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Wen. 12/23/15 - 60bpm - 91,4kg:
+ zazen
- ropeskipping - 6min
+ simple and sinister (239) - 16min
- swing 32k - 1h: 10rx10s (5breaths) - 6.20min
- rest (28breaths)
- get up 40k - 1rx10s (5breaths)

- clubs - t-mob - b. up presses 32k - b. up cleans 45k
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Tue. 12/24/15 - 92kg:
+ zazen
- ropeskipping - 7min
+ simple and sinister (240) - 20min
- swing 32k - 1h: 10rx10s (8breaths)
- rest (30breaths)
- get up 40k - 1r x10s (8breaths)

- clubs - t-mob - b. up squat 32k

Fr. 12/25/15 - 60bpm - 91,4kg:
+ zazen
- ropeskipping - 6min
+ simple and sinister (241) - 21min
- swing 40k - 1h: 10rx10s (8breaths)
- rest (26breaths)
- get up 45k - 1rx10s (7breaths)

- clubs - b.up cleans 45k - t-mob
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Sat. 12/26/15 - 60bpm - 91,4kg:
+ zazen
- ropeskipping - 7min
+ simple and sinister (242) - 22.30min
- swing 47k - 1h: 7rx14 (6x8breaths - 7x10breaths)
- rest (40breaths)
- get up 45k - 1rx10s (8breaths)

- clubs - t-mob
Sun. 12/27/15 - 62bpm - 91,7kg:
+ zazen
- goblets 40k: 5rx3 - halo 20k: 5rx3
+ simple and sinister (243) - 19,40min
- swing 32k - 1h: 10rx10s (10breaths)
- rest (30breaths)
- get up 40k - 1rx10s (8breaths)

- clubs - t-mob - bottom up presses / squats 32k/40k
Mon. 12/28/15 - 68bpm - 91,1kg:
+ zazen

- goblets 40k: 5rx3 - halo 20k: 5rx3
+ simple and sinister (244) - 32,30min
- swing 50k - 1h: 5rx20s (8-10breaths, EMOM)
- rest (35breaths)
- get up 50k - 1rx10s (10breaths)

- clubs - b.up presses 32k
Tue. 12/29/15 - 68bpm - 91,4kg:
+ zazen

Visited the Chinese National Circus with friends. Yes, these guys and girls have some very impressive skills they display with ordinary, simple objects and their bodies. Simplified Circus of the highest art.

Wed. 12/30/15 - 58bpm - 91,7kg:
+ zazen

- ropeskipping - 7min
+ simple and sinister (245) - 35.30min (115avg/135max)
- swing 50k - 1h: 5rx20s (9-10breaths)
- rest (35breaths)
- get up 50k - 1rx10s (10breaths)

- clubs
Thu. 12/31/15 - 56bpm - 92kg:
+ zazen

- a nice walk
- some bottom up presse and squats with 32k & 40k
- got access to Al's "lazy endurance" protocol and I am sure, I will get some results. We'll see.
Fr. 01/01/15 - 64bpm - 91,7kg:
+ zazen
- clubs - t-mob - bottom up presses 32k - b.up squats 40k - b.up cleans 45k

Sat. 01/02/15 - 56bpm - 91,8kg:
+ zazen
- clubs - t-mob - b.up pr. 32k - b.up sq. 40k
Sun. 01/03/16 - 56bpm - 91,0kg:
+ zazen
- a nice walk with friends
- clubs - b. up presses, squats 32k - mobility & stretching

Mon. 01/04/16 - 60bpm - 91,4kg:
+ zazen
- 10min running test for program 103
- clubs - b. up presses, squats 32k - mobility & stretching
Tue. 01/-05/16 - 64bpm - 91,5kg:
+ zazen
- clubs - mobility

Wed: 01/06/ 16 - 60bpm - 91,5kg:
- ropeskipping - 10min -
- snatch test - 24kg - 10min
+ zazen

Note: happy with myself. I have numbers as entry points to explore Al Ciampa's protocol 103.
Thu.01/07/16- Sun.02/28/16:

This is what I will do for the next 6 weeks. The work is already planned.
So I will work the plan as follows:
+ zazen
+ GTG: single bell bottom up cleans, presses, carries: varying loads, 32k - 50k
+ Protocol 103 (first week is done, 5weeks to come) + testing after the end of the sixth week
+ a bit of: clubs - t-mob - stretching
that's it.
nice blog, i like your youtube vids too, crazy strong lifts going on! How do you get those odd sized bells like 45k, 50k etc are you taping plates to the bottom or is there more choice where you are?
@Cattleballs : thank you very much. I just ordered these bells some time ago via internet. I have two "52kg" engraved bells, one weighs actually 50.2kg, the other 51,2. My two 45kg bells were relatively cheap, they have thick handles and rough surface one could call them B-stock, but I love them (all). In general I would say Germany is a developing country regarding availability for Kettlebells.
Sat. 01/23/16 - 62bpm - 92,8kg:
+ zazen
- get up - 50kg 1rx2s - 55kg 1rx1s - 59kg 1rx5s (left + right)
- clubswinging - t mobility

note: yesterday swings only (midst 3rd week on protocol 103) with quite some heavy volume with some heavy weight. today get ups only. the best program is...I am currently doing, meaning, this time it is protocol 103.
last week 01/2416 - 01/31/16
- doing swings with 50kg on protocol 103
- terminated 3rd week on wednesday, finished 3rd session of fourth week today.
- my current training consists of a pull (heavy one hand swings) and GTG with a
press (bent armbar, get up, full range handstandpushup).
- next week I will be starting fifth week out of six on the lazy/crazy endurance
protocol 103.
last week 02/01/16 - 02/07/16
- terminated third session on week 5 on protocol 103
- apart from that practice of pressing variations, such as: bent armbars, handstandpushups (full range)
straddle (z) press and some clubswinging
- will start last week of 103 next week which has the highest volume
last week 02/08/16 - 02/14/16
- today I finished the highest volume session of 103. Very content with that. Only two sessions left.
- practice of push variations: handstandpushups - z-presses (single and double bell) - get ups - (bent)armbar
- some clubswinging
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