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kettlebell wod

  1. Other/Mixed Strongfirst WOD Minimums

    Hey! I’m interested in keeping in reducing the number of exercises to focus on to as minimal a number as possible while also getting full body benefits. I am inclined to the Program Minimums (Bent Press + KB Snatch, ab work) (KB Swing + Get Up + Goblet Squat) or simply a routine of Clean & Jerks...
  2. Kettlebell Yet another S&S addition thread....

    First off , can't emphasize enough how awesome this forum is and how helpful everyone is. Thanks so much — you all are the best. Second, I've been going through S&S for the past month and really enjoying it. I'm nearly hitting the time standards for 24kg (I've got it for TGU, but not swings...
  3. CoachWTF

    Kettlebell S&S, SFG Prep, or Kettlebell WOD?

    Hi All, I'm having a hard time deciding where to begin. I enjoy the simplicity of the Simple and Sinister programming, but I find it very boring. I like the SFG Prep because it's very well-rounded, and the Kettlebell WOD exercises seem great for conditioning. So basically I'm paralyzed by...
  4. Kettlebell Kettlebell WOD problems

    I've currently been recieving my WOD workouts at 5.15am British time until yesterday. The workout came at 9.30pm and I am yet to receive today's workout. I'm on workout 25 and have been consistent with my training, this delay has put my routine out. Has anybody else had a similar problem?
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