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Kettlebell Giant + King-sized Killer Review


I own both The Giant and KSK programs. So the idea of combining the two programs is very attractive. I am just not clear on how to do it. Do I do Giant 1.0 and then do Phase 1 of KSK. Then 1.1 Giant and then Phase 2 of KSK etc.

Or Geoff could release Maximorum to the public...... (Hahahaha!)
Personal preference and I imagine any way will reap similar results once you get to the end of your Giant/KSK phase.

What would you prefer out of alternating by workout, by block or by program?

I own both The Giant and KSK programs. So the idea of combining the two programs is very attractive. I am just not clear on how to do it. Do I do Giant 1.0 and then do Phase 1 of KSK. Then 1.1 Giant and then Phase 2 of KSK etc.

Or Geoff could release Maximorum to the public...... (Hahahaha!)
Block training would be slightly different than ABAB but i think @JamesPTA lays it out at the start of this thread. I think what you proposed would be how I approach it but don't know what would be optimal. Especially not being intimately familiar with the programs.
Personal preference and I imagine any way will reap similar results once you get to the end of your Giant/KSK phase.

What would you prefer out of alternating by workout, by block or by program?

Block training would be slightly different than ABAB but i think @JamesPTA lays it out at the start of this thread. I think what you proposed would be how I approach it but don't know what would be optimal. Especially not being intimately familiar with the programs.
Thanks fellas!

I am doing research on how to program the combination of Giant/KSK. I have some time to read before I choose how to proceed. I have 7 weeks left in The Giant X3. Then I plan another run of Kettlebell Burn Extreme. So I will be looking to start either Giant/KSK or Maximorum by June.
Hello everyone,

This is my first post here after lurking for a few months. I hear Geoff Neupert's programs are outstanding so I have decided to try this KSK + GIANT combo. I am currently a stay at home dad but will be returning to a full-time job soon, so the idea of 60-90 minutes of effective training a week is pretty appealing. I finished day 2 of KSK phase 1 earlier today. I feel great so far. Heavy snatches do seem to be "enough"!
Is there a difference between the KSK standalone and the one you find in the kettlebell express program?
I'm in the final week of Maximorum beta test and loved the combination of the 3 movements. Like this idea too but might miss doing the fronts squats.
You’ll be interested in KB Maximorum when it comes out. It is essentially this in a 4 day schedule plus front squats on press days.
Good Morning All,

Quick question for anyone who has run the GIANT and KSK in alternating blocks. I have been following the 20-25-30-25 minute per session per week set up and it has worked beautifully. I am wrapping up the 30 minute week (week 3) tomorrow. My question is if I am switching to KSK after week 4, should the week 4 deload still be honored if I am switching movement patterns the following week with KSK? Or would it be best to continue to try to improve in week 4? Any guidance or tips would be appreciated. Thanks everyone!
I’m going to start this combo in May. I finished the Maximorum beta test in February, spent March training for my PT test, and am doing Beyond the Basics 3 with 28s (four-week DCL program) to get back in the hinging groove. I’ll have to test my RMs before deciding which Giant program I start with. But I’m looking forward to the interleaving blocks.
Is this actually true? Because even Geoff advises working to an “RPE” type scale for different weeks in his Easy Muscle programs.
He also never schedules an in phase week deload in Giant, Easy Muscle, Beta X, Express or Express Ultra.

The RPE increases weekly in Easy Muscle and then resets in the next phase to increase weekly. RPE is also variable, depending upon life factors an RPE of 7.5 could be an RPE of 9 a different week.
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Directly from Giant. If this is too much to paste, lmk and I’ll delete.
Yes, an RPE of 9 today is different than tomorrow, but in both cases it’s an RPE of 9. I’m still operating at my near-max, I just can’t do as much at that level as on a different day.

Being told to deload or aim for a lower RPE makes me actually deload.
Good Morning All,

Quick question for anyone who has run the GIANT and KSK in alternating blocks. I have been following the 20-25-30-25 minute per session per week set up and it has worked beautifully. I am wrapping up the 30 minute week (week 3) tomorrow. My question is if I am switching to KSK after week 4, should the week 4 deload still be honored if I am switching movement patterns the following week with KSK? Or would it be best to continue to try to improve in week 4? Any guidance or tips would be appreciated. Thanks everyone!
Good question. This is probably something best answered by @Geoff Neupert; I have not seen this directly addressed before.

I alternated KSK with a 3-week double clean and jerk program; I did not use a deload week at the end of each block. My deload was the first week of whatever I switched to.
Yes, an RPE of 9 today is different than tomorrow, but in both cases it’s an RPE of 9. I’m still operating at my near-max, I just can’t do as much at that level as on a different day.

Being told to deload or aim for a lower RPE makes me actually deload.
Which Geoff doesn’t do in Easy Muscle, it’s escalating RPE every week of every phase.
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