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Simple and beyond

2h swing@36 kilo: 10/4
2h swing@32: 10/4

Push ups between kettlebells: 9 kilo. 5/3
Biceps curl@28: 5/3
2h swing@48: E20sec. 9 minutes. a bit heavy. Not sure if the power is there.
goblet squat@20 kilo. 6/3
Some training with bands for military press and rowing.
I was very tired yesterday so I tried something easy:

Changing the following two exercises for four rounds:

32 kilo suitcase walk in place. First right hand, then left hand. The set lasted until somewhat tired in the hands.
Crawling back and forth.

A nice work-out. Maybe I could have added push-ups, or maybe push-ups with a band.
20 minutes of step ups. Used 8,12,16 kilo. Low step and high step.
11 minutes on a stationary bike.
1h swing@28: 12/8. Tried doing four sets on each hand before switching.

Goblet squat@28: 7,6,6

Power wheel roll-out from knees: 7,6,5
2h swing 32 kilo. E20sec. 23 minutes (deloading since being tired)
3*hollow position with arms along the side.
6/3 kettlebell pullover@16 kilo. (a little bit easy).

This is my second workout with 32 kilo in 2h swing E20sec
Hypertrophy training:

9 kilo back pack and push-ups between kettlebells. Feet on a 20 cm step.
Band rows with blue Iron Woody band.
Biceps curl with rope and 28 kilo kettlebell.
Backward lunges one foot at the time: 24 kilo.
I also tried some kettlebell deadlift with 40, 48 and 56 kilo.

I dont bother to write the details since Im not focusing this on the moment, I am just trying to maintain some strength and muscle mass.
I train at home and I kind of enjoy the kettlebell deadlift, especially with one single kettlebell. My biggest kettlebell is 60 kilo. I could buy one for 92 kilo but that would cost me at least 500 dollars something which I think will be too expensive for a thing with limited use.

Maybe some combination of kettlebell deadlift with 60 kilo, and some hip thrust with one leg ?
3 minutes of suitcase walk wit 28 kilo. My goal is 15 minutes with 36 kilo. I think I will also accept 10 minutes. My record is 5 minutes. Currently I am training with 20,24 and 28.
Having to improvise at my parents place, due to lack of equipment.

A circle:

8 jumping lunges (every jump is one rep)
8-9 push ups on my fists.
12 steps each side suitcase walk with 44 kilo.

6 rounds. Rests as I feel like it. Don't pus myself.
I managed to select three exercises that I am also working on in my regular practice back at my own place. It is acceptable to do random acts of variety in my holiday, but I prefer to evade it if possible.

I am also fasting. This is my first day of fasting this week.
9 minutes suitcase walk with 20 kilo. Switching hands as often as I like.

one hour later:

25 minutes on a concept 2 rowing machine.
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Hypertrophy day:

Push-ups between between kettlebells. No weight. Feet on a step. 5/3.
Gorilla rows (one hand at a time). 6/3@ 20 kilo.
Backward lunges one foot at a time. 5/3@20.

Biceps hammer curl with dumbbells. 6/5@12 kilo pr. hand. Short rests. Less than a minute.
2h swing E20SEC@44 kilo. 23 minutes.
Halos with 20 and 16 kilo. A good ab workout out of these halos.
I was using 1HS, 1 every 20 seconds back in June/July and really liked doing them that way. Good work!
Thanks for visiting my log and leaving a comment. I also like it. I feel I can get a quite good pulse without getting too much acid in my muscles and without running out of breath.
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