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Always Be Smashing


Level 8 Valued Member
42 year old male, 6'1", 230 lbs. Threw the discus in college, did a lot of olympic lifting at the time. Nowadays, training is mostly bodyweight stuff and kettlebells. Reasonably strong compared to average folks, but definitely carrying around some fat I don't need... and I've got a long way to go to chase folks around here.

Found StrongFirst in mid 2017, and realized the internet could be used for good, instead of evil. Haven't really been on a formal program of any sort since I left college - just doing things I enjoy that keep the body working, and changing when I get bored or discover something else interesting. For 2018, going to switch it up by actually following a program (or two). Seems like a good reason to start up a training log while I'm at it.

Near-Term Goals:
  1. TSC in April. Will be my first, and I expect a lot of challenges. I haven't done a 1RM deadlift since... ever. I'm a big guy, so... pullups. And I still haven't figured out how to just keep repping out snatches.
  2. Spartan Super in May. Have done a sprint, but haven't ever run farther than a 10K. Plus, somehow I gotta figure out how to hang from one arm.
  3. At some point this year, going to throw the discus again in a track meet. And a shot put. And any other heavy object I can get myself into a competition with.

I play sand volleyball for fun, but don't really train for that. Plus, I try to be a good husband and father, when I can sneak that in.

Longer-Term Goal:
I love the rigor and mindfullness of karate, but with my current kid-dominated schedule, I just don't have the time to get in with the instructor at the rate it takes to get my black belt. So instead, I practice one a week, and try to work on a body that will stand up to the more intense training once I get the time. To me, that means:
  • Hit hard
  • Hit often
  • Move quickly

General punch-fools-in-the-mouth preparedness (GPFMP). To me, in addition to heavy bag work, S&S seems to help with this nicely.

Currently nursing a minor lower back strain. Only seems to affect hard rotational stuff (doesn't like me doing hard side kicks), but hasn't gotten in the way of swinging kettlebells. Keeping an eye on it.

A little golfer's elbow (but I don't golf!) that comes and goes. Sometimes forces me to lighten the TGUs.

The Plan:
To start the year off:
  • PTTP deadlift.
  • Fighter pullup program 3x a week.
  • S&S 4x a week, sometimes trading swings for snatches
  • A relatively low-mileage half marathon training program. Credit were it's due, using this as a template: Hal Higdon Training Programs. But, since I gotta be strong first, I'll change some of those shorter runs into program-minimum-style run and swing sessions.
  • Regular heavy-bag work, focused on power & technique.
  • Burpees. Lots of burpees.
Going to be adding an AM training session to my routine - that will be new, so will have to start off slow.

Go time.
01/07 21:00

GSQT 32k 3x5
Halo 16k 3x5
KB1HS 32k 10x10
TGU 32k 5x1 per side

Bridge 7s x 6
N-sit 7s x 2
L-sit 7s x 4
Twist 11s x 3 per side

Hips are surprisingly sore from run this morning. First time I've run outside in a while.
01/08 06:00

First time I've done a pre-breakfast session in more than a year... and it felt like it.

5:00 jump rope
- Couldn't put together more than 40 jumps in a row before the rope caught up to me
DL: 265 x 5, 245 x 5
Tabata burpees
- 3-4 per work cycle
- Will have to take these slow for a while - could feel the fatigue in the back from DL
- Didn't have the energy for tuck jumps, kept legs straight.
Flat straight leg raise: 3 x 6

Bridge 7s x 6
N-sit 7x x 6
- Given fatigue, didn't feel like I could pull off L-sit
Twist 11s x 3 per side
01/08 21:00

GSQT 32k 3x5
Halo 16k 3x5
KB1HS 32K 10x10
TGU 32k 5x1 per side
- Have noticed the last few sessions that really crushing the handle seems to help with the elbow pain

Pull ups 6,5,4,4 +20# 3

01/09 06:00

5:00 jump rope
DL: 275 x 5, 255 x 5
- Grip hadn't fully recovered from last night's session - hands still felt a bit raw
- Lower back politely informed me afterwards that I'm not quite ready to get back into this much weight. Will have to swallow the old pride and drop down into rehab mode for a while
Tabata burpees
- Very slow & deliberate (3 per work cycle) to protect the back

Bridge 7s x 6
Straight leg holds from dip bars 7s x 6
- Protecting the back
Twist 11s x 3 per side
01/09 19:00

Alternating x5:
- 0.5m treadmill run
- KB snatches 2x10: 24,24,24,20,20
+ 1 more 0.5m run (3m total)

