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Kettlebell Bottoms up series

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Amber Rose

Level 4 Valued Member
Hello Everyone,
Does anyone know the specific weights we will be tested on for the "Bottoms Up series "at SFG 2? My snatch test weight is the 16kg.... Also I just needed some clarity on if the " series" includes the clean, squat, press and Get up. I just want to be prepared, thanks so much for the feedback. Have a wonderful and strong day everyone!
I believe it's one size down from test weight. So 12 kg!
That said, stuff like this is usually a "pick an appropriate weight" scenario - if BU is a strong point for you, maybe grab a 14 or 16. If your grip, shoulder, or CNS is fried, there's no dishonor in an 8-10kg.

The series includes all of the above minus the Get up.

Have fun!
The bottoms up series is not actually tested. It is a progression that will be taught, but you can choose whatever weight feels good for you.

The only “new” lifts tested for skills are the windmill, bent press, push press, jerk, and double snatch, along with military press strength test and then of course all level one skills/snatch test.
Thank you for the clarification on the "Bottom up series" testing Arryn. I was a little confused by the wording of " The following additional skills will be taught AND tested at the SFG 2 Certification," which lists all the skills you mentioned and the Bottom up series under the Information section for the SFG 2.
It isn't stated in the Requirements section or Video so I just wanted to make sure I was prepped either way. I'll keep practicing and I'm so looking forward to learning from you all soon. Thanks again for the clarity and info!
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