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Other/Mixed Curls: A Big Waste of Time?

Other strength modalities (e.g., Clubs), mixed strength modalities (e.g., combined kettlebell and barbell), other goals (flexibility)
Sir I salute your courage, your strength, your indefatigability.

Last time I did it, I stood behind the guy, cleaned it and pressed it (was only 1 plate), lowered it to my back, then squatted for reps behind him saying, “oh don’t mind me, just warming up… I can work in, right?”

I don’t know if that’s passive aggressive or just aggressive. ;)
Last time I did it, I stood behind the guy, cleaned it and pressed it (was only 1 plate), lowered it to my back, then squatted for reps behind him saying, “oh don’t mind me, just warming up… I can work in, right?”

I don’t know if that’s passive aggressive or just aggressive. ;)
That's what happens right before Gary Oldman shows up.
Last time I did it, I stood behind the guy, cleaned it and pressed it (was only 1 plate), lowered it to my back, then squatted for reps behind him saying, “oh don’t mind me, just warming up… I can work in, right?”

I don’t know if that’s passive aggressive or just aggressive. ;)
No it’s just good manners frankly. The person curling in the rack is being passively aggressive. “Muahahaha!! Arms is G-d! Squats is nots” or whatever goes on in their heads.
Seriously but, on a scale of 1 being “meh” to 10 being “Gary Oldman from Leon high and homicidal”. Just how annoyed do folk get when someone is curling in a squat rack in a gym? Asking for a pal, honest.
It only bothers me when there are few squat racks and folks are waiting to use it for things like squats or overhead presses. Although I'm sure people get annoyed at me deadlifting or doing cleans or snatches on the platform when they're waiting to use it for rows or hip thrusts. A couple months ago I finished squatting in the squat rack at the gym (the only squat rack) and as I'm stripping plates off a guy comes up and asks if I'm done, I say yes, and he takes over and does curls inside the rack. No one else was waiting for it, so apart from chuckling at the internet exploding over it, it didn't bother me a bit.

Another time an older gentleman was doing bench press off pins in the (did I mention - only?) rack and a friend came up to him and asked how many sets he had left, and to come get her when he was done. I'm sure he felt rushed and she had to alternate her workout a bit but ... There. Is. One. Rack.

Now when I want to squat and there's a couple teens goofing off in the only rack... Well I decide to do something else and come back later. *shrug* its a public gym, not my iron palace.

Ok now where did I put my 14 amp thermostat... ;)
Last time I did it, I stood behind the guy, cleaned it and pressed it (was only 1 plate), lowered it to my back, then squatted for reps behind him saying, “oh don’t mind me, just warming up… I can work in, right?”

I don’t know if that’s passive aggressive or just aggressive. ;)
Definitely passive. Aggressive would've been grabbing their stuff, throwing it in their face, and telling them they have 5 minutes to finish and get out...
It only bothers me when there are few squat racks and folks are waiting to use it for things like squats or overhead presses. Although I'm sure people get annoyed at me deadlifting or doing cleans or snatches on the platform when they're waiting to use it for rows or hip thrusts. A couple months ago I finished squatting in the squat rack at the gym (the only squat rack) and as I'm stripping plates off a guy comes up and asks if I'm done, I say yes, and he takes over and does curls inside the rack. No one else was waiting for it, so apart from chuckling at the internet exploding over it, it didn't bother me a bit.

Another time an older gentleman was doing bench press off pins in the (did I mention - only?) rack and a friend came up to him and asked how many sets he had left, and to come get her when he was done. I'm sure he felt rushed and she had to alternate her workout a bit but ... There. Is. One. Rack.

Now when I want to squat and there's a couple teens goofing off in the only rack... Well I decide to do something else and come back later. *shrug* its a public gym, not my iron palace.

Ok now where did I put my 14 amp thermostat... ;)

Luckily these days I no longer have to rely on gym public spaces and mixing with the unwashed masses
Curls make my elbows happy. And they are fun.

They don’t have to be particularly heavy and I don’t really need the pump. But every single time I stay away from curls for a long period, my elbows start complaining. So, for me they are medicine.
I get elbow tendinitis and always assumed curls didn’t help, I’m going to try this. I just never do curls. I’ll play it smart and just do it medium weight with medium reps. Related note, RDLs with db or kb keep my lower back happy. Like you, doesn’t need to be heavy or a lot, it’s almost like, just doing the movement keeps the muscles involved happy and switched on

So many questions I have about this photo....

Like why is he even using that mechanical gizmo when he could just sit in the same spot and do free weight preacher curls?

And what is with those socks?

Is he trying to look like a Crossfitter wearing deadlift socks? But they'd never use a machine like that...

Given we already have free weights and cables, why do dedicated bicep curl machines even exist?
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Back to the main thread, isn't exercise can emphasis certain muscles more than other because of someone's design (body type)? When I do dips size gainz in arms is mimimal but chest get huge. Also when doing rows and chins the trunk muscles growth but arms feel lacked of progress. But I have seen small kids with huge arm from push up, chin ups and dips. Louie Simmons mentioned a bit about it in a very similar subject (is doing xyz enough?). He said that if you look at the unsuccessful Bulgarian weightlifters someone will have a good traps but flat butt, and someone will have a great quads but lacked of erector spinea size...(I read it in PTTP pro btw)
Back to the main thread, isn't exercise can emphasis certain muscles more than other because of someone's design (body type)? When I do dips size gainz in arms is mimimal but chest get huge. Also when doing rows and chins the trunk muscles growth but arms feel lacked of progress. But I have seen small kids with huge arm from push up, chin ups and dips. Louie Simmons mentioned a bit about it in a very similar subject (is doing xyz enough?). He said that if you look at the unsuccessful Bulgarian weightlifters someone will have a good traps but flat butt, and someone will have a great quads but lacked of erector spinea size...(I read it in PTTP pro btw)

Sure, differences in anatomy cause different leverages and certain muscles get used more in some people than others for the same movement.

If you look at EMG data for a squat, there is a variance in quad vs glute activation amongst the participants for the same style of squat.

Dips are one of my best tricep exercises, and moderate for chest. But ring push ups blow up my chest, while doing little for my triceps.
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A note from the training of Larry Pacifico:


5'5", 220 lbs

  • squatted & bench pressed three times in 10 days – always paired squat and bench
  • deadlifted and performed his lying tricep presses twice in 10 days
  • used a wide range of “assistance exercises” – note – lots of triceps, no curls, none, zero
  • squat and deadlift, low reps 1 or 2 reps; bench 4,3,2,1reps – note 415 x 16 reps!

[emphasis added]
I get elbow tendinitis and always assumed curls didn’t help, I’m going to try this. I just never do curls. I’ll play it smart and just do it medium weight with medium reps. Related note, RDLs with db or kb keep my lower back happy. Like you, doesn’t need to be heavy or a lot, it’s almost like, just doing the movement keeps the muscles involved happy and switched on
Moderate to low weight and perfect, controlled reps. Magic manna.
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