TGU 24k 5x1 each side


Lower back held up to the snatches nicely. Felt a little "cloudy" at the start of the 2nd mile, but it passed. Maybe because I started running about 15 minutes after dinner.
01/10 06:00

Rest day
Plank 10s x 10
Heavy bag 200 strikes
Bridge 7s x 6
Straight leg holds from dip bars 7s x 6
Twist 11s x 3 per side

Lower back is generally OK, though definitely a knot on the left. No workout for this evening, it's volleyball day.
01/11 06:00

Rehab mode

5:00 jump rope
DL: 205 x 5, 185 x 5
Tabata burpees (slow, 3 per work cycle)
Bridge 8s x 6
Straight leg holds from dip bars 8s x 6
Twist 12s x 4 per side

Little sore through the hips this morning
01/11 13:00

4m run outside. Got the MapMyRun app, pretty cool.

01/11 21:45

GSQT 32k 3x5
Halo 16k 3x5
KB1HS 32k 10x10
TGU 32k 5x1 each side
Pull ups 6,5,5,4 +20# 3

Just got the Flexible Steel book. Will give it a read, see what I can incorporate.
01/12 06:00

5min jump rope
DL 215 x5, 205 x5
- again grip didn't feel recovered, maybe it's the pull ups in particular?
Tabata burpees
- lower back felt good enough to get 30 total
Flat straight leg raise 3x6
Bridge 8s x 6
N-sit 8s x 6
Twists 12s x 4 each side

01/12 14:45

Alternating x5
- 0.5m treadmill run
- KB snatches 24k 2 x 10
+ one more 0.5m run

TGU 32k 5x1 each side
01/13 09:40

Karate practice. Lower back did a little grumbling about the kick sequences, but nothing too bad.

01/13 14:45

GSQT 32k 3x5
Halo 16k 3x5
KB1HS 10x10 32,40,32,40,32
TGU 5x1 x side 32,40,32,40,32
- First time I've have the 40k out since straining my back. Most fun part about rotating in the 40 is how light the 32 feels on the next set.
Pull ups 6,6,5,4 +20# 3
Bridge 8s x 6
N-sit 8s x 6
Twists 12s x 4 each side
- These felt really good today - good rotation, didn't have to put so much weight on the support arm
01/14 10:45

6m run outside, 1:04
Non-stop swing test 32k 62 reps
- hamstrings were point of failure, couldn't keep good form as they started to burn out
01/15 20:30

GSQT 32k 3x5
Halo 16k 3x5
KB1HS 10x10 32,40,32,40,32
TGU 5x1 x side 32,40,32,32,32
- 40 felt a little unsteady
Pull ups 7,6,5,4 +20# 3
- Feel some stress on the elbow afterwards
01/16 06:00

5min jump rope
DL 235 x 5, 215 x 5
- hands felt a little raw, but grip not as tired as last post- pull- up session
Tabata burpees
Flat straight leg raise 3x6
Bridge 8s x 6
N- sit 8s x 6
Twists 12s x 4 x side
01/16 19:00

Alternating x5
- 0.5m treadmill run 5.7 pace
- KB snatches 2x10 24k
+ 1 more 0.5m run

Snatches felt really good today - still had some grip strength in the tank. Rest cycles between rotations were a little long because my boy came down to work out with me.

TGU 32k 5x1 x side
- felt a lot of stress in the elbow today
01/17 06:00

Exhausted this morning - up too late last night. But, grind through it.

5min jump rope
DL 245 x 5, 225 x 5
Tabata mountain climbers
- Surprisingly hard on the shoulders, should put some emphasis there
Bridge 8s x 6
N-sit 8s x 6
Twists 12s x 4 each side

Back is loosening up nicely, though still won't quite let me touch toes from standing.
01/18 06:00

Exhausted again this morning - late night volleyball. But on the bright side, the lower back is actually starting to feel strong, as opposed to just not hurting.

5min jump rope
DL 255 x 5, 230 x 5
Tabata burpees
Bridge 8s x 6
N-sit 8s x 6
Twists 12s x 4 each side
01/18 14:45

4.07m run outside 42:47

01/18 20:30

GSQT 32k 3x5
Halo 16k 3x5
KB1HS 10x10 32,40,32,32,32
- Hands felt raw right from the start - they expressed no interest in pushing the swings
TGU 5x1 x side 32,40,32,40,32
- First round with the 40 felt unstable, particularly on the left. Thought about just sticking with the 32, but the second round with the 32 felt too good. Second round with the 40 was much better - think I was more focused. Don't forget the kata aspect of the TGU, stay focused on each part of the movement.
Pull ups 7,6,5,4 +20# 4
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