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Honest Effort

Yesterday’s work:

3 minutes jumprope warmup
- DL
- Crossover high pull
- Quad Extension
- Incline benchpress
- Hammer curl

All holds done 10 seconds full on, 20 "reps" rapid relax/ 100% on, 20 seconds rest, 4 repeats.

Crunch variations interleaved with stretching.
I would ride a Valkyrie too. I once had a Shadow C2 American Edition and regret every spring that I sold it. Best bike I ever had. Reliable and beautiful.
Honda is reliable as it gets I think, I know of a dude with over 700,000 miles on his Valk.. same engine internals. My Valk is like a magic carpet ride :)
I started to save money to buy one. Don't tell my wife. Shh! Not a word...
There's a 97 red & white for sale here, hasn't run for 3 yrs and needs carbs done along with fork seals and clutch seal. 2300.. is what he's asking.. I want to get it but that would mean a quick divorce.. haha

It won't last.. 2000.. cash would buy it I suspect

There's a 97 red & white for sale here, hasn't run for 3 yrs and needs carbs done along with fork seals and clutch seal. 2300.. is what he's asking.. I want to get it but that would mean a quick divorce.. haha

It won't last.. 2000.. cash would buy it I suspect

In here Valkyries are around 7000-10000 € range and those are 40000-100000 km driven. Maybe next summer.
Recently have begun to modify the fine details a bit. Where I normally lean into the straps a little to increase tension, now I am lining up off center to the anchor points and exerting to make them more vertical.

I will post up some drawings or pics to illustrate. As an example, when doing OHP, I try to push out at the top as well as up. This increase in tension plus a slight forward lean straightens me up slightly. I then reduce the outward push while maintaining upward pressure and my body “falls” forward under tension. Push out to arrest the tilt and repeat.

For squat I lean back a little from the hip, making it more like a front squat. The tension slowly forces me more upright and into a regular back squat posture.

Muscle length doesn’t change much, but it sure feels like it does. The jolt when I tilt back to max tension is really challenging. Feels great.
3 minutes jumprope warmup
- DL
- Crossover high pull
- Quad Extension
- Incline benchpress
- Hammer curl

Changing up my timing scheme, adding TUT as I go.

All holds done 10, 15, 20, 25 seconds full on, 10 "reps" rapid relax/ 100% on, 20 seconds rest, 4 repeats.

Crunch variations interleaved with stretching.
Quick test today after doing jumprope HIIT- loaded pushups with 105lb bag. Managed 8 solid reps at about 188lbs bodyweight (still down a few lbs from having Covid).

This is the lightest I’ve been and hit that many reps at that loading. Have to go back and see if that’s a little off my numbers from late last year.
Doing ok Martin?

Never better! Just haven’t been updating my log since it reads the same as it has for months, exact same.

Dusted it off and have started using a Bullworker for my abs - LOL, I’ll let ya know how that works out. Am actually toying with training it as an experiment, would still have to do squat and DL on my iso-board, the Bullworker isn’t capable of challenging those movements at all.
Never better! Just haven’t been updating my log since it reads the same as it has for months, exact same.

Dusted it off and have started using a Bullworker for my abs - LOL, I’ll let ya know how that works out. Am actually toying with training it as an experiment, would still have to do squat and DL on my iso-board, the Bullworker isn’t capable of challenging those movements at all.
Great to hear man! Just making sure you're still alive :)
3 minutes jumprope warmup
- Squat
- OH press
- hamstring curl
- Row
- Triceps extension

Holds done 10, 15, 20, 25 seconds full on, 10 "reps" rapid relax/ 100% on, 20 seconds rest, 4 repeats.

Incorporating very aggressive lean into/away from all my holds with an overload eccentric “jolt” every few seconds (not counting reps).

Don’t think I could have used this approach effectively when I was starting out as I likely would have slacked on the rebound.

Abs and stretching. Using an old school Bullworker Classic for abs… darn thing works great.
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