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Kettlebell "Giant 1.0"

I'd say after 1.2

1.0-1.2 require the use of the same kettlebells. Testing between, every 4 weeks I guess would be up to you, maybe doable if you're doing a reload week. I'm going straight though to the end of 1.2 before I retest.
Thank you. That makes good sense.

I just finished 1.0; i'm now going to do 2H swings for a week, maybe 2, and then go to 1.1.

My elbow is still sore enough that I'm doing cheat cleans on the right.

@Geoff Neupert stretch (referenced above; sitting crosslegged, compressing shoulders, arms straight behind, fingers out and spread, 30 breaths) has been really helpful.

I also got a massage and had him work on my sore tendon area. That really helped also.
Question about volume vs rep ranges:
I’m finishing up 1.0 and about to go on to 1.1. I’m not really looking forward to trying to do more or as many sets as I did for 1.0, but I am looking forward to big sets of 7 and 8 and the way they make me feel when I put the bells down. I like a big, beastly set followed by a nice rest. I don’t like looking at my set numbers and trying to keep up with my last workout while the clock ticks down. I’d imagine it’s tough to get more reps in 20 minutes when you’re doing sets if 8 because you have to rest more.

Does anyone here just sit back and enjoy the ride without trying to beat their numbers from the last cycle? I plan on doing 1.0, 1.1, and 1.2, and I want to enjoy the big sets. Then I’ll do 2.0. It seems like that’s the one for total volume. I’ll count my total reps then.
Question about volume vs rep ranges:
I’m finishing up 1.0 and about to go on to 1.1. I’m not really looking forward to trying to do more or as many sets as I did for 1.0, but I am looking forward to big sets of 7 and 8 and the way they make me feel when I put the bells down. I like a big, beastly set followed by a nice rest. I don’t like looking at my set numbers and trying to keep up with my last workout while the clock ticks down. I’d imagine it’s tough to get more reps in 20 minutes when you’re doing sets if 8 because you have to rest more.

Does anyone here just sit back and enjoy the ride without trying to beat their numbers from the last cycle? I plan on doing 1.0, 1.1, and 1.2, and I want to enjoy the big sets. Then I’ll do 2.0. It seems like that’s the one for total volume. I’ll count my total reps then.
That’s exactly what I learnt to do. I set my count down timer on my phone and then turn the screen off. Didn’t chase numbers , just did the work, stress free.
I should add, after 1.0 i employed the 20, 25, 30, 25 minute system (week 1, week2, week 3, week 4) as I noted that without counting I would get more reps per week due to the extra time per week.
This worked for me from 1.1, 1.2 and soon for 2.0. Your mileage may vary as we are all built and wired differently!
Question about volume vs rep ranges:
I’m finishing up 1.0 and about to go on to 1.1. I’m not really looking forward to trying to do more or as many sets as I did for 1.0, but I am looking forward to big sets of 7 and 8 and the way they make me feel when I put the bells down. I like a big, beastly set followed by a nice rest. I don’t like looking at my set numbers and trying to keep up with my last workout while the clock ticks down. I’d imagine it’s tough to get more reps in 20 minutes when you’re doing sets if 8 because you have to rest more.

Does anyone here just sit back and enjoy the ride without trying to beat their numbers from the last cycle? I plan on doing 1.0, 1.1, and 1.2, and I want to enjoy the big sets. Then I’ll do 2.0. It seems like that’s the one for total volume. I’ll count my total reps then.
I never tried to increase from one BLOCK to the next. Never even occurred to me to think about it. I was just trying to survive the big sets.

I always tried to increase from one WEEK to the next WITHIN a block though.

Always stayed with 30m.
Question about volume vs rep ranges:
I’m finishing up 1.0 and about to go on to 1.1. I’m not really looking forward to trying to do more or as many sets as I did for 1.0, but I am looking forward to big sets of 7 and 8 and the way they make me feel when I put the bells down. I like a big, beastly set followed by a nice rest. I don’t like looking at my set numbers and trying to keep up with my last workout while the clock ticks down. I’d imagine it’s tough to get more reps in 20 minutes when you’re doing sets if 8 because you have to rest more.

