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  1. getthe1620

    Bodyweight Questioning about HSPU & Press Carryover

    Hi. I have a question :) I'm curious about how much the strength gained from OAP and HSPU would be useful in the press without specifically training for the KB MP. After recently obtaining my SFB certification, I have been continuing to practice OAP and wall-supported HSPU. When I became...
  2. xagunos

    Bodyweight Enter the Dive-Bomber Handstand Push-up

    This is something that I have been playing with for the last year and if one has the strength to safely execute, it’s actually one of the most bang for buck exercises for developing the shoulders and upper chest as well as the triceps, traps, serratus and even core. In fact, if I had to pick...
  3. Minimalist

    Bodyweight Eccentric training - how long should last?

    I would like to start train eccentric handstand push ups with elbows close to the body (it is much harder than wide). I will start with 3 sets of 3 reps and I'm wondering how long should last this eccentric cycle? I know that this method is very tiring, so train this way for long time is not...
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