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Kettlebell "Giant 1.0"

How can you incorporate get ups into Giant 1.0 or Easy Muscle A C & P plan? Do them as warm up? Or on off days? I think get ups help shoulder health with the high volume of C & P?
How can you incorporate get ups into Giant 1.0 or Easy Muscle A C & P plan? Do them as warm up? Or on off days? I think get ups help shoulder health with the high volume of C & P?
I sometimes did them as part of the warm up, or on off days. I like training so it was a good thing to do on off days that wasn't clean and press but still fun.
How can you incorporate get ups into Giant 1.0 or Easy Muscle A C & P plan? Do them as warm up? Or on off days? I think get ups help shoulder health with the high volume of C & P?
I am a novice, but I have been doing the following and I highly recommend it:

Work day:
(warmup) 3x5 DFSQ at DC+P weight
(meat) The Giant DC+P

Off day:
(mobility) P3 protocol
(stability) Turkish get-ups - don't overdo it!
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How can you incorporate get ups into Giant 1.0 or Easy Muscle A C & P plan? Do them as warm up? Or on off days? I think get ups help shoulder health with the high volume of C & P?
I have done them as warmups and on off days.
How can you incorporate get ups into Giant 1.0 or Easy Muscle A C & P plan? Do them as warm up? Or on off days? I think get ups help shoulder health with the high volume of C & P?
You can do them as a warm up.

However, if you're doing C+P's correctly, they should help your shoulder health, not hinder it.

So, you may want to check your technique.
Thanks Geoff, will just do a few (or half get ups) as a warm up.
Also, that 1 bonus tip on SKS/P3 about squatting is gold.
I went from not being able to do goblet squats without pain the past few years to being able to do them again.
So I've started Giant 3.0 with 2x24kg bells.

Doing 20 minute sessions and on the day of singles did strict presses and got 9 reps. On the day with sets of 3 did push presses and managed 5 sets for 15 reps.

On the day of doubles coming up may try to do a strict press on the first rep and a push press on the second perhaps. Feels like I'll have perhaps 7 sets in the tank for 38 in the week.

Anyone else done 3.0 at this low volume? What sort of progress did you manage?
Just wrapped my second run of Giant. My running total of C&P reps with the two runs is at 11,104 over the last year ish beginning on 2/22/22.

Added in 1.05 (Easy Muscle Schedule A Phase 2) and it was a great addition. Currently running it:


I couldn’t touch the rep totals I was hitting with the 24kgs, but that was to be expected. I also had a lot of “flat” phases, meaning I didn’t continually PR like I did on the first run. What tended to happen was I would have a flat phase, then PR a bunch in the next and repeat. I also cut during this go round with good success, I cut twenty pounds from 1.0>1.05 and then bulked back up 10 with 1.1 and 1.2. 1.2 is still such an a#@ kicker, the reps of 9 would leave me drained and wreck my sleep if I wasn’t on top of my calories.

My gains were less so in the arms this run and way more in the shoulders and traps. My C&P form is feeling automatic, very little grinding and the catch into rack is smooth. My shoulders feel amazing, better than they ever did with CrossFit. No issues at all despite the volume, Geoff frequently says the press is healthy for shoulders and I would agree.

I am doing another 3kg jump to 30kg and continuing the journey. For whatever reason this seems way more daunting than the same jump from 24kg to 60#. Like I’m graduating to man sized weights or something lol. We will see how 3.0 goes, if need be I might add in 3.1 or 3.2

Before is from before I started Giant at all and after is about 10-15 pounds lighter.


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So I've started Giant 3.0 with 2x24kg bells.

Doing 20 minute sessions and on the day of singles did strict presses and got 9 reps. On the day with sets of 3 did push presses and managed 5 sets for 15 reps.

On the day of doubles coming up may try to do a strict press on the first rep and a push press on the second perhaps. Feels like I'll have perhaps 7 sets in the tank for 38 in the week.

Anyone else done 3.0 at this low volume? What sort of progress did you manage?
Been going with push presses for the sets of 3, strict presses for the singles and a rep of each for the sets of 2.

First week I got 36 reps. Second week I'm up to 43.

Can feel the Giant magic working, the cleans feel much easier already and I'm working hard on all the 1% improvements in form that I seem to be finding out with these heavier bells.

Great stuff. Hoping to comfortably hit 50+ reps in week 4 and then repeat with all strict presses.
Been going with push presses for the sets of 3, strict presses for the singles and a rep of each for the sets of 2.

First week I got 36 reps. Second week I'm up to 43.

Can feel the Giant magic working, the cleans feel much easier already and I'm working hard on all the 1% improvements in form that I seem to be finding out with these heavier bells.

Great stuff. Hoping to comfortably hit 50+ reps in week 4 and then repeat with all strict presses.
Running Giant 3.0 now with 2x28kgs. The 1-2 rep days I can manage okay. The 3 rep day was not happening with Double. I switched it to Single and I was able to get 7 sets per side. That was week 2. Slow and steady we go.
A quick suggestion, @MikeMoran :

Instead of switching to singles, perform sets of 3 using 2x C+P and 1x C+PP, using an active negative back to the rack.

Soon enough it'll turn into sets of 3x C+PP.
A quick suggestion, @MikeMoran :

Instead of switching to singles, perform sets of 3 using 2x C+P and 1x C+PP, using an active negative back to the rack.

Soon enough it'll turn into sets of 3x C+PP.
Hey Geoff! Actually what I found was that I needed about an inch more of a wider stance and after that the triples were very doable! Thanks for the tip though!!!
Lot's of great info in this thread. I'm excited to start The Giant 3.0 in a couple weeks. Going to run these with 2x24kgs since they're my 6 reps strict press max. Looking forward to seeing where I land after 3.0.

I'm on the last day of King-Sized Killer 1.0 and leaned out a lot (amazing what a ton of snatches does to the body). I lost about 7 pounds/3kgs and packed on some muscle. I became a big fan of the program that I wanted to run it back again with a heavier weight. But there was an email Geoff sent out a few days ago that mentioned switching exercises grinds to ballistics or ballistics to grinds to help with weight loss (along with proper nutrition). This got me thinking.

So instead of starting back with KSK 1.0 with a heavier weight, I'm jumping in The Giant 3.0 for a few weeks then getting back into KSK. Excited to see where this takes me.
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