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dnguyen411's Training Log

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Morning Run

Distance: 2.53 miles
Time: 27:11
Avg. Pace: 10:44

Mile 1: 10:24
Mile 2: 10:52
Mile 2.53: 11:06

Quick morning run to practice for next week's Rock n' Roll 5K and 10K in Las Vegas.

3x5 Prying Goblet Squats (18 kg)
3x5 Bridges
3x5 Halos (18 kg)

10x10 two-handed kettlebell swings (28 kg)

5x1 TGU (28 kg)

3x5 Prying Goblet Squats (18 kg)
3x5 Bridges
3x5 Halos (18 kg)

10x10 two-handed kettlebell swings (28 kg)

5x1 TGU (28 kg)

Evolution Cycle

Time: 49:55 (mins:sec)
Distance: 17.35 miles

Avg. Power: 181 Watts
Avg. RPM: 80 RPM
Avg. Speed: 20.86 MPH

Max Power: 677 Watts
Max RPM: 148 RPM
Max Speed: 33.74 MPH

Our instructor had us doing 10 second sprints today. Otherwise, most of the ride was a combination of stamina and speed. We had one section of hills.
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3x5 Prying Goblet Squats (18 kg)
3x5 Bridges
3x5 Halos (18 kg)

10x10 two-handed kettlebell swings (28 kg)

5x1 TGU (28 kg)

Good practice today... off to Vegas to run in the Rock 'n' Roll 5K and 10K.
11/10/16 - 11/13/16

Trip to Vegas for the Rock 'n' Roll 5K and 10K. We did a lot of walking each day plus the two runs Saturday and Sunday.

11/10/16: 9.5 miles walking
11/11/16: 8.6 miles walking
11/12/16: 8.4 miles walking

5K Results (3.1 miles)

Time: 36:36
Avg. Pace: 11:47 min/mile

I wasn't going for a PR that day; I just wanted to enjoy the course and music. However, the course was extremely crowded. I had to do a lot of zig zagging in between folks.

11/13/16: 10 miles walking

10K Results (6.2 miles)

Time: 1:17:04
Avg. Pace: 12:25 min/mile

The weather conditions were a lot better this year. Last year, it was cold and windy; this year the temps were in the high 50s/low 60s with no wind. This was a pretty good run for me in spite of not really training seriously.

3x5 Prying Goblet Squats (18 kg)
3x5 Bridges
3x5 Halos (18 kg)

10x10 two-handed kettlebell swings (24 kg)

5x1 TGU (24 kg)

Eased back into practice.

3x5 Prying Goblet Squats (18 kg)
3x5 Bridges
3x5 Halos (18 kg)

10x10 two-handed kettlebell swings (28 kg)

5x1 TGU (28 kg)

My Wife suffered a knee injury and couldn't do her training session at the gym so I went ahead and took her training session. The training focus mostly on upper body including upper back, lats, bicep, chest, and bicep.

For each circuit, I had to alternate between the two exercises listed (i.e. Lat Pull, Seated Row, Lat Pull, Seated Row, etc.)

Circuit 1
3x10 Lat Pull (85 lbs)
3x10 Seated Row (80 lbs)

Circuit 2
3x10 Bicep Curl w/Holds (15 lbs) - I had to hold one dumbbell 90 degrees to my body while curling the other for 5 reps, switch hands and do the same on the other side.
3x5 Bench Press (115 lbs, 115 lbs, 95 lbs)

Circuit 3
3x10 In&Out Shoulder Presses (15 lbs)
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I was feeling sore from Saturday's training session with my Wife's trainer and had a difficult time with kettlebell practice today.

3x5 Prying Goblet Squats (18 kg)
3x5 Bridges
3x5 Halos (18 kg)

10x10 two-handed kettlebell swings (28 kg) - I got tired out 4 to 5 sets into the swings. Took a lot of effort and focus to get through the last 6 sets.

3x1 TGU (28 kg) - I had a really hard time on my left hand side. It was difficult to go from the initial press to elbow. Going backwards for both arms was also difficult.

1x2 TGU (18 kg) - Dropped the weight to complete my practice. I didn't feel safe using the 28 kg after the 3rd set.

Hopefully by Wednesday I'm recovered enough to go back to my normal practice.

Evolution Cycle

Time: 54:07 (mins:sec)
Distance: 19.7 miles

Avg. Power: 200 Watts
Avg. RPM: 77 RPM
Avg. Speed: 21.8 MPH

Max Power: 393 Watts
Max RPM: 110 RPM
Max Speed: 28.2 MPH

Concentration on power/strength.
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3x5 Prying Goblet Squats (18 kg)
3x5 Bridges
3x5 Halos (18 kg)

10x10 two-handed kettlebell swings (28 kg)

5x1 TGU (28 kg)

3x5 Prying Goblet Squats (18 kg)
3x5 Bridges
3x5 Halos (18 kg)

10x10 two-handed kettlebell swings (28 kg)

5x1 TGU (28 kg)

Evolution Cycle

Time: 47:15 (mins:sec)
Distance: 18.5 Miles ** See notes below

Avg. Power: 241 Watts ** See notes below
Avg. RPM: 80 RPM
Avg. Speed: 23.4 MPH ** See notes below

Max Power: 603 Watts ** See notes below
Max RPM: 118 RPM
Max Speed: 32.5 MPH ** See notes below

I'm pretty sure the bike I choose today was inaccurate. When I was pedaling lightly, it would say my speed was above 20 MPHs. I'm not sure if the battery low warning that appeared during my ride had to do something with it but in any case this particular bike needed to be recalibrated. I'm reporting my numbers here anyway but I would subtract 2 MPHs to the average speed and all other numbers (except for time and RPMs (pretty sure those were accurate)) accordingly (about 91.45%).
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3x5 Prying Goblet Squats (18 kg)
3x5 Bridges
3x5 Halos (18 kg)

10x10 two-handed kettlebell swings (28 kg)

5x1 TGU (28 kg)

3x5 Prying Goblet Squats (18 kg)
3x5 Bridges
3x5 Halos (18 kg)

10x10 one-handed kettlebell swings (24 kg)

5x1 TGU (24 kg)

3x5 Prying Goblet Squats (18 kg)
3x5 Bridges
3x5 Halos (18 kg)

10x10 two-handed kettlebell swings (28 kg) - Completed around 8.5 mins

5x1 TGU (28 kg): Completed around 10.75 mins

I decided to test myself today to see where I was at... still need more practice. The swings get tiring after the 4th set.

3x5 Prying Goblet Squats (18 kg)
3x5 Bridges
3x5 Halos (18 kg)

10x10 two-handed kettlebell swings (28 kg)

5x1 TGU (28 kg)

Evolution Cycle

Time: 50:02 (mins:sec)
Distance: ~17 Miles ** See notes below

Avg. Power: Unknown ** See notes below
Avg. RPM: Unknown
Avg. Speed: 20.3 MPH

Max Power: Unknown ** See notes below
Max RPM: Unknown
Max Speed: Unknown

I got too button mashing happy and deleted my results off my bike before I could record it. Other than the time, the numbers I recorded are approximates.
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