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Kettlebell Heavy Kettlebell Halo's

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I've recently dropped the halo from my warmup. I've never really noticed too much help with the following press work. If I'm really tight I have found them somewhat helpful but right now the windmill is my go to mobility warmup drill.
This is smart - do the warmups you need, no point in doing the ones you don't.


My warm up, when I was doing S&S only was:
Some halos (really slow, from right to left then left to right), some deep goblet squats (also slow) and some push press(slow)

I agree with Steve Freides, you have to do the warm up you need, oriented to the training session you will do. I my cas, I had to prepare legs, arms, and shoulders flexibility.

Kind regards,

I dumped the halo yesterday with a 16 kg and went an armbar with a 12 kg. Felt fantastic after my S&S session both
yesterday and, more importantly, today after waking up.

Your mileage may vary.
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