Does anyone here just sit back and enjoy the ride without trying to beat their numbers from the last cycle? I plan on doing 1.0, 1.1, and 1.2, and I want to enjoy the big sets. Then I’ll do 2.0. It seems like that’s the one for total volume. I’ll count my total reps then.
Yeah I wouldn't compare total volume of reps between blocks. Sets of 8 are a different beast all together and the reps should vary accordingly I would think.

You said it best, sit back and enjoy the ride!
I should add, after 1.0 i employed the 20, 25, 30, 25 minute system (week 1, week2, week 3, week 4) as I noted that without counting I would get more reps per week due to the extra time per week.
This is my plan as well. I'm on my third week of 1.0 right now, tomorrow is sets of 6 for 30 minutes. I might even drop down to 20 for my last week, depending on how I feel.
I never tried to increase from one BLOCK to the next. Never even occurred to me to think about it. I was just trying to survive the big sets.

I always tried to increase from one WEEK to the next WITHIN a block though.

Always stayed with 30m.
That's good to know. I wasn't sure. It seemed a bit intense to me to think that I would need to increase total reps continuously.

I like the structure of 20/25/30/20 minutes each week, then you, in theory will increase reps each week except the deload and you don't even really need to count them.
Don’t worry about beating set numbers weekly. It’ll happen naturally over time. Just set timer and go. Tally each set as you go. If the timer sounds in the middle of a set, stop and mark those reps…

I.e. you did 9 sets of 6 and 3 reps into your 10th, the timer sounded. Just write:

9x6 + 1x3 (57 reps).

You’ll notice if you do this that you’ll naturally do more weekly reps/sets as time goes by with the odd week where you stall (sick, tired, stressed, etc…)
What I’ve found happens is that during the block I can barely PR whatever the highest rep set is, but at the start of the next block when a higher rep set is introduced I go PR crazy on it but my new top rep set stays stagnant. Then rinse and repeat when I increase again.

For example

Block one: 7 is largest rep set
Rounds of 7
Week 1: 9 rounds
Week 2: 8 rounds
Week 3: 9 rounds
Week 4: 9 rounds

Block two: 8 is largest rep set
Rounds of 7
Week 1: 9 rounds
Week 2: 10 rounds
Week 3: 10 rounds
Week 4: 11 rounds

Total volume decreased for me every block however.
On the topic of taking it easy, is the talk test enough recovery? Eg I'll say my whole address out loud.
When I ran the Giant last year, I rested until I knew I could complete the next set. From memory I'd have my breathing pretty much back to normal; it might have been Geoff that mentioned something along the lines of if you can do 5 good deep nasal belly breaths without dying then you are good to go - it's a simple metric that worked for me.
Hello everyone
Yesterday I bought Giant and today I put aside my original training plan and tried Giant. I did 105 reps with 2x20kg kettlebells to start with for 21 sets of 5 reps. I'm 60 years old, I think it's not that bad. I think I will continue the program. Regards.
Another really good metric (especially if you do different session lengths each week I.e. 20-25-30-20) is reps per minute.

Simply divide total weekly reps by time.

This way, even when you get less reps in a week because your sessions are shorter, your reps per minute will demonstrate progress..
I agree 100% John. I don’t think we should look @ clock or force reps to beat clock, BUT, I’m a big fan of tracking reps, total load, and reps for minute to use as metrics to gauge progress… I’m a numbers guy!

I particularly like how in times where the mirror isn’t reflecting much change, at least the numbers are.
Hello Everyone
I am very happy that I finished Giant 1.2 with double 20s two days ago! I did Giant 1.0 - 2.0 - 1.1 - 1.2 Back to back with double 20s. Here are my numbers from the final week (deload) which is (20:00) of work:

W4D1: 42
W4D2: 36
W4D3: 40

Now I took the last week easy because it is a deload week. I also didn’t post the numbers yesterday because I wanted to wait 48 hours before testing my RM with double 24s! When I started this 4 month Giant journey the double 20s were my 10RM and it was my first time ever doing the Giant with doubles because I only had singles mostly.

Today I tested my RM C&P with double 24s and just so you know I never ever tried to press the double 24s before so I don’t know how they would feel but I know that double 20s are my 10 RM. I went into the test guessing I would get 5 Reps or maybe 8 at most to be honest. I was really happy and surprised when I got 10 Reps !

