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Bodyweight HLR vs Ab Wheel

I do both but see them as challenging in different ways enough that I could see people on either side. I was able to do quality ab wheel before I could do strict HLR.
IMO, kneeling ab wheel is easiest, then HLR, then standing Evil Wheel.

There are technique things to know about how to do both versions of the Wheel that, if properly executed, will make the exercise more effective - harder, but more effect (and since we train for the effect it yields ...)

IMO, kneeling ab wheel is easiest, then HLR, then standing Evil Wheel.

There are technique things to know about how to do both versions of the Wheel that, if properly executed, will make the exercise more effective - harder, but more effect (and since we train for the effect it yields ...)

Thanks, Steve. That is the answer I was looking for. Evil Wheel vs HLR was what I wanted to know, but forgot the terminology.
Thanks, Steve. That is the answer I was looking for. Evil Wheel vs HLR was what I wanted to know, but forgot the terminology.
IMO, kneeling ab wheel is easiest, then HLR, then standing Evil Wheel.

There are technique things to know about how to do both versions of the Wheel that, if properly executed, will make the exercise more effective - harder, but more effect (and since we train for the effect it yields ...)

Also, do you have a resource I can use to learn those techniques?

These are different moves:
HLR is a flexion exercise whereas the ab wheel is an anti extension.

Therefore, I would rather ask myself what is the most valuable move for my goal

Kind regards,

Also, do you have a resource I can use to learn those techniques?
I have posted about it here before - if anyone can find it, that would be a good starting point; otherwise, I'll write something up and try to post it in the next day or two.

I should also mention that Pavel's had, if memory serves, 3 ab books. Titles: Beyond Crunches, Bullet-Proof Abs, and Hard Style Abs. At least one of those talked about this. I think I have all three titles here - if I can find some time tomorrow, I'll see if I can dig up the part about the ab wheel.

I do both...

The kneeling ab wheel teaches you to use the hip and the abs as brakes..

When you build more hip mobility, you get to squeeze mo out of the HLR in my experience
Interesting! Can you say a bit more on this? I can’t do the kneeling version thanks to a few decades of running in poor form. (Well, I sometimes do on or two to demo for a student but then I have sore knees for at least a few days afterwards.)

Hip/hammie mobility and flexibility is my limiting factor in either case; I cannot execute these in anywhere near good enough form to be able to judge a preference and have to do either kneeling roll outs or “toes to bar” - distinctly without straight legs.
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