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Cutting Down on Caffeine

I see some sleep experts recommend cutting out coffee completely or using only caffeine-free coffee.

Im incinxed to choosing black-and white solutions myself, but I am trying to change this. Therefore I rather opt for a softer solution. Drinking two cops instead of four, drinking smaller cups, consuming them before 12.00. Im also considering choosing more expensive coffee and then switching between one month of drinking expensive coffee and one month not drinking coffee at all.
Loose leaf Yerba Mate is pretty good, french press style, still plenty of caffeine however if you're trying to quit.
After reading about the COMT gene polymorphisms (I have a generally fast COMT gene profile), I'm very curious about getting more comprehensive profiles done to see how I process caffeine. With that said, Yerba Matte is fantastic biochemically and a very effective substitute for coffee.
After reading about the COMT gene polymorphisms (I have a generally fast COMT gene profile), I'm very curious about getting more comprehensive profiles done to see how I process caffeine. With that said, Yerba Matte is fantastic biochemically and a very effective substitute for coffee.
Be forwarned
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I have no idea what Yerba mate is but you've definitely got me interested now.
I've been using this in loose leaf. Guessing there is a large variety in quality and taste, similar to the coffee game.

I know some people think it’s a fad but cold exposure first thing wakes me up better than caffeine. Used to be a caffeine addict and now I’ll never go back. Once you adapt to not needing it you won’t ever go back.
Seize him!!!!

Hmm I’ve done a month before and did notice I slept better. Wasn’t a huge life changing amount though. Trying to drop down to weekends only currently. Decaf during the week.

I do like the idea of none.
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