So what next? Well I have maximorum but didn’t do it yet because now I don’t have the time to train 4 times a week because I do martial arts training as well. I purchased KSK a couple days ago because I wanted to change things up a bit and also purchased Giant X when it got out! (It is excellent btw). So I decided to start KSK tomorrow because I never did snatches in a program and I want to improve this lift and my technique as well. I will start with a 20 KG bell although I guess the 24 Should be my 7-8 RM but I don’t want to hurt myself because I am relatively new to this lift. After that I think it will be time for Giant X!

Thanks Geoff for the awesome programming and thanks to everyone for your help and support here.
TLDR: Giant 2 is over!! Half done with OG Giant!! Bring on Giant 1.1!!

I really enjoyed this part of the OG Giant. The ladders reminded me of the ladders from Giant X.

I learned something "new" during Giant 2: I have to pay attention to my technique and form while doing the high rep sets. (Proper technique and form is important in low rep sets too.)

Giant 2 was my first experience with high reps sets with bells that were my true 10 RM KBs. I was part of the Beta Test for Giant X. I used 2x24 bells for Giant X. I started Giant X after completing all 3 phases of Strong and the 24s were probably not my 10 RM bells. I say probably because I did not do a RM test with 24s after Strong. I think I was stronger than 10 RM with 24s when I started Giant X. (The 28s only became my 10 RM bells in June.) Regardless, I realize now that I could get by with less than perfect technique and form with the high reps of Giant X with the 24s because I was strong enough to fudge it a little.

With the 28s I have to concentrate on landing the clean portion of the DCP. If I have a clean with bad form, the press portion suffers and the whole lift is bad. With lower rep sets with 28s, I don't have to manage fatigue like I did during the high reps sets during Giant 2. During Giant 2, my best sets were sets where I concentrated on getting great from. (From the hike, to the hinge, to landing the bells gently on my forearms, to zipping up, to pushing my feet through the floor during the press, to my breathing, to the drop, to setting up the next lift.)

I am a little self conscious about what I wrote above. The "new" things I learned about the DCP during Giant 2 were all things that Geoff Neupert writes about in his instructions on how to DCP and demonstrates in his videos for the lift. The things I learned about the DCP are not "new" discoveries about the lift. They are merely "new" things to me. Neupert put the information out, I just wasn't ready to understand it yet until Giant 2 with my true 10 RM bells.

I did Giant 2 with 2x28 bells using the 20, 25, 30, 25 timing structure. Here are my totals for Giant 2:

Giant 2 totals: 43 ladders/600 lifts

Week 4 totals: 11.1 ladders/ 159 lifts
Week 3 totals: 12.2 Ladders/ 169 lifts
Week 3 over 2: 2.1 Ladders and 26 lifts
Week 1 totals: 9 Ladders/129 lifts

Giant 1 Totals: 133 sets/642 lifts

Week 4: 35 sets/169 lifts
Week 3: 38 sets/183 lifts
Week 2: 32 sets/155 lifts
Week 1: 28 sets/135 lifts
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Today I tested my RM C&P with double 24s and just so you know I never ever tried to press the double 24s before so I don’t know how they would feel but I know that double 20s are my 10 RM. I went into the test guessing I would get 5 Reps or maybe 8 at most to be honest. I was really happy and surprised when I got 10 Reps !

So what next? Well I have maximorum but didn’t do it yet because now I don’t have the time to train 4 times a week because I do martial arts training as well. I purchased KSK a couple days ago because I wanted to change things up a bit and also purchased Giant X when it got out! (It is excellent btw). So I decided to start KSK tomorrow because I never did snatches in a program and I want to improve this lift and my technique as well. I will start with a 20 KG bell although I guess the 24 Should be my 7-8 RM but I don’t want to hurt myself because I am relatively new to this lift. After that I think it will be time for Giant X!

Thanks Geoff for the awesome programming and thanks to everyone for your help and support here.

10 reps with the 24 is a huge achievement!! You should be very proud of yourself!!

10 reps with the 24 is a huge achievement!! You should be very proud of yourself!!
Thank you very much! To be honest a couple of months ago I thought of double 24s as a pair of bell that I would get to use in the distant future especially with C&P! I am glad I stuck with the Giant programming and didn’t stop after 1 or 2 phases. Stay strong my friend!
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