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Larry’s Logs

Wednesday took the kids out for the day and hit up the willis (sears) tower. My son’s new obsession is towers. Lots of walking.

Thursday: various hangs and bw rows on the rings. Even did some oapu regressions on a lowered ring, these may become more of a staple. mobility get up complex ( armbar to loaded shoulder opener to loaded hip flexor stretches to windmill then back down), hangs and a couple of two minute snatch test spread apart from eachother.

Friday: hangs
CJCJ OTM for 30:00 @24/28k
Pretty easy again this time, the run on monday is what threw me off on tuesday. CJCJC is next, see how that goes. Looking forward to bumping up in weight. Whichever side has the 24 always flies up.
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Family Walk to start off the day.

Variety day:
Tgu mobility complex
3x5 sldl and bw rows

Tried out the oapu on the rings again but i did not have it in me today. This movement is extremely novel to me and I'm still trying to dial it in.

Hit up a local park for some family bball practice too.
Mtn bike (little time off roading at the terrain park)

CJCJC OTM for 18:00
Not sure if i was a bit tired from biking (hopped off and got right to the bells) or if the extra clean was that much extra.

Bball game with the girls, supposedly one of the tougher teams we’ll play but won 28-14. I heard it was their first game though and we've had 3 already. The head coaches girls are really good…proud of my fourth grader bumping up to sixth grade ball though and gettin scrappy!
Have been getting consistent albeit random training in. Focusing more on lower body stability and function. Doing a lot of one legged squat exercises focusing on good form. Finally attacking my foot stability and knee valgus that i have been blissfully ignoring. Also doing squats with a hip circle band around my knees. Pair it with my tgu loaded mobility complex as well. Working on my windmills on the too of all these.

Saturday 12/2
26:00 of CJCJC
Saturday night i took a XC mtn bike ride, this was fun.

Monday 12/4
30:00 of CJCJC, made it to 30:00 but maybe pushed it a bit at the end and was not 100% true to the stop signs so i will continue with this rep scheme till i think otherwise.

Tuesday 12/5
Lower body stability and loaded mobility

Wednesday 12/6
Lower body stability and loaded mobility followed by 10:00 of H2H swings x4 @40k (emulating AXE) mixed in a couple of rounds of 2HSx6 towards the end (so i could continue to ignore stop signs).
I’ve been lazy about posting and a little lazy in training. I got in another kbsf session but cut it at 15:00 cuz i just wasn't feeling it.
I had my commencement ceremony and my grandmother had a bad fall the same day. I decided to drive back with my mom, brother and sister. She unfortunately passed away and I stayed to help and for the funeral. I did not do much formal training outside of mobility stability exercises and farm work. Would run errands/jobs with my brother and do chores around the house/barn for my ma.
I’ve been testing out weights to run geoff’s new ICT beta test. I’m opting for the advanced movements in all categories and trying to keep my weights mostly the same so I’m not swapping out constantly. I’m basically running 24k’s across the board apart from snatches where I’m going for a 20k.
DBMP 24/24k
DBFS 24/24k
Renegade row: 24/24k (this may be an aggressive weight but i am going for it)
DBJerk and PP: 24/24k ( these are supposed to be conditioning so weight may be a tad high. I figure with no cleans they will be worlds easier than the full long cycle).
1hs 24k
Snatch:20k these last two are a little conservative but will perhaps make up for my more aggressive weights in the jerk and pp.
i wanted to stick with KBSF for longer but need to refocus and this beta should be the perfect thing for it!
I’ve been lazy about posting and a little lazy in training. I got in another kbsf session but cut it at 15:00 cuz i just wasn't feeling it.
I had my commencement ceremony and my grandmother had a bad fall the same day. I decided to drive back with my mom, brother and sister. She unfortunately passed away and I stayed to help and for the funeral. I did not do much formal training outside of mobility stability exercises and farm work. Would run errands/jobs with my brother and do chores around the house/barn for my ma.
I’ve been testing out weights to run geoff’s new ICT beta test. I’m opting for the advanced movements in all categories and trying to keep my weights mostly the same so I’m not swapping out constantly. I’m basically running 24k’s across the board apart from snatches where I’m going for a 20k.
DBMP 24/24k
DBFS 24/24k
Renegade row: 24/24k (this may be an aggressive weight but i am going for it)
DBJerk and PP: 24/24k ( these are supposed to be conditioning so weight may be a tad high. I figure with no cleans they will be worlds easier than the full long cycle).
1hs 24k
Snatch:20k these last two are a little conservative but will perhaps make up for my more aggressive weights in the jerk and pp.
i wanted to stick with KBSF for longer but need to refocus and this beta should be the perfect thing for it!
Sorry for your lost. All the strength to you.
Thank you all, she had a long happy life and went out trying to maintain her independence. Tryin to be strong rn and then…
Running the new ICT (integrated concurrent exercise) beta for Neupert. The theory (based off some study) that a strength exercise immediately followed by a cardio one will produce a loss in visceral fat without diet intervention. You could also do the cardio followed by strength. Basically you perform a set amount of grind reps followed by non stop (30,:45,:60)swings/snatches/PP/jerks depending on the day. Oh ya theres an A/B split mixed in too. DifferentExercises for different skill levels for each movement.
I’ll be using:
A1: DKBMP 24/24k
A2: 1hs 24k
B1: DKBFS 24/24k
B2: snatch 20k
For A block

A1: DKBFS 24/24k
A2: DKBPP 24/24k
B1: renegade row 24/24k
B2 DKBJ 24/24k
For B block

Im worried im going to heavy for pp and jerks but we will see.
Got 6 rounds of each circuit (15:00 each with prescribed rest). Feels good.
Ya…..looks like a different kind of program though and i needed a change of pace. I will always take up a chance to get on one of Geoff's betas though. 9 bucks for a quality program is the right price for me.
Geoff has so many gems, I still take advantage of his Reflexive Reboot Mobility template, it's a great body 'resetter'.
Ya…..looks like a different kind of program though and i needed a change of pace. I will always take up a chance to get on one of Geoff's betas though. 9 bucks for a quality program is the right price for me.
Had the same but have not started yet.
Gives a small bit of perspective into KB Sport practitioners, those trainers go far into pain land.. and then some, putting up serious tonnage per session.
Absolutely, i was almost wishing i was doing cleans. Keeping it in going up and down was tough.
Friday 12/22/23
GN beta program
A1 DMP 24ks
A2 swing 24k
B1 DFS 24ks
B2 Snatch 20k

Sunday 12/24/23
6.5 mile run with the wife

Tuesday 12/26/23
8ish mile run

Was supposed to run the beta program with the single bell option this week but haven’t squeezed it in yet. Not very often the wife and i can run together and can just ditch the kids so we’ve been taking advantage. Perhaps tomorrow.

Hope everyone had a merry Christmas.
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