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Repeat Until Strong.


@Pavel Macek
First off, your log with Royal S&S is as motivational as the one with S&S ! :)

Regarding RSS, do you have a specific goal ? For instance doing a bent press (or even a whole session) at 40 or even 48 ? How about the grip (calluses) related to the snatches ?

Anyway, love the smile ;)

Kind regards,


As for goals, the nearest goal is a 5 minutes snatch test with 28 kg. I met my nearest bent press goal sooner than I expected - 48 kg bent press on my left. Longer term goals - snatch test with 32 kg, and 56 kg bent press.

Calluses - so far so good. The best hand care is... proper technique.

As always, thank you for your kind words.
Today's photo


Władysław Pytlasiński (1863-1933) - bottom up kettlebell press. From his book Podnoszenie ciężarów (“Weightlifting”), published in 1929.
@The Nail Agreed! Actually, I have found out that to be able to snatch properly, you have to snatch a heavier weight: it is a great teacher. 24 kg feels like a 16 kg, and the technique is so much better.
Today: Rest Day

...actually office day. Lot's of emails. Lots of.

Today's picture: Warren Lincoln Travis performs a dumbbell get-up.

Today's practice: Royal S&S

- move prep, 3 rounds of: 16 kg - armbar to Brettzel arm bar, kneeling hip flexor stretch with kettlebell overhead - 5x, Hack squat - 5x.

- snatch - light volume session: 4x32 kg, 6x 32 kg, 6x32 kg, 4x32 kg, 4x 32 kg - always left, rest, right, rest (= 1 set), 5 sets each hand, 10 sets total.

- bent presses - high volume session: 2x36 kg, 3x36 kg, 3x36 kg, 2x36 kg, 2x36 kg, 2x36 kg, 2x36 kg, 2x36 kg, 2x36 kg, 2x36 kg - always left and right, rest (= 1 set), 10 sets each hand, 20 sets total.
Today's practice: Royal S&S

- move prep, 3 rounds of: 16 kg - armbar to Brettzel arm bar, kneeling hip flexor stretch with kettlebell overhead - 5x, Hack squat - 5x.

- snatch - medium volume session: 4x32 kg, 6x 32 kg, 6x32 kg, 6x32 kg, 4x 32 kg, 4x32 kg, 4x32 kg - always left, rest, right, rest (= 1 set), 7 sets each hand, 14 sets total.

- bent presses - light volume session: 2x36 kg, 3x36 kg, 3x36 kg, 3x36 kg, 2x36 kg - always left and right, rest (= 1 set), 5 sets each hand, 10 sets total.
Today's practice: Royal S&S

- move prep, 3 rounds of: 20 kg - armbar to Brettzel arm bar, kneeling hip flexor stretch with kettlebell overhead - 5x, Hack squat - 5x.

- snatch - high volume session: 4x32 kg, 6x 32 kg, 6x32 kg, 6x32 kg, 6x 32 kg, 4x32 kg, 4x32 kg, 4x32 kg, 4x32 kg, 4x32 kg - always left, rest, right, rest (= 1 set), 10 sets each hand, 20 sets total.

- bent presses - high volume session: 2x36 kg, 3x36 kg, 3x36 kg, 3x36 kg, 3x36 kg, 2x36 kg, 2x36 kg, 2x36 kg, 2x36 kg, 2x36 kg, 2x36 kg - always left and right, rest (= 1 set), 10 sets each hand, 20 sets total.

16 was way too light for the move-prep - I switched to 20 kg.
Today's practice: Royal S&S

- move prep, 3 rounds of: 20 kg - armbar to Brettzel arm bar, kneeling hip flexor stretch with kettlebell overhead - 5x, Hack squat - 5x.

- snatch - medium volume session: 4x32 kg, 6x 32 kg, 6x32 kg, 6x32 kg, 6x 32 kg, 6x32 kg, 4x32 kg - always left, rest, right, rest (= 1 set), 7 sets each hand, 14 sets total.

- bent presses - medium volume session: 2x36 kg, 3x36 kg, 3x36 kg, 3x36 kg, 3x36 kg, 3x36 kg, 2x36 kg - always left and right, rest (= 1 set), 7 sets each hand, 14 sets total.
Today's video: Alan Calvert, Kettlebell & Dumbbell Swing

Alan Calvert, the author of the 2 most important books in Iron Game history (The Truth About Weightlifting - 1911, and Super-Strength - 1924), is often called the “Father of American Weight-Lifting”.

There are very, very few pics of Calvert - and actually just 2 showing Calvert to perform some exercises. In those 2 super rare pics above, Calvert demonstrates a) a kettlebell swing b) a dumbbell swing.

Not many people know that the kettlebell and dumbbell swing are actually quite different exercises.
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