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Training Log (Public) Dan's Training Log


Level 2 Valued Member
Decided to start a training log here since went down recently and not sure if it will remain up or not. I'm 40 years old and have been training for about 25 years. Since around Covid time I have been training in a home gym with a mix of kettlebells, Calisthenics and a trap bar. I also like rucking and sandbag carries. Don't have any specific goals other then getting stronger and building/maintaining muscle mass. I'm 5'11" 202 lbs currently and plan on keeping my weight between 195 - 215.

I play slow pitch softball and baseball throughout the year.

In the past few years, I haven't really been following any plan, and instead mostly just getting work in. A lot of the time my training is similar to Dan John's Easy Strength, but I'll have periods of time where I focus on bringing something up or vary things a bit.

This past month or so I've been experimenting with starting to ramp up the volume a bit and also have been gradually trying to get in "running shape" with a few short runs/sprints per week (its mainly my calves/feet that need the conditioning there).

I started a thread a few weeks ago concerning some of the initial trials in this type of training. After going through this for two weeks, I've made adjustments and have a full "program" following this type of training.

This is the general format I have set up with 3 main workouts a week and 2-3 easier workouts on other days.
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4/24 (Squat Focus)
1a. TB Squat/Deadlift (205) 6x6
1b. Ring Pushups (BW) 6x8
2. Dbl KB Front Squat paused (35/53) 6x6
3a. Banded Hip Thrust (1 Thick , 1 thin band) 3x20
3b. B-stance RDL (25lbs) 3x8
4/26 (Hinge Focus)
1a. TB Deadlift (275) EMOM - 2,3,5,2,3,5,2,3 =25 reps
1b. KB Press (32kg) -- same
2. Deficit RFESS (24kg) 12,10,10,8
3. Assisted Ring Pullups 2x2,3,5,10 = 40 reps
4/29 (Press Focus)
1. KB Press (32kg) 2,3,5,2,3,5,2,3 = 25 reps
2a. RFESS (24kg) 3x8
2b. RFESS Deficit (25lbs) 3x15
3a. KB Row (32kg) 5x7
3b. KB press(24kg) 5x7
3c. Pushups (BW) 5x7 --- 15 min EMOM alternating
4a. B-stance deadlift (24kg) 2x8
4b. Assisted Ring Pullups 2x8
5/1 (Squat Focus)
1a. TB Low Handle DL/Squat heels elevated (185) 6x10
1b. Ring Pushups w/rings just below knee height 6x10
2a. Single Leg Hip Thrust (BW) 5x6
2b. Paused KB Squat (53/25) 5x6
3. Ring assisted pullups 3x6
*** Should/tricep has been a bit irritated/impinged so laying out pressing for a little.

5/3 (Hinge Focus)
1. Deadlift 275x3, 295x3, 315x3
2. RFESS (25lbs) 25,20

1a. Swing (24kg) 4x10
1b. Single KB Fr. Squat hold (24kg) 4x15 sec/side
1c. Ring assisted pullups 4x6
2. Suitcase carries (24kg) 3x50-60 ft.
3. Bicep curl 17x6, 22.5x6
4. Pullup bar hang 3x15 sec.
*** Still right tricep/shoulder is a bit irritated so I took it easy on that side. Some sets I just push pressed the weight up and held it over head, some I did just some of the reps

1a. Press (32kg) x 2, Press (24kg) x 6 x 6 sets
1b. TB deficit deadlift (145) x4, KB Fr. Squat (53/35) x 6 x 6 sets
2a. Pullup negative to 30 second hang x 3 sets
2b. Ring Pushup Position Plank 30 seconds x 3 sets
3. Ring Gliding Leg Curls 3x8
4. Ring assisted pullups 2x12

1. Single KB dead stop clean and press (24kg) 2,3,5,2,3
2. RFESS (53)x8, (53/35) x 2 x 8
3a. Pushups (BW) 2x5,10,15
3b. KB unsupported row (24kg) 6x6
4. Hip circle kickbacks (blue) 2x10

1a. TB Deadlift low handles (275) 8x3
1b. KB clean and press (24kg) 8x3/side
2. Single leg glute bridge (BW) 6x6
3a. KB Front Squat (35/53) 4x10
3b. Pushups (BW) 4x12
4. Thick Bar Curl (35?) 3x8
5. Band tricep ext. (red) 18,16

1. Clean and Press (24kg) 2,3,5, (32kg) 2,3,5,3,3,3
2. RFESS (24kg) 3x4,6,10 [some sets done deficit, some regular]
3a. Sissy Squat negatives 8x6
3b. Thick Bar curls (45?) 8x6
4a. Hip Circle kick back 3x12
4b. Band low trap row 3x12

1. Trap Bar Deadlift - low handle (275) 5x4 EMOM
2. KB Press (32kg) 5x2,3,5 = 50 reps
3. KB Fr. Squats (32kg/24kg) EDT style circuit for 10 mins. [9x4 = 36 reps]
4. Banded Hip Thrust w/band around knees 50 reps rest paused (20,12,9,9)
5. Ring Facepull 50 reps rest paused (20,12,9,9)

*** Note: Too heavy on the Front Squats for a "volume" day. Will have to go back to (53/35) or 53/35+vest

1a. KB Swing (24kg) 5-10-15
1b. Pike/Downward dog hold x 20-30 sec.
1c. Partial pullup x 6-8
-------------------------- 3 rounds.
5/17 "Easier" day

1. KB Clean and Press (24kg) 2x2-3-5
2. Deficit RFESS (35lbs) 12,10,8
3a. Thick bar curl (37?) 3x12
3b. Ring Skull Crushers (rings at crotch height) 3x12
4a. Hip Circle Band Kickback (blue) 3x15
4b. Band Pull-aparts (red) 3x15
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