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Old Forum Force Recon

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Level 1 Valued Member

I've been following a modified Force Recon workout for around 3 months now. I'm very happy with the progress I've made.

Im male, 6ft, 180 pounds, 24 year old.

A week looks like this


Monday - Force Recon Day One

Tuesday - Hill Sprints

Weds - Swim 1k

Thurs - Force Recon Day Two

Friday - Run (1-6 miles - dice)

Saturday - TGU, Heavy Swings, Press Ups.

Sunday - rest


I can now do


Weighted pullups 5x5 with +20kg

Snatch 32kg - 124 reps in 5 sets

C + J 32kg - 84 reps in 10 mins

100 pullups in 9 sets


Has anybody else had success, or learned anything, from following Force Recon? I think it's such an effective programme, but am surprised at how infrequently i hear mention of it.



I've never heard of it... But it sounds something I'd be interested in trying. What is the website?


I found it.  I will try this next week.  Dude, your Snatching is sick! Keep up the good work!
Yeah, that's the one Sean. Thanks for the compliment Jaskot, all my numbers have improved, though there's a lot of room for improvement.

From what I've read Pavel created the Force Recon workout for a friend of his who was a Recon Marine, hence the name that he gave it.

It is designed as a 3 day workout, though I've modified it in order to fit in sprints/swimming without risking overtraining.

It's a great programme, which covers (nearly all the bases). I've added TGU's and heavy swings because I feel they are the bread and butter of kettlebell movements and help keep my shoulders/back healthy.

I'd be interested to hear Pavel's take on this workout too!
Next to double KB Clean and Jerks I absolutely love heavy Swings.  Curretnly I have a 32.  I want to get another heavy bell, but I am torn between another 32 or moving up to the 36 or 40.  Thoughts?

Also, When you do the Pull-Up and clean and Press what are your rest periods like?"  Between the Pull-Up and the CnP and then the next set as well?  Is that standard for the Snatches to Leg raises as well?
This is the first time I'd heard of it but it looks like a great program. In addition to the questions above I'm interested to know how the swim feels. I've done some long distance swimming but find it difficult to make enough time to integrate it fully. I now find that when I swim for 30min its a great thing to do on off days. It gives me some cardio but I think it relaxes muscles too as long as I'm not sprinting full out. I suspect you use the swim for time but interested to hear more.
Jaskot, at the moment I take 60 seconds of rest betweem every set through the entire workout. It's a long workout, so I like to keep the rest short. Were I to increase the weight significantly, the rest periods would get longer...


Ward, I'm not a strong swimmer so I find that 1k is enough. I play it by ear. If I'm having a tough week then I'll take it easy, though I'll push it if I'm feeling great. I' not too bothered by times, swimming is just something I enjoy and am trying to improve at. As far as recovery goes, my shoulders are okay and I can manage the 100 pulllups the next day okay. I'm tempted to move the swim to Tuesday AM though...


Anybody else doing/tried Force Rec0n?
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