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dnguyen411's Training Log

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3x5 Prying Goblet Squats (18 kg)
3x5 Bridges
3x5 Halos (18 kg)

4x10 two-handed kettlebell swings (28 kg)
6x10 one-handed (5R/5L) kettlebell swings (28 kg)

Swing pattern: 2H, 5R/5L, 5R/5L, repeat. End on 2H for Set 10.

5x1 TGU (28 kg)

EDG Cycle

Time: 54:20 (mins:sec)
Distance: 20.7 Miles* (I don't believe this number, see below)

Avg. Power: 223 Watts*
Avg. RPM: 77 RPM
Avg. Speed: 22.86 MPH

Max Power: 872 Watts*
Max RPM: 123 RPM
Max Speed: 36.23 MPH*

I don't think my bike was well calibrated today. My numbers for power and speed are much higher than my average. I'm not quite sure I believe the Max RPM number either but I have to assume that it should be good since my Avg. RPM looks and fells right.

Today's ride focused on hills (high gear averaging 60 RPMs) for 3-4 mins, followed by speed drills. Since it was a Groundhog's Day themed ride, we repeated this 4 times.

3x5 Prying Goblet Squats (18 kg)
3x5 Bridges
3x5 Halos (18 kg)

4x10 two-handed kettlebell swings (28 kg)
6x10 one-handed (5R/5L) kettlebell swings (28 kg)

Swing pattern: 2H, 5R/5L, 5L/5R, repeat. End on 2H for Set 10.

5x1 TGU (28 kg)

Today was a late afternoon session versus early morning. I needed my beauty sleep :p.

I changed my swing pattern slightly to start on my left hand during my one-handed swings. I realized I should practice starting out from the parked position in that hand if I'm going to get proficient with this weight. The one arm swings are getting better but I'm feel like I'm not getting a good backward hinge every once in a while as I feel like the swing isn't as powerful versus what I feel doing a two armed swing.

3x5 Prying Goblet Squats (18 kg)
3x5 Bridges
3x5 Halos (18 kg)

4x10 two-handed kettlebell swings (28 kg)
6x10 one-handed (5R/5L) kettlebell swings (28 kg)

Swing pattern: 2H, 5R/5L, 5L/5R, repeat. End on 2H for Set 10.

5x1 TGU (28 kg)

Early morning session (about 12 hours after my last session). I had to crank up the music on my headphones going into swings as I was still feeling rather sleepy.

3x5 Prying Goblet Squats (18 kg)
3x5 Bridges
3x5 Halos (18 kg)

4x10 two-handed kettlebell swings (28 kg)
6x10 one-handed (5R/5L) kettlebell swings (28 kg)

Swing pattern: 2H, 5R/5L, 5L/5R, repeat. End on 2H for Set 10.

3x1 TGU (28 kg)
1x2 TGU (18 kg)

Note: I was rushed at the end so I modified the TGU weight.

EDG Cycle

Time: 51:52 (mins:sec)
Distance: 17.92 Miles

Avg. Power: 173 Watts
Avg. RPM: 79 RPM
Avg. Speed: 20.73 MPH

Max Power: 348 Watts
Max RPM: 120 RPM
Max Speed: 27.08 MPH

3x5 Prying Goblet Squats (18 kg)
3x5 Bridges
3x5 Halos (18 kg)

4x10 two-handed kettlebell swings (28 kg)
6x10 one-handed (5R/5L) kettlebell swings (28 kg)

Swing pattern: 2H, 5R/5L, 5L/5R, repeat. End on 2H for Set 10.

5x1 TGU (28 kg)

I timed myself this morning to see where I was at. My goal was to do swings and TGUs under 10 mins. I didn't try and hurry myself; just tried to see where I was naturally.

Swings: 9:41 (Min:Sec)
TGUs: 11:14 (Min:Sec)
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3x5 Prying Goblet Squats (18 kg)
3x5 Bridges
3x5 Halos (18 kg)

4x10 two-handed kettlebell swings (28 kg)
6x10 one-handed (5R/5L) kettlebell swings (28 kg)

Swing pattern: 2H, 5R/5L, 5L/5R, repeat. End on 2H for Set 10.

5x1 TGU (28 kg)
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3x5 Prying Goblet Squats (18 kg)
3x5 Bridges
3x5 Halos (18 kg)

4x10 two-handed kettlebell swings (28 kg)
6x10 one-handed (5R/5L) kettlebell swings (28 kg)

Swing pattern: 2H, 5R/5L, 5L/5R, repeat. End on 2H for Set 10.

5x1 TGU (28 kg)

Experienced quite a bit of right forearm pain going from bottom of the lunge to top and from bottom of the press to parking the bell. I just could not get a good comfortable position in my right hand today. I can do the TGU movement but the forearm pain is distracting.

I'm traveling today and into next week so I don't know what will be available for me to use while I'm out there.

3x5 Prying Goblet Squats (18 kg)
3x5 Bridges
3x5 Halos (18 kg)

8x10 two-handed kettlebell swings (28 kg)
2x10 one-handed (5R/5L) kettlebell swings (28 kg)

5x1 TGU (28 kg) (Note: 1 partial for the right arm on the 2nd set)

Back into the swing of things after my travel. Like I expected, workout equipment was limited and I only really ended up working out 3 out of the 7 days I was gone.

I left my bag of chalk at home so the bell felt too slippery when I was going one handed. I'm not sure how some folks say they don't need the chalk as I feel the bell slipping around even if I'm concentrating on an iron-clad grip. I ended up doing the rest of the practice doing two-handed swings. This was challenging enough as I wasn't feeling 100%.

