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Bodyweight HLR vs Ab Wheel

Hello @MikeL

Could this help you ?

Kind regards,


I will work this in to my new found focus on mobility. Since i blew out my SI joint in December I’ve been training round hip tightness and an irritating piriformis, keen to do anything that helps!
Titles: Beyond Crunches, Bullet-Proof Abs, and Hard Style Abs. At least one of those talked about this. I think I have all three titles here - if I can find some time tomorrow, I'll see if I can dig up the part about the ab wheel.
Bullet-Proof Abs is the one that has it, starting with page 50. The advice is to start with maximally rounded back and vertical hips, avoid arching/extending the spine or sticking your glutes back at any point, and do the concentric part by trying to round your back and pulling with straight arms. If you can't prevent your back from arching, you're not supposed to do it at all. (I'm not sure if posting the entire excerpt here is legal, but that's the gist of it).
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If flexibility is a limiting factor, one can still train the trunk flexion and bracing with this technique :

Kind regards,

Interesting! Can you say a bit more on this? I can’t do the kneeling version thanks to a few decades of running in poor form. (Well, I sometimes do on or two to demo for a student but then I have sore knees for at least a few days afterwards.)

Sure .

Since the rollout is an anti extension movement you have to learn to control the extension and I cue to dig the ab wheel hard to the ground..

Does the kneeling version hurt you even if you put padding on your knees??
Does the kneeling version hurt you even if you put padding on your knees??
@Brett Jones might remember the workshop of his in the Washington, DC area that I attended - it was on the getup. By the end of the workshop, I had to basically give up, having tried ever-increasing amounts of padding but nothing worked.

I've never bothered to discuss this with a doctor because I've worked around it for a few decades, but I believe that whatever padding is supposed to be on the inside of my kneecaps just isn't there any longer, or there's much less than there is supposed to be. I can do things that look like I'm on my knees, e.g., to sit in seiza position, because in seiza, there is no weight on my kneecaps. But things like half-kneeling, where the thigh is vertical, are where I have problems. If I get into half-kneeling position for even a single getup, I'll be sore for days afterwards. My right knee is worse than my left so, when I have to get closer to the ground, it's always left knee first for me now because I can tolerate a little pressure there, but the right knee will be painful immediately and, as I said, for days afterwards as well.

So it's good I can do standing wheel rollouts. :)

But I walk fine, can even manage a little of running now and then, and nothing else - powerlifts, deep squats, etc. - seems to bother my knees, hence my theory about where the padding must be missing.

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