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Other/Mixed Alan Thrall: Why I Started Bodybuilding

Other strength modalities (e.g., Clubs), mixed strength modalities (e.g., combined kettlebell and barbell), other goals (flexibility)
Is he actively trying to put on weight? Has he tried 3100 calories a day? If that doesn’t work then 3200, 3300…
Oh yeah. Counts his almonds type calorie tracking daily. He kind of gave up. Still has an 8 pack and is still strong as hell haha
Appearance definitely matters. If I got strong but looking horrible, I'd have switched to another system, but SF gives the linked real world strength that is just good to have for lots of reasons but it also works for appearance. I am strong and I look strong. Good mix!
I'd never taken one of those "hold your phone up to the mirror and take your own picture" selfies until a couple of months ago, but I was getting ready for my wife to cut my hair, looked at myself in the bathroom mirror after I'd taken off my shirt, and decided to do push the button.

I lift to be healthy and strong, and I look, I think, healthy and strong. Form follows function.

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is what this 68-year-old powerlifter, who doesn't want to get any bigger, looks like. And I think there are plenty of LEO's, martial artists, and others who train for function first and foremost.

Carrying some decent muscle, for someone that doesn't train for hypertrophy.

Form follows function indeed.
Your body needs that muscle to lift the weights you do.
I actually need to do more brolifting.

After decades of squats, pulls, presses, snatches, cleans, and jerks, my chest and arms are comparatively underdeveloped.
I would be willing to guess you are not alone here among SF forum members, lol. I think we’d all benefit from some high volume bro lifting. Spot me, bro!
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