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Cutting Down on Caffeine

Good luck.

I stopped caffeine for about 7 months. I underestimated how irritable I would become. Cold turkey quitting smoking was actually less aggro than quitting caffeine. I never wanted to punch so many faces in my life.

It took me almost 3 months to start not feeling withdrawal. ymmv.
I don’t think I missed a day of coffee for over 40 years. I just quit last fall and it turned out to be painless because I took the entire season: went from 1/5 decaf to full decaf by adjusting the proportions every couple weeks. No withdrawal symptoms aside from better sleep and less irritability
Good luck.

I stopped caffeine for about 7 months. I underestimated how irritable I would become. Cold turkey quitting smoking was actually less aggro than quitting caffeine. I never wanted to punch so many faces in my life.

It took me almost 3 months to start not feeling withdrawal. ymmv.
I've "quit" caffeine before for months at a time.

Getting used to just being tired when I should be tired was the biggest adjustment - sounds silly, but it was totally the worst thing about quitting.
Something's going on w. Amazon links today. I tried to link something in the "fitness purchases" thread earlier and it didn't work there either.
Weird. I never see it when someone puts a link in, but I can normally clink the link if it is tied to words.
I just limit my daily intake to 200mgs total. I don't mind relying a little bit on it when I need an extra boost, but if I felt like I needed more I'd rather just rest or rethink what I'm doing. lol
Also, the roasting profile AFAIK does not impact the caffeine amount. So a typical french-roasted Starbucks blend will taste "stronger" than an artisan Viennese, but the actual caffeine content may be the same.
I think it's the other way around. The more you roast a bean, the more water and weight it loses. Therefore for a specific weight, you need more beans of highly roasted coffee. So the less roasted a bean is, the more caffeine it would have. I'm not sure how significant the impact is - might be negligible.
I don’t think I missed a day of coffee for over 40 years. I just quit last fall and it turned out to be painless because I took the entire season: went from 1/5 decaf to full decaf by adjusting the proportions every couple weeks. No withdrawal symptoms aside from better sleep and less irritability
Decaffeinated coffee still has caffeine so lack of withdrawal symptoms is to be expected.
I stopped for two weeks while living in Italy it was like a bolt gun to my head.
I mentioned my headache to Italian colleagues and they all recommended an espresso :-)
I've "quit" caffeine before for months at a time.

Getting used to just being tired when I should be tired was the biggest adjustment - sounds silly, but it was totally the worst thing about quitting.
A few months back I tapered down to zero mg. over a three week period ( Caffeine Blues by Cherniske ) and stayed at 0mg for a month. Dragged a$$ the entire month. Went back on. Have done this 3 or 4 times.
Something's going on w. Amazon links today. I tried to link something in the "fitness purchases" thread earlier and it didn't work there either.
The link works for me, but the picture never shows up, like your recent Recent purchase link. I see your description, which is followed by 3 inches of dead white space. Guessing something with my browser Ad block.

It was the jack, which shows up now. ??
Decaffeinated coffee still has caffeine so lack of withdrawal symptoms is to be expected.
I stopped for two weeks while living in Italy it was like a bolt gun to my head.
I mentioned my headache to Italian colleagues and they all recommended an espresso :)
Not drinking coffee in Italy? Serious willpower there!
The link works for me, but the picture never shows up, like your recent Recent purchase link. I see your description, which is followed by 3 inches of dead white space. Guessing something with my browser Ad block.

It was the jack, which shows up now. ??
Two separate issues here, I think.

We have a known problem with links at the moment. If anyone wants a workaround, you have a few:

If you type in the name of what you want to link to then make it a live link, that works:

Mini Deadlift Jack on amazon

You need the thingie at the top of the message composition window that looks like a paper clip at a 45 degree angle. If you roll your mouse over it, it will say "Insert Link" and give a keyboard shortcut, Cmd+K for me.

NB: If you see the paper clip thingie but it's not live, look for a pair of square brackets towards the right - roll your mouse over those and it will say "Toggle BB code." Click that and then the link thingie will work.

NB: You want to highlight some text to turn into a link, then click the paper clip thingie, and then it will prompt you for the link itself.

You can also, as was done above, insert a screenshot and then a link.

We're pretty sure we know what the issue is and we have a fix to try, just haven't gotten to installing it yet.

Good luck.

I stopped caffeine for about 7 months. I underestimated how irritable I would become. Cold turkey quitting smoking was actually less aggro than quitting caffeine. I never wanted to punch so many faces in my life.

It took me almost 3 months to start not feeling withdrawal. ymmv.
Amen, 21 days of non-stop headaches for me!
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