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Kettlebell 32kg Rite of Passage Snatches

Titleist #1

Level 2 Valued Member
Good morning ladies and gentlemen of the forum.

I have been a long time enthusiast of this forum and have practiced kettlebells seriously since late 2021 completing RoP with 24kg, achieving timed simple, rerunning RoP with 24kg and now beginning RoP with 32kg. Prior to that, I utilized kettlebells in a more WOD or metcon du jour fashion and going back even further includes crossfit and a brief dalliance with Strong Lifts. Nothing compares to Pavel’s method IMO.

Despite the long intro, I am seeking input on integrating 32kg snatches into my practice. My most recent 5 min snatch test number with 24kg is 80.

Aside from pressing as RX’d, on light days the plan is 32kg high pulls as a practice and then moving on to 24kg snatches as written/rolled. Eventually replacing 24kg snatches with 32kg snatches (or a combo of 32kg high pulls and snatches as a bridge) when it feels right. I foresee 5-6 weeks of this with more emphasis on 32kg and less on 24kg as progress is made.

Is this plan sound for the goals of 1) maintaining and building (read: not losing) on current snatching capacity and 2) gaining the feel of the 32kg snatch intelligently?

What would you do? Thanks
As someone who has coached a lot of people on the snatch test, I would say that if you're at 80 reps with 24kg on the snatch test, that you are simply not ready for the 32kg. There are a lot of different ideas you'll hear as to when you're ready to move from 24kg up to a heavier one, but I would say at the very least 100 reps in 5min should be "no big deal" before you seriously explore moving up.
As someone who has coached a lot of people on the snatch test, I would say that if you're at 80 reps with 24kg on the snatch test, that you are simply not ready for the 32kg. There are a lot of different ideas you'll hear as to when you're ready to move from 24kg up to a heavier one, but I would say at the very least 100 reps in 5min should be "no big deal" before you seriously explore moving up.

I agree, the 32 for sets and reps will make you stronger for sure, but getting some real 1 one 1 instruction will go a long way. While I am just one guy, 100 with a 24 is not a very arduous task, 5min alone with a 32 is a very different life experience.

In training for the TSC I have made the jump to just train with the 32, even though I compete with the 24 (maybe 28 in the Elite division?). It is going well, but it is a VERY humbling experience.
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