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push press

  1. Triple Tier Plan review

    It has been over 12 weeks since this 12 week program was posted to StrongFirst At the time I was planning to run Easy Muscle Schedule C, a program without military presses. My press was stagnant and I still wanted something...
  2. Brak

    Kettlebell Overhead Pressing Issues = Halos for Shoulders?

    I just finished reading 5 different threads about halos, heavy halos, etc. Nearly every comment is in the spirit of it being a warm-up/mobility exercise done in the same session as other overhead work. "Don't go heavy", "a little heavy is ok, but why", "I'd rather do mace work", "I prefer...
  3. BillSteamshovel

    Kettlebell Push press & beyond

    Give me a hand to understand this better please, it has been a source of frustration that I don't get it. Whats the intent/purpose of a push press - 1. At the end of a set of heavy presses, it is used to give yourself an assist from the legs if the KB is too heavy ? 2. A way of getting a...
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