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rotator cuff

  1. Kettlebell Rotator Cuff Tear: Returning to the workout

    I'm 5 months into my Rotator Cuff Tear rehab of my Right Shoulder. I've been doing the S&S plan for the last 6 weeks. I started with 12 kg for the one arm swings and have started mixing in the 16 kg for my left shoulder (good). At one point should I consider going up in weight for my...
  2. Bodyweight Pullup biomechanics (grip question)

    I just read an interview with Dr William Wong, I'd like to know your opinion about his statement on correct pull up grip: "Wide grip pull downs or any pulldown with a pronated (palms away from you) grip. These movements are not only bio mechanically inefficient they murder the rotator cuff...
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