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Bodyweight help my to increase my reps

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Level 2 Valued Member

I would like to increase my max of pull-ups. I have been stagnating at around 17-18 for 3 and a half months. I started with bodyweight grease the groove for 2 and a half months and then I continued with the fighter pull ups program also at body weight. I have tomorrow for the last day of the program. But I feel that my max is still 18. I do not know what to do, continue the pull-ups scatter every day over the day like FPP or GTG but weighted this time. Or rather used another way of training.
Take a week or two off of pull ups,
Then: 1 x week, 5 sets of 12, rest as needed.
1 x week, 5 sets of 5, weighted, rest as needed.
Take a week or two off of pull ups,
Then: 1 x week, 5 sets of 12, rest as needed.
1 x week, 5 sets of 5, weighted, rest as needed.
ok so if I understood correctly that makes 2 training sessions per week? Will it be enough you think? and when you say "rest needed" can it be in gtg style or it should be more like 5-6min?
ok so if I understood correctly that makes 2 training sessions per week? Will it be enough you think? and when you say "rest needed" can it be in gtg style or it should be more like 5-6min?
Two pull up sessions per week. Without asking you a bunch of questions about what goes on in your life the other 5 days, I would also add in a smoker type dbl. CJ session, sets of 10-15, with a couple minutes rest btwn. , 5 or more sets. Rest btwn. on pull ups , start with 3-5 mins. Could rest longer on the weighted pulls.
Two pull up sessions per week. Without asking you a bunch of questions about what goes on in your life the other 5 days, I would also add in a smoker type dbl. CJ session, sets of 10-15, with a couple minutes rest btwn. , 5 or more sets. Rest btwn. on pull ups , start with 3-5 mins. Could rest longer on the weighted pulls.
ok and what is a "dbl smocker session" and the CL session in addition to the other 2 basic ones (5 * 12 bw and the other 5 * 5 weighted)?sorry if I ask a lot of questions but I like to understand things when I do them and the physical preparation is really something that fascinates me

Here is something that works well:

In general, if you have information on the test, focus on them : running ? Push up ? Etc...

Kind regards,

ok and what is a "dbl smocker session" and the CL session in addition to the other 2 basic ones (5 * 12 bw and the other 5 * 5 weighted)?sorry if I ask a lot of questions but I like to understand things when I do them and the physical preparation is really something that fascinates me
Not your fault.
KB Clean and Jerks with two bells. High reps, low rest equals sucking air, equals a smoker.

Here is something that works well:

In general, if you have information on the test, focus on them : running ? Push up ? Etc...

Kind regards,

Thank you for the program I had forgotten. I had already done this with my push ups. Did you try it and did it work?
I planned to do 3-4 weeks of weighted gtg at 10kg and then continue with the fighter pull up program at 10kg also for 3-4 weeks. After that I think I will do the stew smith program.

Yes I tried it. Back then, I was right in the "optimal range" for the program (about 9 reps). I went up to 20. Afterwards, I shifted to other things to keep progressing.

I agree with @Don Fairbanks A strong clean usually helps a lot with the pull ups. What follows is an article from someone who ran RoP and got impressive results: What the Hell Effect Military-Style | StrongFirst

C&P + swings + snatch (like in RoP) will transfer to pull up [near] max strength. For most people there is a transfer from strength to endurance. In general this is true for press motion. For pull motion, there is less consensus. FPP will obey by the same rules, by increasing your [near] max strength.

In this thread (post 6: Weighted pull up result post FPP) there is the Steve House's pull up program, which also permits to increase pull up strength, and so to benefit from the transfer to endurance. But again, be careful on the transfer.

At some point, this is hard to beat specificity. If one wants to increase pull ups reps, then doing the reps is something we have to consider. FPP with the 20 or 25RM could be in line with this philosophy.

