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Kettlebell "Giant 1.0"

@Kettlebellguy I would recommend running 1.1 and 1.2, that’s the biggest payoff of the program. I think you’ll get more from that then 3.0 with heavier bells and a decent shot that afterwards you can go straight to 1.0 with the 24s if you want to keep on Giant’ing.
Thanks for your recommendation I didn't think that it is possible to go straight into 1.0 with double 24s after doing 1.1 and 1.2 but that makes a lot of sense.
The biggest "payoff" of the Giant Program in my opinion is the higher rep clean and presses which kick so m e serious rear end! I wouldn't want to miss out on the 1.1, 1.2 or 2.0.

Of course, everyone's mileage may vary.
I only did 1.2 once with a single 20 KG and my mistake was that I pushed myself a little bit too much and got very very sore and painful muscle aches. I continued with the program but I had to monitor my sets and not try to push for more sets every workout regardless of how I felt which was a good lesson (AKA auto regulation !)
I only did 1.2 once with a single 20 KG and my mistake was that I pushed myself a little bit too much and got very very sore and painful muscle aches. I continued with the program but I had to monitor my sets and not try to push for more sets every workout regardless of how I felt which was a good lesson (AKA auto regulation !)
Did you just describe delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS)?
Did you just describe delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS)?
I had muscle pain in my upper body that I never had before and it was extremely painful and I had to take muscle relaxants. Nevertheless it was my fault and I learned my lesson and continued with the program but was smarter and stopped chasing PRS when my body wasn't prepared (autoregulation)
I joined the club! Yesterday, I had my first session of Giant 1 with 2x28s.

I was part of the Giant X beta test but I have never run the original The Giant. I plan to run 1 into 2 into 1.1 and then 1.2. I am interested to find out if the OG Giant lives up to the hype.

Here is to enjoying the next 16 weeks with you all.
End of Giant 1/Week 1.

The 20 minute sets feel like they go by so quickly. Really enjoying a three day a week program.

It's interesting how the 28k bells feel heavy during my first set. They seem to get lighter as I find my groove for the session.

Bring on Week 2!
End of Giant 1/Week 1.

The 20 minute sets feel like they go by so quickly. Really enjoying a three day a week program.

It's interesting how the 28k bells feel heavy during my first set. They seem to get lighter as I find my groove for the session.

Bring on Week 2!
Same for me blad51. Followed you over at Maximorum thread. The double 16’s feel oh so heavy on the first set. By the third they seem to be much lighter. I dont understand why but think of it as waking up the sleepy fibers. Best of luck on you're new program.
I joined the club! Yesterday, I had my first session of Giant 1 with 2x28s.

I was part of the Giant X beta test but I have never run the original The Giant. I plan to run 1 into 2 into 1.1 and then 1.2. I am interested to find out if the OG Giant lives up to the hype.

Here is to enjoying the next 16 weeks with you all.
I am quite the opposite I only had experience with the original Giant with a single bell and just did two phases with double bells as well. Can't wait for Geoff to release Giant X in the near future!
Same for me blad51. Followed you over at Maximorum thread. The double 16’s feel oh so heavy on the first set. By the third they seem to be much lighter. I dont understand why but think of it as waking up the sleepy fibers. Best of luck on you're new program.

Thanks!! Good luck to you in Maximorum!
I am quite the opposite I only had experience with the original Giant with a single bell and just did two phases with double bells as well. Can't wait for Geoff to release Giant X in the near future!

I did all 3 Phases of Giant X. It is such a great program. I am excited to compare my experiences with Giant X and The OG Giant.
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Finished up my third round with the 30kgs! Some observations/thoughts/etc.

*On basically every rep count, I lost one round compared to 60#. This was far less of a dip than I experienced going from 24kg to 60#, where I lost 20-30 reps off each rep count. I did somehow beat my PR with sets of 5 (which also beat my volume PR for any set count with the 60s) but that was an outlier.
*I am hitting less total PRs every cycle, I assume this is just because I’m more optimized than I was previously so I’m hitting closer to my potential on the opening round.
*This cycle my traps went crazy, from my perspective, they gained the most of anything.

Very excited to run with the 32s, the 60# and 30kg were a bit obscure weights and this is more of a benchmark. When I started Giant, I could only clean a single 32kg with my dominant hand, crazy gains in a year and a half. Still not only obsessed with Giant, but greatly enjoying it.

My wife cropped out my gut in the before and after shots, but it’s there lol. Before I was 230-240 currently at 245.


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Hi everyone,
I wonder after performing an RM test.
With 2x16kg I can do 13 nice repetitions, with 2x20kg 8 repetitions with difficulty on the last one.
With what weight to start Giant 1.0?
Or rather do Giant 2.0 with the 16kg before doing Giant 1.0 with the 20kg ?
What have you done before? If you haven't done much in the way of double C+P before, I reckon if you ran 1.0 or 2.0 with the 16kg then just by improving your technique you'll probably find your RM goes up with the 20kg.

If you own the Giant program, there is also a way to bridge between 3.0 and 1.0 by adding reps to 3.0, which is also mentioned in this thread somewhere.
After finishing Giant 1.0 to 2 with a single 20kg kettlebell would you recommend to start 1.0 with double 16kg kettlebells or doing giant 3 with double 20kg kettlebells?

I am asking because i found 16kg and 20kg on sale
After finishing Giant 1.0 to 2 with a single 20kg kettlebell would you recommend to start 1.0 with double 16kg kettlebells or doing giant 3 with double 20kg kettlebells?

I am asking because i found 16kg and 20kg on sale
Personally, if I'd just done 1.0 with the single 20, I wouldn't be going back to the 16kgs, I'd be going for the 2nd 20kg or even looking at a 24kg bell.
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