During my 2nd set of TGUs on my right hand side, I was going from the bent press position to the bottom of the lunge position when I lost control of the bell. The bell moved further to the left at the lunge position and I felt the bell's center of gravity pull my body out of place. I was able to set the bell down without hurting myself. I took a few mins to refocus my mind and continued with my TGUs.
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EDG Cycle

Time: 50:42 (mins:sec)
Distance: 16.48 Miles

Avg. Power: 149 Watts
Avg. RPM: 78 RPM
Avg. Speed: 19.51 MPH

Max Power: 283 Watts
Max RPM: 121 RPM
Max Speed: 25.11 MPH

I did not feel very good this morning. I was extremely groggy and out of it going to the gym and the entire ride was a challenge.
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3x5 Prying Goblet Squats (18 kg)
3x5 Bridges
3x5 Halos (18 kg)

4x10 two-handed kettlebell swings (28 kg)
6x10 one-handed (5R/5L) kettlebell swings (28 kg)

Swing pattern: 2H, 5R/5L, 5L/5R, repeat. End on 2H for Set 10.

5x1 TGU (28 kg)

3x5 Prying Goblet Squats (18 kg)
3x5 Bridges
3x5 Halos (18 kg)

2x10 two-handed kettlebell swings (28 kg)
8x10 one-handed (5R/5L) kettlebell swings (28 kg)

Swing pattern: (2H, 5R/5L, 5L/5R, 5R/5L, 5L/5R) 2 Times

5x1 TGU (28 kg)

I felt ready to add a couple more one-handed swings into my practice. They are still challenging but adding more will challenge my grip and swing (and hopefully get stronger).

I had a revelation with my TGUs today. For the longest time, I've been concentrating on making sure my wrist and arm were straight and perpendicular to my body. However, as the weight got heavier, I should have been concentrating on the center of mass (COM) of the bell itself. It's a subtle difference but I found that when I align COM perpendicular to my body, I instantly felt no pain in my right wrist and felt like I could hold the weight forever.

I think it took my brain a long time to figure this out since during my 5x5 Stronglifts training with a barbell emphasize centering the bar as the COM is approximately dead center to the barbell.

3x5 Prying Goblet Squats (18 kg)
3x5 Bridges
3x5 Halos (18 kg)

4x10 two-handed kettlebell swings (28 kg)
6x10 one-handed (5R/5L) kettlebell swings (28 kg)

Swing pattern: 2H, 5R/5L, 5L/5R, 5R/5L, 5L/5R, 2H, 5R/5L, 5L/5R, 2H, 2H

5x1 TGU (28 kg)

I had planned my swing to follow my swing pattern from 3/2/17 however my swings got progressively weaker after each one-handed set. I'm not sure what happened other than fatigue.

3x5 Prying Goblet Squats (18 kg)
3x5 Bridges
3x5 Halos (18 kg)

2x10 two-handed kettlebell swings (28 kg)
8x10 one-handed (5R/5L) kettlebell swings (28 kg)

Swing pattern: (2H, 5R/5L, 5L/5R, 5R/5L, 5L/5R) 2 Times

5x1 TGU (28 kg)
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EDG Cycle

Time: 52:35 (mins:sec)
Distance: 16.9 Miles

Avg. Power: 147 Watts
Avg. RPM: 80 RPM
Avg. Speed: 19.3 MPH

Max Power: 284 Watts
Max RPM: 123 RPM
Max Speed: 24.4 MPH

3x5 Prying Goblet Squats (18 kg)
3x5 Bridges
3x5 Halos (18 kg)

2x10 two-handed kettlebell swings (28 kg)
8x10 one-handed (5R/5L) kettlebell swings (28 kg)

Swing pattern: (2H, 5R/5L, 5L/5R, 5R/5L, 5L/5R) 2 Times

5x1 TGU (28 kg)

3x5 Prying Goblet Squats (18 kg)
3x5 Bridges
3x5 Halos (18 kg)

2x10 two-handed kettlebell swings (28 kg)
8x10 one-handed (5R/5L) kettlebell swings (28 kg)

Swing pattern: (2H, 5R/5L, 5L/5R, 5R/5L, 5L/5R) 2 Times

5x1 TGU (28 kg, 32, 32, 28*, 28)

I had access to the 32 kg this morning and decided to see how I could handle it. The weight felt comfortable in my left hand and I could do the movement with little problem. The right side gave me some trouble (story of my life). I spent quite a bit of concentration and time making sure that I kept the COM over my shoulder. I jumped back to the 28 kg after set 3 however I failed on my right side from lunge to standing. I must have not stayed tight enough and the weight shifted to the right and off center. I had to set the weight down. But overall, I felt really good about today's practice.

3x5 Prying Goblet Squats (16 kg)
3x5 Bridges
3x5 Halos (16 kg)

3x10 two-handed kettlebell swings (16 kg)
1x20 two-handed kettlebell swings (16 kg)
6x10 kettlebell snatch (16 kg)

5x1 TGU (16 kg)

Took an "easy" day today and had fun with the bell by trying snatches.

3x5 Prying Goblet Squats (18 kg)
3x5 Bridges
3x5 Halos (18 kg)

2x10 two-handed kettlebell swings (28 kg)
8x10 one-handed (5R/5L) kettlebell swings (28 kg)

Swing pattern: (2H, 5R/5L, 5L/5R, 5R/5L, 5L/5R) 2 Times

5x1 TGU (28 kg)
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