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Using Russian Tools to Cure an Irish Weakness

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Level 6 Valued Member
Certified Instructor
I've decided to start a log to track my progress. Last year was a good year in terms of sticking to the programme and achieving simple. I also used KB strong and KB burn extreme, run 2 half marathons and did someath bjj.
This year my target is achieve SFG 1, take part in a tactical strength comp, practise Muay Thai and look at how I could attack the beast tamer later in the year and into 2018. The sfg is the main focus and I'll be working with an SFG twice a month to dial in technique.
I'm continuing with S and S until the end of this month and then I'll formulate a plan for rhe TSC. I've been reading deadlift dynamite and naked warrior over the Xmas break and so there's lots to absorb.

OS resets
Deadbugs 3 sets of 10

10 by 10 2H swing with 48kg
10 TGU 40 kg
100 snatch 24kg

5,4,3,2,1 pull ups...needed some catharsis after Xmas indulge mentioned...that did the trick...
Xmas festivities took their toll
Did 3 TGU with 40kg and was feeling zapped dropped to 32kg for rest of the set.

Sone box breaking to finish...feeling relaxed...
OS resets rocks/nods
Flexible steel arm bar 5 each side
Prying goblets woth 24kg

Grad workout
10 sets with 2 28kg
Squats were tough...

5 sets of 5 Double snatch with 24kg.

4 mins plank/shank
Wim Hoff breathing to finish
Flexible steel arm bar
Explored the Frog movement...need to keep this in..struggle with the pump drill withave keeping calves planted.

Pistol and OAPU progressions sets of 5

10 sets to 10 one hand swing with 48kg...been sitting with a hand grip over Xmas whilst eating sweets and over indulging..grip feels better on the 48kg but still lots to do..

8 TGU with 40 kg TGU 2 with 28kg

OS resets and box breathing to finish...few beers this eve so they have been earned..
60 min LSS HR 150 generally. Soundtrack: started with Nebraska by the Boss but too bleak after a few beers last night..switched up to Rocky 4 soundtrack...pulled me through..
Flexible steel frog and arm bar without weight
Hollow Rocks
Box breathing..
Start TSC type work tomorrow.
FPP a.m

Flexible S arm bar
Goblet Squat
5 sets of 10 one arm with 48kg
5 sets of 10 two arm swings with 48kg
10 TGU with 32kg
Hollow rocks 30 seconds 3 sets
Crawls 30 seconds 3 sets
Box breathing
Cold tonight so headed out to the garage. 5 mins heavy bag combo and stretch hip flexor.
Felt bit zapped after 48 last night so did
10 sets of double 24kg waited for he to drop below 140 to restart each set.
5 sets of 10 snatches 5 L 5 Rest again waited for HR to drop to below 140
5 sets of 3 HLR
Chopped blocks with an axe 10 mins.
Cool down
Ed C DL programme day 1
Tactical Frog stretch
Deadlifts warm up sets of 5: focus on technique and keeping tension.

60 kg by 5
100kg by 5
140 by 5

Work set 180kg by 1 ×2 @ 180kg
Speed set 8 × 3 @ 145kg 90 seconds rest between

3 circuits (rest 90sec between exercises, 2-3 minutes between circuits):
Stiff-leg deadlift: 8 reps
Bent over row: 8 reps
Underhand (reverse) grip lat pulldown: 8 reps
Arched back good morning: 8 reps
Completed with 60kg.
Took out lat pull down as FPP is enough at the moment..
Stretch.. .eat.....sleep
1.5 mile run treadmill staying under 140 HR.....haven't run the 1.5 in while and had to drop speed to stay under 140.
Flexible Steel Frog stretch and armbar.
Hamstring/Calves stretch
KB snatch 10 L 10 R in 1 min rest 1 min repeat 5 times . 100 snatches. Tried to incorporate double breath method...needs a lot more practice.
3 Farmer walk 25m 50kg in each hand..
Stretch + Box Breathing
Great work @conor78 !

Soundtrack: started with Nebraska by the Boss but too bleak after a few beers last night..switched up to Rocky 4 soundtrack...pulled me through..
Nebraska was on the turntable at a local coffee shop last week. Too much for me at 8am, beers or not.
Flexible Steel arm bar, Flexible Steel hamstring stretch and Frog...need to take more time with these.
2 sets of 48k one hand swing
8 sets of 48kG two hand swing
10 TGU 32kg..
5 ×5 Double snatch with 24kg focus on hip snap...did 15m crawls for recovery.
OS rocks

Just about stayed on the right side of the line where a workout gives more than it takes....
Flexible steel arm bar
OS rocks
10 sets of 5 double clean and press 28kg
Plenty of rest in between
The One program 15:45 2 ×24kg

Haven't done this in over a year and feel much much stronger and better conditioned. The one program whilst tricky wasn't leaving me in a puddle and gasping for air. Much stronger hip hinge due to heavier single arm swing from S and S.

Forgot how much I enjoyed KB strong...
OS Resets
Was going to run S and S with 40kg TGU and 48kg swing
Felt really zapped after first two sets of swings.dropped to 24kg and focused on tension and technique.
Did some progressions with OAPU and pistol...the pistol squats seems be a distance away are this point but it's not a priority, I'm enjoying the challenge.
TSC is clashing with a family event that I can't get out of...disaster..will have to adapt plans in light of this. Gutted.... but I'll go in August which just will be good prep for SFG...
Os resets

Practiced bent press 5 mins light weight this needs work but I dont want to feed my KB OCD any more fuel....

10 sets of 3/4 double C and P
The one swing program 24kg

Hollow rocks and stretch

Deadlifts tomorrow..
Pick up S and s over the weekend

Diet not brilliant this week first week back to work and have fallen into the trap of thinking I deserve a sugar rush to boost energy levels...need to meal plan next week.
Practised pistol and OAPU 1p mins
5 x10 48kg single arm.
5x 10 48kg two handed
10 ×32kg TGU

50 min LSS maff style very relaxing

Some observations this week
Need to food prep for weekdays
Eating too many carbs weekend
Heavy swings are tough and TGU is stuck at 40 kg afterwards.even then need to drop back to 32kg
Ed Coan programme too intense moving to PTTP 2 day a week for 4 week cycle
Think I've hit the sweet spot between PTTP S/S and life.
Resting hr down from 59 to 54
When using S andS at night i geneally sleep with no wake ups..(tracking with fitbit)
Deeper sleep is good.
Max pull up is 9..feels better when I'm around 15 xmas im about 15 stone 5lbs
Cant compete at April TSC will be at August TSC but going to train as if I'm competing in April and test lifts in an SFG gym on April 7th.
Enjoy 60 min LSS sessions...a good tonic on a Sunday..
Os resets
Frog and arm bar
5 push up 5 pull up 5 goblet slow and looped 3 times.

Taking advice on forum running
R Bear protocol.

180kg ( 5 rep max) by 5
160kg by 5
140kg by 5 by 9 sets

Military Press
70kg by 5
62kg by 5
55kg by 5 by 10

5 × 30 seconds Hollow rocks and Stretch.
1.5 km easy run
Flexible steel Frog, armband prying goblet, halo loop round twice
48kg two handed swing
10 24kg TGU
11+11 kb snatch twice for 44 reps
10+10 kb snatch twice for 40 reps
9 +9 kb snatch twice for 36 reps
Starting to pull on the snatch thorugh fatigue and losing hip snap as the resps increase.

Played about pistol progression using door as support 5 each leg. One arm push up progression with Basketball as support B 5 each arm and then 5 ab roll outs.. looped round twice..
Box breathing
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