151 bpm average, 156 max. Not too tough this time, very slight HR creep.

Average HR for entire workout was 135.
Friday: last lift before 2 week vacation
4x2 50lbs double press and 35lbs chinup.
Power clean singles up to 215lbs (PR). Using a hook grip and chalk cleaned up that grip issue, got it fairly clean.
Squat: 215lbs for 4,5,5,5,4. Last rep of sets 4/5 I hitched a decent bit.
RDL 185lbs for 3x8 with my new straps. I’m sure I used them wrong, but they definitely helped.
15,12 45lbs strict skull crusher.
13,8+3 band resisted ab wheel. Doing triceps first was a mistake, it really messed with these.
8,6 65lbs curls.
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