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Kettlebell "Giant 1.0"

Has anyone else had issues with Cleans regression?

Ran through a cycle of C&P ladders then 3.0 which might have been redundant, my MP 2x28kg went from a forced 10rm to an easy 10 rep.. but my cleans have regressed..

My hands just quit after a couple rounds of cleans and swings are not any better.. squats just suck but think that’s just from not doing any for a month+
I haven’t had that issue, but I found Beyond the Basics 3 to be a great program for cleans. I did it after a month away from kettlebells to get back in the groove and it was great.
I haven’t had that issue, but I found Beyond the Basics 3 to be a great program for cleans. I did it after a month away from kettlebells to get back in the groove and it was great.
I’m going to take a week or so off and reassess.. I might just be burnt out.. my cleans and single arm swings have always been a problem due to a bum elbow..

or similar. Position them so that when you need to put the bell down they're nearby.


Week 3 Already done! This week is where I do 30 minutes of work and push myself but be careful of course.
20KGX2 Kettlebells
W3D1: 13 Sets Total of 65 reps
W3D2: 9 Sets Total of 54 reps
W3D3: 16 Sets Total of 64 reps

I feel very very good and extremely happy with my progress as this is the first time I do the giant or anything with double kettlebells. Next Week is gonna be of Medium difficulty as I drop down to 20 minutes of work like Week 1 and this will help my body to stay ready for Giant 1.1.
I am going to do 1.0 as of tomorrow. Slowly building back from minor shoulder issue, and looking to build back up to finish Sttong phase 3 with 2x24.

Plan is sets of 5 and 6 with a 16kg bell, and sets of 4 with a 20kg bell. Strict presses, just the one clean.

Have been kind of aimlessly training while rehabbing, so looking to have some structured training that will help my shoulder get back to full strength. Physio is fine with lighter weight pressing
The bad news. The last week of Giant 1.0 didn’t go to plan really. First session was ok, second session I was tired from a charity bike ride, so cut to 20 minutes, last session didn’t happen due to, well life.
The good news. I only missed one session out of the whole four weeks (see above).
I dropped almost 5lb (4.8lb to be precise). Although this was more likely due to being in calorie deficit, this was my plan. Nothing drastic, stopped eating biscuits at work, and was a bit more careful in general and made protein a priority.
Lost approximately 1 inch from my waist (very inaccurate measurement made by how much extra my belt tightens).
Biggest surprise has been my lats, who knew that double clean and presses would cause my lats to develop (well I guess Geoff knew).
For only four weeks I feel Giant 1.0 over delivers, thanks Geoff.
Roll on Giant 1.1
Just finished my last week of Giant 1.0 with double 20 KG kettlebells. This week is a deload so I did 20 mins of work and treated the workout differently from the last three weeks because I focused a lot about getting better at the C&P movement without focusing on getting more and more reps. Here are my reps for the week

W4D1: 8 Sets (40 Total reps)
W4D2: 6 Sets (36 Total reps)
W4D3: 10 Sets (40 Total reps)

The reps for this week were the same as week one only difference is it a deload week and focused on getting better. I also tend to hold the last rep of the last set of the workout for a count of 10. Next week I am doing Giant 1.1.
Second week now, zero shoulder issues through 18 sets x 5 with 2x16’s. Was going to go to 20 sets but thought I’d quit while I was ahead, I’m looking to get back to where I was, not break a record.

Sets of 4, I tried the single 20, shoulder got a little cranky, but not too bad. I think dropping the weight, and continuing to press has been a great idea. Better than flip flopping around different workouts waiting for the shoulder to get better. Still doing rehab etc

By the end I’m confident I’ll be back to double 24’s
Second week now, zero shoulder issues through 18 sets x 5 with 2x16’s. Was going to go to 20 sets but thought I’d quit while I was ahead, I’m looking to get back to where I was, not break a record.

Sets of 4, I tried the single 20, shoulder got a little cranky, but not too bad. I think dropping the weight, and continuing to press has been a great idea. Better than flip flopping around different workouts waiting for the shoulder to get better. Still doing rehab etc

By the end I’m confident I’ll be back to double 24’s
Had impingement for 9 months, was an idiot throughout which prolonged the recovery. Once I started passive hanging for 2-3 minutes per day (and going light with Landmine pressing and overhead pressing, I was back to normal within 3-4 weeks). I’ve been cautious to use my 32 kg again for presses. I’ve also realized for me, that push presses are WAY friendlier/safer than strict pressing. I’m running LCOD currently using clean and push presses and loving it. Shoulder is feeling healthier and healthier day after day. Once this run is done with 24kg, I’m running it with the 32kg.
Quick question for all of you guys I have previously done Giant 1.0 1.1 1.2 and 3.0. Do you usually do 2.0 after 1.2? or is it after 1.1?

It’s usually like this:




Reason being, the ladders help prepare you for the higher rep sets.

That said, I don’t see why you couldn’t do 1.0->1.1->1.2->2.0… if I were using singles, I would like this because by the time you’d hit 2.0, you’d likely be able to do the full ladders on each side non stop.
Had impingement for 9 months, was an idiot throughout which prolonged the recovery. Once I started passive hanging for 2-3 minutes per day (and going light with Landmine pressing and overhead pressing, I was back to normal within 3-4 weeks). I’ve been cautious to use my 32 kg again for presses. I’ve also realized for me, that push presses are WAY friendlier/safer than strict pressing. I’m running LCOD currently using clean and push presses and loving it. Shoulder is feeling healthier and healthier day after day. Once this run is done with 24kg, I’m running it with the 32kg.
Yeah, it’s annoying. It’s minor, but no way going to push through it and make it worse.

I had it in my left for over a year. Didn’t get worse and didn’t stop me pressing but was just annoying. Almost gone so I’m pretty happy.

I have rings and have been doing all sorts of rehab type stuff. Soon
It’s usually like this:




Reason being, the ladders help prepare you for the higher rep sets.

That said, I don’t see why you couldn’t do 1.0->1.1->1.2->2.0… if I were using singles, I would like this because by the time you’d hit 2.0, you’d likely be able to do the full ladders on each side non stop.
Oh that is great thanks for your reply I might consider starting 2.0 since I just finished 1.0 last week!
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