DSU is in Belgium from what I read in your post. I am from France. In this case, you may be familiar with a book called "Méthode Lafay". I used it for a while and honestly, it worked well. This method made me go from the 20 I mentioned earlier to 35 as a max (full ROM). This method is a great way to prep for military tests, if you pair it with running. Indeed, there are also core work, push ups (up until one arm push ups) and pistol squats. If you are interested in more details, I can dig into it a little bit more.

In addition to all the excellents post above, here and there in your preparation, make sure to do the pull ups (and the other stuff) in the same conditions than your test. For instance, if during the test, you do the pull ups after a run, then it is great to be prepared for it, because your number will usually be lower than if you do the pull ups first.

Kind regards,


Yes I tried it. Back then, I was right in the "optimal range" for the program (about 9 reps). I went up to 20. Afterwards, I shifted to other things to keep progressing.

I agree with @Don Fairbanks A strong clean usually helps a lot with the pull ups. What follows is an article from someone who ran RoP and got impressive results: What the Hell Effect Military-Style | StrongFirst

C&P + swings + snatch (like in RoP) will transfer to pull up [near] max strength. For most people there is a transfer from strength to endurance. In general this is true for press motion. For pull motion, there is less consensus. FPP will obey by the same rules, by increasing your [near] max strength.

In this thread (post 6: Weighted pull up result post FPP) there is the Steve House's pull up program, which also permits to increase pull up strength, and so to benefit from the transfer to endurance. But again, be careful on the transfer.

At some point, this is hard to beat specificity. If one wants to increase pull ups reps, then doing the reps is something we have to consider. FPP with the 20 or 25RM could be in line with this philosophy.

DSU is in Belgium from what I read in your post. I am from France. In this case, you may be familiar with a book called "Méthode Lafay". I used it for a while and honestly, it worked well. This method made me go from the 20 I mentioned earlier to 35 as a max (full ROM). This method is a great way to prep for military tests, if you pair it with running. Indeed, there are also core work, push ups (up until one arm push ups) and pistol squats. If you are interested in more details, I can dig into it a little bit more.

In addition to all the excellents post above, here and there in your preparation, make sure to do the pull ups (and the other stuff) in the same conditions than your test. For instance, if during the test, you do the pull ups after a run, then it is great to be prepared for it, because your number will usually be lower than if you do the pull ups first.

Kind regards,

Si vous venez de France on peut continuer en français alors ce sera plus simple. J'ai entendu parler de la méthode Lafay mais sans jamais avoir vu de programme ou de manière de comment s'entrainer avec. Donc oui je pense que ce serai une bonne méthode, je vais donc me renseigner la dessus et revenir vers vous si j'ai des questions ou autres. Dernière petite question, ombien de temps vous-a-t-il fallu pour passer de 20 à 35 tractions?

Merci beaucoup pour votre aide

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Not familiar with some of the programs you have used to this point, but my experience with increasing pushups leads me to believe the best way to increase beyond your current is to incrementally load with external resistance.

At 20 odd reps of anything it becomes increasingly difficult to progress at the same loading no matter what you do. I had considerable trouble progressing beyond 30 pushups until I started to load them up back into a lower rep range of < 8 using sandbags on my back. Instead of coming up with strategies to progress at high rep/long TUT, just train as you would any external resistance exercise.
Not familiar with some of the programs you have used to this point, but my experience with increasing pushups leads me to believe the best way to increase beyond your current is to incrementally load with external resistance.

At 20 odd reps of anything it becomes increasingly difficult to progress at the same loading no matter what you do. I had considerable trouble progressing beyond 30 pushups until I started to load them up back into a lower rep range of < 8 using sandbags on my back. Instead of coming up with strategies to progress at high rep/long TUT, just train as you would any external resistance exercise.
yes I will start the weighted pull-up work

Tu peux sans doute la trouver en pdf sur le net.
Il m'a fallu 3-4 mois (3 séances par semaine). Quand sont les tests ?

English version :
You probably can find it for free on Internet.
It took me about 3-4 months (3 sessions a week). When are the tests planned ?

Kind regards,

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